Clean as in downloaded from Microsoft. But you are right, the IR5-part of Trilogy is not working - yet? You have to stay with rearm, as sebus wrote. I've asked in the Trilogy thread if WHS 2011 could be included in IR5. Trilogy do work - but you must substitute your install key instead of the one used in the line with "ServerHomePremium".
The link you provided is for FULL Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 I think it is very unfortunate that MS called another product the same name with Essentials addition in a name That one (Essentials) is simply a bigger brother of WHS and I think it does NOT have anything to do with BIG WSS2008R2 WSS2008R2 IS Server 2008R2 (as base) PLUS the Storage Server 2008 R2 add-on It is licenced AS Server 2008 R2 & the Storage does NOT require anything else (different then previous versions) Yes, ISCSI target can be installed on plain Server 2008 R2 file dedup must come from the Storage Server R2 add on (sorry, do not know which .msu might do it) sebus
My bad indeed. That’s the first one to come up if you Google for Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials That’s new M$ initiative. Nobody should know exactly, what’s the difference between similar products different names. Plus different products should be called similar names. Above will generate extra calls to sales reps. They will try to sell you more expensive version(s) than you need actually. That’s should be nice add-on, if it really works. It wasn’t that many dedup solution in the market about a year or two ago. Anybody recall if M$ bought some dedup company or wrote it from scratch (I doubt it )?
That was SIS (Single Instance Storage)… IMO, it does dedup on file level only. I thought M$ rolled out block level dedup for 2008 R2. I might be very well mistaken tho.
I was discussing the use of WSSE 2008 with a small business owner. Their business has more than 25 computers. But, that is not really my issue even. As i understood , the machines are not at the same site. Brainstorming pros and cons before purchase... Does anyone know how 'strict' the 25 user limit is??? Does it imply 25 users on one domain or is it any way flexible..?? Would be nice to know from those who have tried or tested it.
It's strict. However, you *may* be able to have users share accounts, but I'm not sure how that would work on a domain. With my copy of WHS, I create generic accounts for the different groups of family and friends and have a few share each account (the limit is 10 accounts). They are able to be logged on at the same time using one account.
Could someone provide the default key that comes in the WHS 2011 install if you don't enter one during setup? I used "" to force the D7TCH 2008 R2 key, which combined with the SLIC 2.1 bios and matching cert did activate (see thread "Windows Home Server VAIL Activation - 1 day remaining"), but I realized later that I could no longer add new PC's to the server afterwards. Thanks!
Everywhere I read is that WHS 2011 needs a ethernet connection. Is there no way that 802.11x can be the sole connection to the network? Can a hack be possible? I don't use the backup feature, so that's not an issue.
So what do you use it for? File sharing via wireless? Media streaming via wireless? Kind of completly pointless IMHO sebus
Wireless Access to a Wired Only Device There is one option you can use to Get Wireless Access to a Wired Only Device, I've done this method myself to save having wires everywhere in an awkward place. if you have a wireless router with Repating Function, Bridge Mode or WDS your set all you need then is a cheap Router from eBay, like a Netgear WGR614v9 with latest firmware loaded, which is what i used, it was given to me so i used that for my project, you can pick them up for about a £5.00 -£10.00 Pounds you then just Enable Repeating Function or WDS on the 2nd Netgear Router or if its a different model it might be called Bridge Mode, Repeating Function or WDS this sets the 2nd router up as a repeater and can extend the wireless range too then you have the 2nd router plugged into the Home Server 2011 hey presto you have wireless to the computer, or you can have the 2nd router plugged in anywhere where you want a Internet or Network connection note that if you do get a netgear wgr614v9, most of them are ex VirginMedia Model's and have virgin firmware that wont have the WDS feature on and you will need to perform a little trick to get the Latest Netgear Firmware loaded on it it pretty simple to do, there are guides around but if you don't want to bother messing with firmware it may be best to go with a different router model Setting this Wireless Repeater up is pretty easy, here's a little guide in the Repeating Function, WDS or Bridge Mode Settings on Router 1 (AP)you give it the LAN MAC Address of Router 2 (repeater) then Repeating Function WDS or Bridge Mode Settings on Router 2 (repeater )you give it the LAN MAC Address of Router 1 (AP) Each router must have a different LAN ip address like Router 1 - - (Access point) Router 2 - - (Repeater) Router 1 - Dhcp - On (Dhcp range something like to or anything above Router 2 - Dhcp - Off Also have the same SSID Network Name and PassPhrase on Both Routers (although this may not be necessary but makes things easy also easy for wireless devices to connect) also note you may be limited to using WEP security encryption, depending on router models Hope this might help a few people.
Or you could use DD-WRT on a router like the Linksys WRT54G or the WRT320N and set it up as a wireless repeater bridge. Just do a google search for wireless repeater bridge and click on the first result. Also, the cool thing about the WRT320N is that it can be hacked to run as the newer (and more powerful) E2000 router. Do a search for Jiggy's guide on How to mod Cisco/Linksys WRT320N to E2000. Enjoy!
Thanks racky29 & VoXiE, lol I actually do have a DD-WRT router set to wireless bridge mode. I use it on the occasion that I need to extend the range of the main wireless AP. That is definitely an option, the drawback is that in wireless repeater bridge mode, the bandwidth is cut in half. I was hoping that there was something in WHS 2011 that can be hacked, but it doesn't sound like it. I guess I'll stick with WHS v1 a bit more. Thanks again.