How much for the Education-Version ? Does the Uni have to be part of it or is it enough to be a student to be able to get it ?
I'm not sure, but for win8.x all the offers had you proving you were a student, so likely sold at student stores on campuses.
After like 3 years I still haven't been bored enough to buy a windows store app. They just seem like kids toys.
Thanks for the info ! I may try to get it for my wife, as she does a part-time study beside her full-time job.
I probably will use Windows 10 IoT Enterprise or Pro, when it'll be available in Dreamspark Standard. It based on Enterprise edition, so i'll vote for Enterprise (hope it based on LTSB, thought)
that one with vote its very good move look like competition pro vs enterprise..lets see what edition win xD
Pro - period - on my desktop, Mom's AIO, and both notebooks. Only in Mom's case would it be an upgrade (she has 8.1 Core; however, she has an unused license of 8.1 Pro from the desktop that the AIO replaced, so I'll use that license instead of the existing license for the AIO). There are no advantages to Enterprise for either of the notebooks, or either of the desktops (over Pro); however, the newer of my notebooks, Mom's AIO, and my desktop all support Hyper-V - hence any version below Pro would be a downgrade.
The really useful (at least to me) Store apps are still the free ones; however, the same is just as true of the apps on Google Play or the iOS App Store. (And yes - I DO have an Android tablet, in addition to running BlueStacks, so I actually do have a basis for comparison.)
I will use four copies of Pro (Updating from dreamspark licenses) and two copies of Home (updating from oem)
I will used Windows 10 Home and Pro x64 with Windows Update Service Disabled and install Windows Updates Manually. At the time i used Win 8.1 Pro x64.
I'm gonna use Home Single Language since I have 8.1 SL atm but curious about the fresh install/activation step, I guess my SL key will be upgraded to win 10 so when I use a media creation tool, I won't have to use my key manually but automatically from bios, lets see in two days
Hmm, iirc the LTSB of Enterprise isn't different to the normal (feature-wise), only the Long Term Support is additional. Questioning myself what some expect from using it ... that support ?
Enterprise now and in past. Also in Win7 I never used ultimate but enterprise. Murphy tells that use N version.... Can reproduce all medias with a codec pack, or the missing of WMP and codecs can give some problems ? Thanks in advance for reply.
Dunno. I use vlc media player for video because it can crop movies to 16:9, but I don't play music on my computer. If you play music, it could require a codec or something.