Why we choose our usernames / avatars?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by timesurfer, Oct 29, 2010.

  1. KrazdKiller

    KrazdKiller Guest

    mine is easy i wanted a username that sounded at least 1/2 as wicket as my avatar looks
  2. seniorgeek1969

    seniorgeek1969 MDL Junior Member

    Aug 4, 2010
    I chose my username because I have been a computer geek my whole life, I started home-brewing computers back in the late 70,s. So in computer terms im a senior citizen.:wheelchair: My avatar because I loved revenge of the nerds Skolnick rules:cheers:
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  3. ThrowOutPC

    ThrowOutPC MDL Novice

    Jan 11, 2011

    You may get the vision of a defenestrated personal computer from my user name. However it has nothing to do with computers.

    The most common deployment system for main parachutes, on a sport skydiving rig, is the throw out pilot chute. I've been known to jump out of perfectly good airplanes several hundreds of times. ;)

    Although I must admit that I like the possible double meaning.
  4. tosbsas

    tosbsas MDL Junior Member

    Jan 6, 2011
    Well I am tosbsas

    TOS - Tübinger Offensive Stadtmission - Christian Church in Southern Germany - town of Tübingen. Famous for a lot of B*** but now known for a thriving comunity of people dedicated to help and serve others
    BsAs - in 1993 I move from Germany to Argentina and fell in love with that country and one special Lady there :)-)) Sinde 1997 I am in charge of a NGO that builts shelters and orphanages for streetchildren all over Latinamerica.
    Sinde 2006 I am living in Lima, Peru - second best city in South America - and doing the job here.

    I love my windows 7 and iPhone 4
  5. JaguarXJ12

    JaguarXJ12 Guest

    Jaguar XJ12 is the best car ever made.
    As an proud owner of a -96 and member of the Swedish Jaguar Club, I spend most of my summer days cruising around in it.
    Hence the choice of name.
  6. RevZ

    RevZ MDL Novice

    Oct 4, 2009
    Let me make a simple deduction here to let you guys figure out how my nickname came to be:

    1. I like anything with an engine on or in it.
    2. I like to rev said engines. Alot.
    3. Engines tend to blow up after extended periods of being under my ownership.
    4. My friends find that amusing and call me Revs.
    5. I thought the Z fits better than the s, thus RevZ.

    Oh, my actual name is Kevin though.
  7. Myrrh

    Myrrh MDL Expert

    Nov 26, 2008
    #47 Myrrh, Feb 15, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2012
    Myrrh is (was?) a record company that published my favorite music back in the 80s. My full username on various bulletin boards (300 baud modem!) was Myrrh, A Division Of Word Inc. but that got shortened over the years.

    I have another name and another avatar I use most places. Because I don't want the activities here linkable to any other of my online presence.

    The avatar image I use here was created by me and I think several others here have "borrowed" it over the years. edit: (that was the "pirate genuine MS software" logo, the new one is something different)
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  8. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    #48 R29k, Feb 18, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2017
    R29k is base64 for God
    The Avatar is an AI cause I like AI
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  9. vladxed666

    vladxed666 MDL Senior Member

    Sep 19, 2009

    Well My Name is Vladimir Xedric.... and I have a 666 looking birthmark figure on my back...
    so that pretty much explains my name...

    as for the avatar.... I just love alienware computers... I just love the way they look....
    Proud Owner of a Top of the Line m15x rig...
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  10. MrT0ad

    MrT0ad MDL Novice

    Mar 3, 2011
    A former girlfriend chose mine.

    When we started dating I was a pretty healthy and athletic guy (apart from the nasty smoking habit). I used to to skiing, abseilling, free climbing, mountain climbing... A year or so into the relationship I opened a cybercafe (followed by another two within a year), and the business took over my life.

    Stopped exercising and spent a lot of time sitting down and eating. In a couple of years of that routine I put a fair bit of weight and my six pack became a much simpler one-pack. I presume it wasn't much fun being with me either, absorbed as I was in the business.

    One morning she woke up, gave me a long stare and said "This is like in the fairytale but reversed. Once upon a time there was a Princess who found a Prince, kissed him, and he turned into a toad..."

    I tried to see the funny side of it (The Wind in the Willows is one of my favourite books of all times) and so MrT0ad was born... as the relationship died. She's long gone, so are my cybercafes, but the nickname stuck :p
  11. beejay

    beejay MDL Junior Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    Wow that sounds familiar... :p

    BeeJay just stands for "B.j.", the first 2 letters of my name, since many ppl have problems pronouncing my real name, they just started calling me that.

    My Avvy is pretty self explanatory I guess, Canada is the home of my heart, especially Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. I live in Europe most of the time, but when I close my eyes, I see the rugged coastline of C.B. and I smell the BBQ...

    :chef: :cheers:
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  12. navigare

    navigare MDL Novice

    Mar 6, 2011
    My name is the Italian word for Navision . it reflects my love for Italy and quests .
    O and the avatar is a picture of me.:biggrin:
  13. 3sidedcube

    3sidedcube MDL Member

    Oct 1, 2009
    Well I choose 3sidedcube due to the fact that 2 is squared and 3 is cubed and I suppose it depends on also what dimension you look at things.

    I have a philosophy of that time will show you what you want to see it depends on how long you are willing to wait to see it.
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  14. creamhackered

    creamhackered MDL Novice

    Jul 29, 2009
    Mine is from being tired, "cream crackered"
  15. SoulSnatcher

    SoulSnatcher MDL Novice

    Mar 20, 2011
    I seen the name in an article on another site.

    It seemed like the right name for me.
  16. genuine555

    genuine555 MDL Expert

    Oct 3, 2009
    "Genuine" cause my classmates used to call me that. DON'T ask why...

    555 because I don't like 666 :D

    My avatar popped up after a google search on "gen"

    Been using this name for ages..
  17. Niekess

    Niekess MDL Addicted

    Mar 31, 2011
    #57 Niekess, Apr 20, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2012
    My username is more of a combination of my first name and last name.

    Niek - Ess . . . . .
    (Not saying last part. :p )

    Old usernames: [SoH]Chief, [DFS]Delta, Avatar/AvatarDutch.
  18. exo-dan

    exo-dan MDL Senior Member

    Aug 22, 2009
    I chose my handle because I used to live in a studio downstairs from a band here in the usa named Exodus,and my real name is Dan-The avatar,well obviously I was getting screen captures from The Wall movie.
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  19. jlgager

    jlgager MDL Developer

    Oct 30, 2009
    J. L. Gager - Mine is my first and middle initials and my last name. :)

    The avatar I just found randomly thought it fit my life well because that is all I seem to do these days.
  20. bluesman27

    bluesman27 MDL Novice

    Apr 22, 2010
    Im a Member of The Profile Brotherhood...wish I had more time to fly :cool:
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