Which linux distribution to start to learn

Discussion in 'Linux' started by MGadAllah, May 31, 2020.

  1. crayolaeater

    crayolaeater MDL Novice

    Jan 2, 2020
    If I am reading your request right, it sounds as if you need to learn how to administer a server that already exists and runs linux, yes?
    If so, the best linux distro to learn is the one that is running on that server. Along with the server components - ie Apache for instance.

    If it is for a future server that you want to run linux on, then I would guess that Debian server edition is probably the most stable, so go there.

    It seems that the majority if not all the suggestions above are for desktop systems, and while they share underlying basics with server systems, they are not what you need. The majority of server admins are CLI (Command Line Interface - ie like DOS) users, while a growing percentage have moved to the GUI mouse world. Both are linux, but they in terms of usage are worlds apart. CLI is quick, powerful, dangerous, and has a steep learning curve. GUI is CLI for dummies (myself included - so no flames please). Lower learing curve, less powerful, less dangerous.

    And find some copies of book dealing with systems and server management.
    -OReilly Linux System Administration
    -Beginning the Linux Command Line - Sander van Vugt
    (and can't recall the name of the book that prepares you for the certification tests - a must I would think)
  2. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    Go for it !!
    Most of the members who have posted in this thread do agree that Ubuntu is the best starting point, due to its very wide support base.
    As has also been said - getting the ISO of it & making a USB stick to liveboot it is very easy to do as a test of its usability for you, that way no changes need be made to your existing system in order to see if it suits your needs & desires.

    Best Wishes !!
  3. kyrcy

    kyrcy MDL Member

    Feb 25, 2020
    I recently tried Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop and I did not really like it. And liveboot was painfully slow!
  4. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    Given that (according to the site's stats...) this is Kyrcy's very 1st post in the Linux section, and all the others were in windoze sections...:
    It would seem an easy guess that this member is very strongly windoze-centered to start with.

    Regarding live booting & its factors, there are a great many factors to consider.

    As an example=>
    The very slowest booting one that I use - pretty much always via a USB3 port & stick is based on WinPE3 (Macrium Reflect) and it takes as long as 10 minutes to fully start.

    On the same exact h/w, any of my SystemBack liveboot medias take ~30 seconds to fully start into Ubuntu Mate.

    Also, I tried the boot media for Partition Wizard's recent WinPE3 based version - and it was so very slow & laggy that I've stuck with using my older Linux based version that boots quite quickly.
    (My boot times for GParted & PartedMagic are also very, very short.)

    Of course, since Kyrcy didn't care for Ubuntu anyhow, none of this except for the member's dismissal of Linux is likely very important here anyhow.

    Good thing that there are so many other folks who have tried Linux & found it to be very satisfactory.
    (Thereby perhaps showing that open-mindedness is optional ?!?)
  5. kyrcy

    kyrcy MDL Member

    Feb 25, 2020
    That was my experience with Ubuntu which I mistakenly though I should share. Everyone is welcome to try Ubuntu and agree or disagree with me. Your reply seems like a personal attack.
  6. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    Sharing info is always great !!
    Nothing in my reply was intended or aimed as any sort of 'personal attack';
    My intention is always to make sure to counter any strong bias that might discourage folks from such a (possibly) great experience.

    If this single experience results in dismissing an entire range of possibilities, that is also very sad.

    From what I've seen very few folks have similar complaints;
    It is also worth noting that different OSes & h/w have different boot times for installed OSes - whereas live booting (by comparison...) has good reasons for taking a bit longer if/when it does.

    One of the truly wonderful benefits of being a full-time Linux user (as compared with previously being a windoze user) is just how seldom any rebooting is needed for any reason.

    After literally spending decades supporting DOS, and then windoze users exclusively - while always keeping watch on (so-called...) alternate OSes, I (personally) now ONLY support Linux users - and every one of them is delighted to have left windoze behind.
    That list of folks even included an 88 y/o man who merrily turned his back on windoze after 2 decades using it and then used only Ubuntu until his last day upon this Earth.
    Granted, his needs were quite ordinary as compared with any power-user, but even as a total technophobe he was always impressed by how much more reliable & stable his Linux system was.

    Of course YMMV...

    Best Wishes to All !!
  7. kyrcy

    kyrcy MDL Member

    Feb 25, 2020
    Strong bias? Single experience? Says who?
  8. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    Yes, your entry here did describe what looks like a very strong bias in plain english no matter how I read it.

    Should you desire to make yourself quite clear, then please do so - but thus far the only impression here that this member sees is one of anger and disdain.

    Aside of that, my reply very clearly says -IF- so=>
    -IF- you have actually tried making genuine uses of many different distros, no such impression was rendered here nor via looking at your posting stats to see if you had posted about other attempts at using Linux - but there was no visible sign of that here within the 3 page listing of your posts.
  9. kyrcy

    kyrcy MDL Member

    Feb 25, 2020
    #32 kyrcy, Jul 23, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2020
    Yes, I tried other distros and no, I did not post about these experiences here. Anger and disdain? Learn to accept the opinion of others.
  10. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    The only definite clarity here from this member:
    Conforms to the very thing he accused this member of - a personal attack - but not even a scrap of helpfulness or encouragement for anyone, sadly.
  11. kyrcy

    kyrcy MDL Member

    Feb 25, 2020
    You can write whatever you want. Anyone can try Ubuntu, but nobody is obliged to like it.
  12. Employee_2-4601

    Employee_2-4601 MDL Novice

    Jul 24, 2020
    I'd recommend either Ubuntu, PopOS or Mint if you wanna feel like home.
    Unneeded console commands for all of them, updates are made via a GUI (what you actually point and click at).

    My personal preference is Pop_OS, which, albeit is "yet" another fork of Ubuntu, is very well polished and is minimalist ; by default you only have minimal software (Firefox, LibreOffice, Geany).
  13. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  14. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014
    Well I've Never seen a Troll like @smallhagrid get so "Triggered" at someone posting their opinion dat dey didn't like a certain Linux Distro o_O I also viewed his comments as a PERSONAL ATTACK on You :mad: Pretty much boils down to the attitude on most Linux Forums dat drives away newbs :mad:
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  15. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    Just more (actual) anti-linux nonsense from an M$ fan - and oddly enough...who might this be:
    So it is not even possible to factually verify the likelihood that this member is M$-centered with what is also likely to be almost zero interest in ANYTHING Linux...except to bash Linux lovers, of course.