Will Windows 10 activation last forever for people who upgraded from DAZ loader Win7?

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by heartbrake, Jul 30, 2015.

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  1. shawnmos

    shawnmos MDL Member

    Oct 27, 2007
    I tried this on a PC with Windows 8 Core preinstalled. Did Windows 7 Ultimate with DAZ loader and activated and upgraded to Windows 10 Pro. It did not retain activation. It seems like it checked the BIOS and found the Windows 8 core key and used that one instead.

    Win7 w/ Daz > Win 10 Pro worked on all of my other Pre-Windows 8 era machines.
  2. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    Most likely an hickup during verification.

    MS Server suffer severe DDOSing by people using automatted activation scripts to hammer them with requests.

    Then they come here complaining it doesn't work at all and we were wrong ... WHAT MORONS :laie:.
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  3. Daz

    Daz MDL Developer / Admin

    Jul 31, 2009
    That's a possibility since your system was sold with a Windows 8 Core licence within the MSDM table. I'd retry the upgrade though since Microsoft's activation servers are in a mess right now.

    There's no such checks. I've anaylsed the activation mechanism a while ago now. Could an update change things in the future though? Maybe, but then we'd just roll out a new version of the loader.

    I think the OP's question has been answered here, so I'll now lock this thread since it's pointless to speculate at the moment.
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