What was Google producing until recently, which HW? Services we know - biased search laced with advertising and getting the info from there, to sell again, towards "better marketing" etc.
This is not like the other forums... we prefer 'non-dumbass facebook' types....rather those with something to offer our community.
Dito that! I never ever had any Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. pp. account and I won't create one in the future. I don't need a site where I can post a picture of how my last dump looked like, how my last fart smelled like or what I'm going to eat next. If I want to communicate with a friend, I use email or my phone. I would even prefer snail mail instead of using this crap sites.
Best yet is to communicate face to face. Internet or phone will never provide teleportation and physical presence. A hug is a hug, no technology can beat that.
How do I check if the PPA's I add are safe and legit and secure and not some malware pool of some sort? Is there a kind of tool that verifies them? I've added one or two to install stuff and want to be sure I'm not weakening the system.
I've been patiently waiting for Vivaldi to reach it's final release version. You're probably already aware of it, but for those who are not, the current version of Vivaldi is still a beta testing release.
See the linux gui distro, after Ubuntu (color scheme made me upset), try few other, latest one is Fedora work station, the learn Arch linux, gnome frist and add on xfce4, it run very stable along with compton to reduce screen tearing. Compare fedora and linuxmint is about the same, fedora you need add on multimedia from rpmfusion, a bit faster then linuxmint while it include vlc to play media. Arch linux is more simple, but you learn how to install it from bare install and not gui installation. But it is fast, light weigh, and great. If people here is need, i will write it for.
I use the programs depending of their stability and usefulness not depending their status label. Vivaldi is safe since the day one and pretty usable since months. It will improve, surely but hartly you will find something that could be taken as dealbreaker, especially in the beta (which comes after more than an year of silent development, and 10 months of public snapshots and test previews)
Sorry I didn't have the chance to read all the 51 pages in this thread but how does Elementary OS compare to Linux Mint for daily use?