My names hails from when I got my first email address - I was 5 years old and obsessed with superheroes, and my alter ego was "supertanno" (Tanno is my first name).
I've always been blond. My wife sometimes called me, "Golden Boy". Looking at myself in the mirror each morning, I never detected any change. Then one day, I saw a snapshot of myself... As far as the avatar goes, R. Crumb's Mr. Natural and I share common attitudes, by and large.
Hello, me it is the combination of my name and a forum I visited often. More a certain harmony in the different forums and passwords.
Mack is the last name my grandfather chose because being a legit self-employed businessman his birth name had it's drawbacks, given his father, my great grandfather was a well known mob boss. Phx(Phoenix) is where I ended up when I left New York.
There is more to a Name than meets the Eyes. A Name is chosen for a Reason, either consciously or Subconsciously ... Every Name has its own Vibe and Energy Surrounding it. Deep down, if we really think about it, there is Always a reason for Choosing a Particular Name..
Dopamine: the name of the recent single by Yoav which I am currently addicted to. I have posted this in the music thread though