both languages are slavic group so match is about 70%
My username of Evil Henchman is the name of a character I played in a lame home movie I made with my friends back in the early 90's. I was the main evil villain character that was bent on stealing the Sacred Cake of Buddha so that the evil Shaolin Cake Thieves from Prineville would have total bakery domination.
Well i like to eat biscuits and i´m a human so i combined the two and that´s what came out LORD HALF MAN HALF BISCUIT
means that in future my next expected by analogy: half man half beer, half man half movie half man half MDL etc nhf. but only one is half man half biscuit
Thank you sir we´ll be friends for life. And again Uvais knows me better then anybody else LOVE YOU MY LITTLE PUPU BEAR
my username comes from the band U2 & a bit of privacy was meant to be 4u2c0 + "for you to see nothing" now it is "you to see nothing"
schyzofrenic. i used to be called Venantius after a old bible scholar becouse thanks to my autism, i have a high I.Q. and as a kid wasn't hard to fall out of the boat. for instance when most kids of 15 years old where discussing wich was better kit-kat or twix me and some nerd buddies where discussing the possibility of time travel. however when i started playing W.O.W. ,, yeah yeah i know, but still i made a druid. and seeing all my chars had names of fitting mental conditions for example: Kleptomaniax the rouge. borderline the warrior. opheliac the priest. pyromaniax the fire mage. and schyzo the druid. this becouse they could shapeshift into multiple animals ( cat, bear, bird, seal , owl ) the reason i use alternate spelling in some of the names is thanks to reports people made to the game masters. for instance my hunter had a pet called " kutkat" dutch insult to a cat ... reported so i changed it to " felixvaginalis" the latin for it. no problem still using that pet 3 years after the report . sorry for spelling errors , 3 things cause this . 1 NLD ( non verbal learning disability ) means writing and reading is more difficult to me then vocal , 2 not my native speech ( half dutch, half german ) 3 not beeing arsed to spellcheck this wall of text ;
A few years back I put together a PC for my mate. He was well happy and called me a Techy Nerd. Since then I have joined forums as TN or TNX, if two chracters were not allowed. But to be honest compared to all the clever folk on this forum I am no way a techy nerd... My avatar,I made it myself. Love playing my PSx and PS3...Added the PS2 logo just to finish the trio....Sadly though my PS2 died a couple of years back.. Dont be too sad though,it had a happy life....
Gabris[LT] -> My real name is Gabriel, Gabris is shortened in lithuanian from Gabrielius(my real name). I'm from Lithuania. and [LT] country code Avatar - none.
I think i dont need to say why ? (it's because i am still kid, I mean 13 years kid ) About Avatar : I just made it 2006 when i was getting bored on my system, Lucky still i have from that year.