@abbodi1406 any new stuff that you found worth adding to your previous scripts for new Windows 10 2004 version?
I have just started to use MSA and Hello PIN to login, so I had to enable a few, but it still runs pretty light. 4GB is used by ramdisk, so only 1,4 GB RAM usage, 50 processes, 33 services and no noticeable CPU/HDD/NET activity.
Off topic here, but is there a similar thread like this one but for "Tasks"? I noticed UNP (RunUpdateNotificationMgr) is back... which I had to disable in Task Scheduler just now and also uninstall (Delete!) the UNP folder that was secretly installed to my "C:\Program Files" location. Thanks MS for installing s**t I asked for!!! /endrant
@quakze All looks good btw, setupcomplete.cmd should be ran normally from current user, not TrustedInstaller
Can someone provide me service to disable after i installed window 10 ltsc and provide group policy too if u have it?? I dont want to disable windiws update . For information: i play game alot so dint give me services which can brake my gaming thing.. Thabks in advance.
When I run the _Win10-BlackViper.bat from madbomb122's script all I get is a command prompt window that flashes and goes away. Tried running as Admin and as TrustedInstaller, same result