It's difficult to choose a name for me so I just start with some nonsense or lesser nonsense because a user name is usually needed. There are "places" where its not needed, also. Times changing, and internet is older today.
My user id is just a close variation of my name. Years ago when I was in school learning to program, people took the old Toys R Us name and nicknamed me Beta N Test ... since most of my coding assignments I was addicted to testing and enhancing continually right up to the time it was to submit the assignment to my professor. While most of my classmates had pretty UI and so-so code, I had good code but a spartan UI like a beta not RTM product. My avatar ... over the years I have had it with people IRL (like politicians, big pharma CEOs, my neighbor who thinks it's still the 70s and he's god's gift to mature divorced women ...) who talk just to hear themselves talk but provide no constructive solutions to anything.
I used to ride dirt bikes nearly every weekend for 20+ years. I preferred wet. The group I rode with loved hard goat tracks which were a lot of hard work so we were never cold even in winter. Mud, clay, river crossing, bogs - loved it all. I actually think I rode quicker in these conditions - hence I was given the nickname flipper by my mates...
It feels somewhat awkward posting to such an old thread, but this was just the bit of whimsy I needed. First, a note (or four): @MrT0ad: freakin' great story ; @jlgager: your icon is priceless ; @Kido: you would be grown by now ; and @nodnar "...way back when work was still fun" (I feel ya!) Anyway, I'll go: My name is based on a character from Piers Anthony's world of Xanth. A human with the power to create enchanted paths and invisible walls that can allow the transport or prevent the passage of any creature. The curse lasts until he is ever thanked for his efforts, which looks like will never happen since the curse also does not allow characters to thank him. The Avatar is of mystical tunnels; passages able to transport to another "place." Side note: I accidentally created the name with a space in it...wish it was just PiersPatxi
Chosen these nick based on my high school nickname. "never owned a mac in high school, too expensive for my parents back then" + Car Nissan pick-up truck "macnavarra", changed to pcnavarra a couple of months ago.
First part of name is the Welsh spelling of my forename, second part the digits of my birth year. Avatar was generated under Identicon (I think... can't remember its name now) and based on the first three letters of my username. The colours were custom
Think it was about 1999 when I got my first computer; an IBM Aptiva. I was clueless concerning any part of it but I saw how cool it was, and could spend literally hours/days on it and accomplish absolutely nothing, and have fun doing it It was running Windows 95a. Anticmos was actually the first virus my puter was infected with. It was on a Windows boot floppy to boot no less. Someones idea of a funny joke I guess. Anyone remember the anticmos virus? Anyway, my handle doesnt describe me in any way. It just left quite an impression on me, and its not that common of a name...
because of thats the word that came to my mind when i was forced to have some kind of name while registering here. it should be Jingxin i guess and just found out its meaning. "with utmost care fine meticulous detailed" so thats actually me when i do something it has to be done perfectly
i loved the thunder tiger raptor rc helicopter and adopted raptorddd as in 3d. the avatar its an emblem