Why is M$ pushing TPM?

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by eemuler, May 20, 2018.

  1. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    It is clear Microsoft is not just requiring TPM but TPM 2.0 which is only found in new computer systems. This doesn't make sense.
  2. BetADNA

    BetADNA MDL Junior Member

    Jul 26, 2015
    #42 BetADNA, Jun 26, 2021
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2021
    its not TPM 2.0 only, thats a soft lock.
    hard lock is TPM 1.2/fTPM 1.2.


    in regards to why MS is pushing TPM?
    when i read that, i remembered that short article from Bruce Schneier:

    im not shure what to think of it all. but im cautious^^
    then again, windows is going to be a Service in the future (Windows as a Service), somehow they have to keep controll over theyr OS.. TPM used as DRM will help a lot in that regard.. but im just speculating ;)
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  3. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    I keep getting that but it is not the reality on ground.I have tried WIndows 11 Dev. on a system with TPM 1.2 and I am getting error that it cannot be installed on my device. It went further to explain that I can continue to use Windows 10 and cannot upgrade it to Windows 11 in the future. What that means for me is TPM 1.2 hard floor is for Windows 10 continued supports.
  4. eemuler

    eemuler MDL Senior Member

    Jul 31, 2015
    What does WhyNotWin11.exe say?
  5. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    I use the Windows PC Health app it says the same thing. I have not tried WhyNotWin11.exe yet. The main sticky issue is TPM 1.2 and my system needs to have TPM 2.0 to install Windows 11.
  6. eemuler

    eemuler MDL Senior Member

    Jul 31, 2015
    WhyNotWin11 gives you more details, so you can see where the problems are. Windows PC Health app tells you very little.
  7. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    I just tried it and there is no detail. It is still the same information available from Windows 11 requirements. WhyNotWin11 puts my system TPM 1.2 in orange colour and every other thing in green. No detail information and nothing more.
  8. toyo

    toyo MDL Senior Member

    Aug 14, 2009
    I see this is relevant again... sadly.
    These people just won't let go if they really want something implemented. Doesn't matter you fend it off with mass Internet outrage in 2008, 2018. Here's 2021 with a new challenge.
    Very patient people, these schemers.
  9. Demencial777

    Demencial777 MDL Junior Member

    Dec 30, 2012
    This TPM crap again...
    There is people arguing the thing doesn't even help in increasing security, just another method to control your OS and life...
    What's with this obsession from companies about taking over the devices you pay for?
    Obscure times for informatics, it looks like...
  10. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    The problem with trusting Microsoft with TPM or any other security is like trusting government with taxes. They just suck at it. They have really bad motives. They're working with nefarious actors. They're giving backroom deals. Nothing is on the up and up. For any positive that might come of it, there are a million negatives. They are better off never doing it at all.
  11. nosirrahx

    nosirrahx MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2017
    This isn't what scares/annoys me. I am worried about changes in the future that could prevent installing Windows 10.

    Imagine 4 years from now new hardware being compatible with 11 only due to some BIOS/firmware lockout, you know, for your security.

    This feels like a boiling frog incident to me. Right now we have a soft list of artificial requirements that are trivial to bypass, I don't expect freedom to install whatever you want to stay this easy.
  12. dhrubo11

    dhrubo11 MDL Junior Member

    Nov 4, 2009
    Lets fool windows 11 , make him assume that pc have TPM 2.0 through bios mod without hardware install . Can it be possible?
  13. eemuler

    eemuler MDL Senior Member

    Jul 31, 2015
    Certainly. Only the stuff that actually needs the TPM (we aren't quite sure what exactly) won't work. Installing Windows 11 on unsupported hardware is not that tough at the moment - you just have to hack the ISO - but there are rumours that the TPM will be used for several other things, like Windows Hello, and not just for Bitlocker and perhaps the fingerprint reader.
  14. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    Exactly. People have to find a way to do that. We are going through pandemic and many people lost their jobs. In developing countries millions of people have entered into abject poverty yet Microsoft is not seeing that. Most people are not going to dish out money for new devices for Windows 11 when they have devices which are capable of running the OS except for the unnecessarily paraphernalia .

    This is not just the wrong time for Microsoft to do this. It should have waited for post pandemic time.
  15. #56 Deleted member 578156, Jun 27, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2021
    Why is Microsoft pushing TPM? It's because it's a way to force people to upgrade there machines, i am not saying i like it or agree with it but its pretty much the truth. Its one way to get the older machines off the MS server. They tried it by flagging curtain CPU batches from running Windows 10 that were more then capable of doing so, and now it's TPM 2.0. Yes the security from TPM is built in security Windows 11 is using but i think it is still a money grab myself considering Windows 11 will be free like windows 10 was. If your running windows 10 Genuinely activated you'll get Windows 11 for free as an upgrade providing your machine supports TPM 2.0, you have at least 4GB Ram and a DirectX 12 Video Card.
  16. No doubt Windows 11 is going to cause a nice stir in the tech community considering Covid has really effected chip manufacturing around the world and now windows 11. First i think was Elon Musk and Tesla, Now it's Microsoft.
  17. I was pondering that myself actually lol but I'm not curtain if the TPM could be emulated but hay its worth a shot! By the looks of it Windows 11 is weaving TPM 2.0 into a lot of its core functions so emulating it wouldn't be easy.