Just courious, what do you use it for in such way? Obviously it must be pretty useless (speedwise) for anything useful? sebus
For backup only - of three laptops and one desktop - the night is long enough. Movies etc. is on the WS 2008 R2 behind my TV. With Hyper-V you hardly miss the drive extender in WHS v. 1.
What do you mean - always on or the backups taking too long? Anyway, you probably would rather waste your money on wine and women. I don't pay for my electricity myself, so I have carefully monitored my consumption over a couple of month. It is 3-4 Euros a week for this computer - and I can live with that.
Troels, Out of curiosity, if you compare laptops / desktop backup over the wire vs. wireless, what is extra power consumption in % in the latter case? I do know for sure, my netbook run ~25-30% longer if I turn wireless off and use regular Ethernet (providing it’s available ) I do turn all my PCs off nightly because of $$$, but my friend doesn’t - he lives in the government subsidized apartment )
I can't answer that, I just monitored the consumption of 3 laptops and 3-4 desktops 24/7 (sleep allowed except for the server) and arrived at 20-25 Euros pr. month maximum. But the main reason for a computer not booting is that you shot it down previously IMHO.
Always on is fine (as long as it is low energy server with spin down drives) But having extra machines on for the whole night only to do tha backup? It is not all down to money, money comes & goes, it is disposable. Think the planet! sebus
Even though I don't like the way sebus previously expressed his opinion (sorry for that ) I have to agree with him. IMHO it's a 99.9% electricity waste and 0.1% anything else. It's the same with water, save all you can, while you can
It is nice to know you are doing something right, that's true. But how you handle energy and water will not matter - think the Americans and the Chinese! Did you miss that WHS is set up to backup during the night - maybe because ordinary computers are useless during backup. But then WHS is an American product, of course.
Well it has been over two months now since RTM and still no sign of how to activate Windows Home Server 2011. It's a shame no OEM SLP keys have leaked as it was my understanding Acer were going to release a WHS2011 Box last month . I guess for the meantime we will need to keep rearming. Does anyone else have any ideas?
Probably nobody wan't to buy an home server. There are also a lot of FREE linux distribs who are so good. we must wait :s (you can also buy an whs 2011 and share your oem SLP and cert )
yeah, I am looking every other day here to see if activation is possible. Until then I keep using Trilogy (at v3.1 now).
Have I just missed it, but it's now October and still no keys have surfaced for WHS 2011? That's a shame Thank you Sebus for all your posts in this thread, they have been very helpful.
I testing patch "chew-wga 0.9" 10 or 15 second in vmware with WHS 2011 ... and WHS 2011 with "chew-wga 0.9" is activation. "chew-wga 0.9" = patch WGA I no testing virus in "chew-wga 0.9" and i no full testing function patch = you testing virus and you full testing. You test "chew-wga 0.9"
Somehow missed my 3rd rearm window and am now stuck with a non genuine install of whs2011. Is there any way to get this thing to work with trilogy again or do I need to perform some kind of repair install?
Tried that and had no luck, i'll give it another shot tonight and see if I can make it take. Anyone else have any insight on this?