well so far so good but Ive been here before ! running some stress tests to push the PC a bit ! Let you know how its gone tomorow
Ok, keep me informed, today I will be not at my desk whole day, but I should be here with intervals ~3-4hours.
Yes so far so good however I have been out all day so I am now going to set about hammering it with a few stress testing apps its such a pig of a fault it will need to get through a few more days yet before home and safe! so will keep you informed gabris thanks for your help
Hey still running fine !! reassembled case etc. continue with soak test fingers crossed , looking good !!
well after 4 weeks its gone again !! switched on received message no operating system ??????????? worked fine for 4 weeks + how frustrating is that ?? As I originally thought earlier in the thread it must be the main board perhaps sata controller ? please note I have tried 3 hard drives , windows 7 and unbuntu , ram , new psu , reset bios , reseated sata cable to main board still the same very intermittent pig of a fault you think you have fixed it , then its back several weeks later. so my questions out there to you guys are as follows : 1. does anybody know how I can get hold of the original bios file for this pc ( hp site doesnt have it ) motherboard capriona / all in one desktop model ms215uk have searched in vain ? thinking possibly a reflash may help ? slim chance. 2.locating a replacement board proving difficult just a few dodgy chinese sites ??? and one in usa ? anyone know of a good uk supplier for this board as so far unable to find a uk supplier ? 3.could the processor be the culprit as it only now leaves this or the motherboard left ?? thanks in advance for any help or suggestions guys