I just couldn't think of anything clever, so I just went with my real name. The avatar was something I found on the web.
with all due respect, fellow old-timer, but i would think twice about using my real name in a public forum and saying so.. it aint safe..
the name was a tribute to the band Exodus-the avatar...I went to Atari Computer Camp back in the 80's
Nao is the nickname of the main character of my favorite light novel and Eugene is part of my name =)
My bro used to play GTA too much, I frequently needed a name for signing up on forums, so happened to use the main character!
My user name came from the nickname of my golden retriever Buddy, may he RIP. My avatar was chosen by my son by mistake when he said I looked like the farmer from the kids movies of Shaun The Sheep. budzos
i am abu2Qa that is mean abu+towqa=abu2Qa Towqa is my first daughter's name "e.g : if i am the father of Yen father that mean am abu-Yen from that came my Nickname abu-2Qa"
well..my username comes from my name first 3 letters raz and Ra from[FONT=arial, sans-serif] Sun-God [/FONT]
I do not know I was Gr8 but I forgot my password and the email I used to create it. So, I made this one up instead.
When I started out as a young developer at a major petroleum company's IT dept .. if I recall we were named the Microsoft Competence Centre (LOL! yes really!)...anyway during slack periods we got up to all sorts of mischief.. one was to check out Joe Cartoon's vids.. the star was Superfly and his signature holler was whazzup! Kinda stuck