Home version. Would like to have Enterprise options for updates, but I'll see how this goes. If updates break stuff more than fix then I'll propably get Enterprise. I really do not like how the updates are handled, but I understand why they are done like this. They could have given a "experts only" choice to updates with all the nasty warning labels that would scare normal everyday joes away
Actually, I'm more curious as to what Enterprise features people on MDL use...like bitlocker and stuff? Do those enterprise features have any benefits for home users?
It's simple really... I choose 'Home' because it suits my needs. Mine is typical home PC -- used primarily for gaming, media playback, surfing the web, maybe some word processing/image editing here and there... Why opt for Enterprise or Pro when I'm not going to be using Enterprise-level features..? Each to his/her own I guess.
Enterprise LTSB/MCS because I want control over updates. Updates have crashed and corrupted my installs too many times before for me to be satisfied with auto updates.
I'm going to use the server version of Windows 10. It still has the DirectUI Startmenu & Shell. I absolutely hate XAML.
Yes! That would be great! The creator of StartIsBack already got the old startscreen back, but never released it
Pro and Home, because I have legit 8.1 Pro with WMC, 7 Professional and 7 Starter (on different PCs).
Enterprise. I am counting on that MS will fix what they f**ked up on build 10240 in the next build. Windows 10 was very fast and stable until this build. Even that first leaked build I think 10074 that Gabe said was not stable ran better then this one.
None. Even for free, IMHO it's too soon to jump on the Windows 10 bandwagon. But I do enjoy a good soap-opera, so, I really enjoyed all of the drama and bickering about Win 10 activation. :MJ