Currently running 'Home' but... forced 'device driver' updates is a potential deal breaker for me. It'd be a shame if I had to ditch Windows 10 for Windows 7 because of this. I've received 3 driver updates so far: (a) Synaptics SMBus driver (b) Intel HD Graphics: (c) AMD Driver: 15.200.1046.2
I will get Enterprise LTSB/MCS as soon as it's available. Running pro now, but ltsb seems like the "Ultimate" version to me
I take it you can choose which to clean install after the upgrade? have Pro WMC atm, but will use Pro N if i can, else Pro.
At first, Pro, probably in the Insider Fast branch. If it remains extremely prone to issues, I will install EnterpriseS / LTSB and upgrade once a year using official ISOs. I'm not entirely sold on WaaS, and LTSB gives you access to the old servicing stack paradigms of the Service Pack era. If KMS protocol isn't changed and Windows 10's issues become minimal for me, then I'll probably end up with Enterprise non-LTSB since I want the granular UX control that isn't offered in other SKUs. I will use Pro at first though, since I own only Windows 8 MSDN licenses, and Windows 7 Ultimate MSDN licenses and want to legitly upgrade them all.
Pro x64 on both my PC's with WiFi set to metered connection so as not to DL updates and Portable Update to install updates manually
yea works perfectly with the WiFi dose not DL updates at all in metered mode but still allows you to search for them
Windows x64 10 Pro or Enterprise + any good activation I have windows 7 key. But I do not like the OEM activation on W10, I want to be able to change hardware without activation problems.
This could solve the issue. If someone develops a software to mimic Ethernet connections as metered connections.