Will Win 10 be the new win 98 of our time?

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by steve0544, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. nosense

    nosense MDL Senior Member

    Sep 9, 2013
    I think MS is moving towards what osx is doing with windows 10. Yearly updates with new features and major version releases in between 2-4 years.
  2. lievre

    lievre MDL Senior Member

    Sep 18, 2012
    Come on guys, Me and Vista were two crap system. Me was an empty shell and the problem with vista, everything was to complicated. to much crap.

    Windows 7 was probably the best system (so far) but Microsoft forgot... all the touchscreen (telephone, tablet etc).

    Now Windows 8 was a transition for i hope a better system.... Windows 10.

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  3. Soulfate

    Soulfate MDL Member

    Feb 14, 2011
    As saying that "one M$ OS on two is a crap", "Believing" that an iteration of an OS is the resurrection of an older is nothing more than a useless faith.

    Windows 10 is a rebadged Windows 8.2 project + some cool gadgets already seen on mobile OS, that is a proof that Windows 8 was a first attempt to be a hybrid PC/tactile system, but it evolves with the experience and feedback. M$ added the D3D12 part to force gamers to move from Windows 7 to their new "Windows Synced OS", because Linux could be to much competitive with Steam and OpenGL Next.

    I regret they keep Internet Explorer for Windows 10...
  4. WaltC

    WaltC MDL Addicted

    Mar 8, 2014
    You must understand that Mac owners pay for OS X in spades every time they buy a Mac, which is precisely how Apple gets paid for OS X. x86 Mac premiums can be as low as a couple of hundred more than an equivalent x86 clone, or as much as a couple of thousand dollars more than an equivalent or better x86 clone (Mac Pro.) There are also hidden costs to owning Mac Pros, because of their custom cases and so on, that add to the price differentials. Microsoft doesn't sell its own brand of x86 desktops and the only thing it sells is the Surface--the great majority of machines Windows runs on, including Macs, are not made & sold by Microsoft. Apple, otoh, doesn't allow OS X to run on anything except Apple-branded machines, and that isn't because OS X can't run on, say, any old garden-variety Dell--it's because Apple artificially makes it so and forbids legal OS X to run anywhere but on a Mac. OS X would be just as happy on a Dell as it is a Mac--but Apple wouldn't...;)

    In reality, therefore, the deal Microsoft is offering for Win10 upgrades from Win7/8 is *way better* than anything Apple offers for OS X, because Microsoft isn't mandating what kind of computer you have to buy for the privilege.
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  5. nosense

    nosense MDL Senior Member

    Sep 9, 2013
    I wasn't talking about cost, just timeline and how often they plan on releasing major updates\major releases.
  6. EFA11

    EFA11 Avatar Guru

    Oct 7, 2010
    if their plans hold true, too often
  7. magnus33

    magnus33 MDL Member

    Aug 17, 2009
    Seems something like that is happening and it makes sense with Steve gone that it would be heading in this direction.
    Windows 8 at its core was solid but the ui was a mess requiring people to use third party programs like startisback to fix this fail.

    This time around they seem to be actually listening to the user and not doing as they please, finely rediscovering that the buyer is god.
    Windows 10 even now is looking quite solid even now and ms even seems to have decided to break the over other os fail cycle.

    The new upgrade plain is only going to help Ms cause and for once iam looking forward to a new os from them.
  8. Rickkins

    Rickkins MDL Senior Member

    Jul 29, 2009
    I think perhaps a mixture of things. I'll say the new Windows Millennium.

    Many people liked winme, and an equal number hated it. For some people, the winme experience was smooth as silk. I was in that category.

    For others, they had nothing but issues.

    Personally, I thin k the way that metro is so woven into the system will simply piss off a great number of people.

    On the other, the metro fanboi's will wet themselves.

    Thus, the divide will continue.

    Imho, of course...
  9. dareckibmw

    dareckibmw MDL Expert

    Jun 16, 2009
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  10. KR11Z4D3R

    KR11Z4D3R MDL Novice

    Apr 7, 2013
    Win 3.1 - Initial
    Win 95 - Improvement but needs Tweaking
    Win 98 - Better
    Win ME - What were they thinking???
    Win XP - Much Better!
    Win Vista - Again What the hell were they thinking???
    Win 7 - That's much better, in fact it's EXCELLENT!!!
    Win 8 - Huh, NOT AGAIN???@#%$
    Win 8.1 - Patched Win 8
    Win 8.1.1 - OK We're getting there
    Win 10 - Alright, I think we got a Winner!

  11. PGHammer

    PGHammer MDL Senior Member

    Oct 14, 2011
    The "fail" being the lack of a Start menu (in your opinion, apparently).

    Please - exactly WHY is said Start menu so important?

    Some of those that need it HAVE said why - they put the mouse ahead of the keyboard, and they don't mind the tedium of searching with the mark 1 mod zero human eyeball.

