this not about wikileaks sorry for this but very important too as ... No linking to torrents please Thank you MDL Team
Are you referring to "Wikileaks" or "The Windows 7 SP1 has been leaked!" thread here at MDL? OK, now that the joke is out of the way. My opinion: whatever I think of Assange, if my government is doing illegal and immoral things, I want to know about it. Covering things up is not acceptable. I applaud Wikileaks for doing the job that the US media have refused to do.
I'm conflicted about WikiLeaks, if I'm honest. On the one hand, it's great that members of the public know what the government has been up to, so that's cool. It gives us an insight into what is going on behind the scenes. On the other... it has the provocation to spark more conflicts. If there was something saying that the USA at one point planned to invade, I dunno, some country in the middle east years ago but decided not to, that country might try to take their "revenge" at the US considering it.
The Poll doesn't have enough options. Wikileaks is not a simple yes or no opinion. Most of what Wikileaks does is in my opinion correct. Yes people want the information on the bulls**t that their Government has been doing behind closed doors. However the way Wikileaks goes about it is wrong. Jeopardizing people who are just pawns in the bigger plan is not the way to go. Wikileaks should have been selective in the information they leak, filtering out the info that had the potential to put people and countries at risk from various malefactors. What they are doing is even worse than what was done to Valarie Plame. As the saying goes "the devil is in the details" .
I believe WikiLeaks is a good thing and a bad thing. It's good because is it uncovering corrupt governments, creating transparency in our world, and it is reshaping the media world. WikiLeaks has released numerous stories and info that has let the people know whats really going on. They have made nations better in many ways. WikiLeaks form of free not for profit media that shares whatever information they have is great. However there is always the bad. I can also see Wikileaks as a security threat. What are they supposed to do when a source gives them information about a governments war plans. Hopefully they know some information needs to be kept private and for the sake of our safety they keep it secret.
Being an Aussie, I feel a certain amount of respect for Jullian Assange & Wikki Leaks. We need to hear the truth, to show the real world we live in. not the one the governments try to sugarcoat. The only downside to Wikki leaks is Jullians ego.
Web site appears to be down. Hope it's nothing blocking me. It acts like when a firewall is blocking a server. (says "Connecting to" and stays there) (until I get a timeout error)
Thanks to wikileaks, we know some truth of what governments are trying to do! Just search Zeitgeist Addendum on youtube, you'll get some idea of whats happening. P.S. Its one of the most watched documentaries on youtube and google video!!!
I think that if anyone cares to take it upon themselves to join in a war of any kind-in any way, they are ripe to be included in the ranks of enemy combatants (and therefor be treated as such). I can't stand a bunch of whiney a** "know-it-alls" trying to change the world with half-baked ideals and misinformed opinions. We (humans worldwide) are the Beast, and shall bring forth our own destruction. As Bob Marley says; "We've got to fulfill the book". When the smoke clears, I hope all here at MDL will be carrying on as usual.