MRP - Query Tool v117.0 [Compiled: 08/31/2021 {UTC}] -- Date/Time Ran: 09/06/2021 {UTC} -- 08:27am Looking for this script, can you point me in the right direction ? thanks
I ran a test on 22449.1000 fixing a 22449.1000 UUP ISO and the date was correct with my original v2.0 and both your alternative scripts.
You get "_~0,4_date:~4,2_date:~6,2" for isodate if "wmic os get localdatetime /value" returns an empty result. The problem is not the script but Windows. @KedarWolf confirmed : "It had something to do with my Windows 11 install".
After trying this it looks like unattend.xml isn't being applied during OOBE. Other than this small thing everything works flawless
fockin' evil bastard adding telemetry even to a s**tty script - now I know why you've been mocking privacy concerns around here - you're one of them! well, you get nothing from me, sir! I mostly use my own tools, I don't use url shorteners and if I ever click such links firefox with anti-referral tweaks and ClearURLs addon got my back!
Am I not making and encouraging simply copy-pasting-into-powershell compatible scripts? github is just to offer a modicum of history of changes (but already said that it can be manipulated in the backend..), never clicked stats And yourself being the edgy old fart with the tampon joke as if I'm some kind of teenager brat getting offended by it Spoiler tho you're gonna need two of them up your nostrils if I ever come by..