    On the other hand, I HATE having to rely on the human eyeball to do internal searching - and especially since Microsoft has been trying to fix it with patch after update since (believe it or not) NT4. Worse, the Start menu has ALWAYS required manual organizing, even for something as simple and ordinary as an alphanumeric sort.

    The StartScreen (and mini-Start) rather neatly fixes both problems. The StartScreen (Windows 8) organizes itself, alphanumerically - so the user can actually spend time working (as opposed to organizing the StartScreen). Mini-Start (in Windows 10) does the same thing BECAUSE it's based on the StartScreen (not the Start menu). Again, less time organizing, and more time working.

    Searching the StartScreen (or mini-Start prior to 9926) is keyboard-driven - NOT eyeball-driven. (Shortcut key: WinKey+first character). That also means that it's not pointing device driven, either. (While you CAN use it with the virtual keyboard, it requires an extra step.)

    The attempts to "pigeonhole" Windows 8 and later are entirely because it doesn't kiss up to pointing devices as obviously as Windows 7 and earlier do - period. I don't have touch on my desktop - or on my notebook; however, I get along with the 7-and-earlier Start menu banished just fine. The reason I can (and do) get along without it is because I'm not pointing-device-driven.

    Are there benefits for pointing-device users? Believe it or not, there are. (Those extra-large landing points that critic after critic have said are there for touch users - why is it that they work just as well with mice and pointing devices? Not everyone is a pointing-device expert - not on Windows, OS X, Android, or any other OS that supports pointing devices.) The "'experts" could care less - however, not everyone (even those that use pointing devices) is one.

    Windows 10's Technical Previews even fixed an issue for one group of pointing devices that Windows 8 ignored - touchpads and trackpads (especially trackpads). Touchpads and trackpads are commonplace on legacy portables - in fact, I haven't seen a legacy laptop or notebook (that can run Windows 8 or later) without one. So why are there all those external mice in use ON them? Wasn't the touchpad/trackpad supposed to ELIMINATE the need for such a thing?

    The reason why is because touchpad/trackpad driver support got thrown under the bus. Part of the blame is with trackpad/touchpad ODMs, part of the blame is, indeed, with Microsoft; however, the majority of the blame lies with us as users.

    We didn't complain when our trackpads or touchpads had issues in Windows; instead, we worked around this rather obvious failing and bought an external mouse (most likely from Microsoft or Logitech - the OEMs of choice for external mice). Kudos to Microsoft for FINALLY getting around to fixing this even more painful fail than the lack of Start menu; one that affects far more users, in fact.

    The first is very much personal-preference; however, that last is a multipoint fail even more obvious than the lack of kissing up to expert mousers. Therefore, I find the last far less forgivable than the first - because my preferences are NOT heavily skewed toward pointing devices.

    MELERIX MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2011
    I guess because is easy to access it, and it only use a small area of the screen.

    MELERIX MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2011
    originally no, it was a big fail.

    only Windows 98SE was better and stable.
  14. Snuffy

    Snuffy MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2008
    can we all agree Vista was the worse... and Windows 10 is very close,

    MELERIX MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2011
    yes, if Microsoft does not listen his users, then Windows 10 will be another Vista 3.0.
  16. brut7

    brut7 MDL Member

    Jun 9, 2007
    Windows 95 was the worst, I can remember trying to load it from these old magnetic things called floppy disks. 98, 98SE and ME were fine for me though easy to break due lousy driver support and enforcement. XP was king for years, a big success. Vista was like a beta for 7 and wasn't that bad, you needed fast hardware. 7 is still awesome, a worthy successor to XP. 8 blows and I did spend the time to learn it. 8 sucked really bad, I've downgraded/upgraded like over a hundred computers from 8 to 7. I think they panicked with 8 and forgot the core business environment. 10 is looking good!
  17. jhanford

    jhanford MDL Novice

    Aug 28, 2013
    DOS 6.22 was the new DOS 3.3
  18. Mrox2

    Mrox2 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2014
    Well at least Vista looks beautiful and works without any single issue on today's modern PC's so +10 For Vista and -10 For Windows 10, which makes it 0.
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  19. truemate

    truemate MDL Novice

    May 6, 2014
    win 7 is best as for now... hope win 10 will be more like/faster then win 10
  20. scripting

    scripting MDL Novice

    Feb 5, 2015
    M$ Have a political , Issue With Thair Prodcut Some thing Like Produce A Good Version Once & Make worst Ever Again :D

    Everyone Saw Windows Visat It's Just Bad Prodcut That M$ Spent Sex Year Devoloping It The Result Is The Worst Ever Os Made :p

    Then Fix All Thing Again Through Windows 7, So All This Is Internal Policy From The M$ , Something Like A Balance . :biggrin: