I am surprised you have the patience for some of the enquiries that are just "plain silly". I can understand people from other countries not understanding, (yeh they need help), and people not up to speed on technology (just changing so fast now), BUT those that simply dont follow the BLEEDEN OBVIOUS, well thats my cut-off.
When i call things plain silly, i get cursed at in flaming rants and accused of being a horrible person
You must copy the script into the Win_11_Boot_And_Upgrade_FiX_KiT_v2.0 folder where the original tool is present (or whatever name you like); the script is not a standalone script.
Here is my final disposition. I replaced both Win 10 & Win 11 .iso's install with install.wim. @rpo's scrip then worked. I was still unable to ger @Enthousiast's script to work. It now says it can't find the .iso's..I put them in the proper folders????? Thanks
@rpo ...The script I downloaded to start all this was from the OP..It has the script included and all 5 folders????If I'm the one being called silly..then why can't the callers answer my freeking question? I posted the error I got????? That sound silly?? Tells me something else. Like I said above I got @rpo script to work in the end.
@uffbros The problem literally exists between the keyboard and the chair. I used Enthousiast's original tool package and I easily modified a .194 iso(method 2) with no issues. I even got confirmation of same iso working on a Core 2 Quad machine for clean install. Maybe before telling someone to eat your s and calling them a pos, check your working environment. For example: Full path to script.cmd: Code: D:\win11\isofix\script.cmd Full path to source iso: Code: D:\win11\isofix\Source_ISO\W11\win11.iso Execute script. Rename the output iso to whatever you like. Done. The script works as is. I even deleted the part that integrates DaRT and the script still works. Therefor, yes, problem on your end.
None of you have answered my question to date. And you can't give me simple instructions on how to use this thing. I unzipped your program called Win 11 Boot And Upgrade FiX KiT v2.0.... It creates 5 folders and a readme and a script named Win_11_Boot_And_Upgrade_FiX_KiT_v2.0 so I put in the sources_ISO folder that has folders named W10 & W11, my Win 10.iso in the W10 folder and my Win 11 .iso in the W11 folder....Right? If not how do you do this? If I run the script from the unzipped contents with all them folders it can't find an .iso
The script works out of the box. Extracted and tested on two partitions, with both Window 10 and Windows 11 ISOs in their respective folders. Ran both options 1 and 2, and both worked as they should and generated the fixed ISOs. Have used fixed ISOs both for a clean install on a VM as well as an upgrade from Windows 10 on a VM. Try with ISOs from a different source (I got mine from the gezoesloog repository).
Just put your win 11 iso in the win11 sources folder run Win_11_Boot_And_Upgrade_FiX_KiT_v2.0 as admin and hit 2 and enter relax and wait until finish,then unplug netcable conection so offline and mount the fixed iso and hit the installer all goes out of the box that way.
First of all YOU DO NOT NEED TO SHOUT !!!! If you have read the README.TXT you have to decide which option - 1 or 2 you want/need/require depending if you are doing a Clean Install or an UPGRADE then you need to copy the correct ISO file to the CORRECT ISO folder. A Windows10 ISO in the Windows 10 folder if clean install OR a Windows 11 ISO in the Windows 11 folder if doing an upgrade. Then just relax, and run the script as administrator and use the resulting FIXED ISO ... IT WORKS!!!! JCC2
@jcc2 Option 2 takes care of all scenarios, option 1 was put in at the first release because it was opted as a working solution but many weren't able to swap the existing win 10 install.wim with a win 11 install.wim, so did put the option in.
You literally didn't read what I posted. I'll try it your way: - Check your working environment... AGAIN. - make sure you have no spaces/funny symbols in the folder paths - check my examples... AGAIN. - renaming your source iso to something like win11.iso so you, AGAIN, avoid problems like symbols/spaces. @Enthousiast Probably, I don't remember at this point. All I know is I deleted something from the script that I don't need.
I renamed my .iso with no spaces and it is currently working. Last question. Once completed will this .iso also take care of non supported CPU's? I own 2 computers with I7-7700 CPU's and do clean installs usually once a year. Thanks.
Considering i (and many other users) installed fixed ISOs on ancient core2duo cpu systems without problems, your cpu should not be a problem.
OK, got my ordered Win11 Pro SB license package today. Yes, they can be used like Retail, here. The COA is in red, and what's new is there is a patch over parts of the product key obfuscating it. You have to scratch it off for being able to use that key. The DVD contains the normal Consumer 22000.194 image. I dumped the ISO and the SHA1 matches the DE_DE one perfectly. Ran the dumped ISO through the tool using option 2, got the FIXED one. Tested clean installation under VB. Result: While all other FIXED ISOs (from UUP) work fine, this one does not, I still get the "PC does not meet minimum requirements" message. Applying the image via the @murphy78 install script works, however. As for the reasons, I can only guess. My best guess (still a shot in the dark) is that the boot.wim inside the "real" (non-UUP) ISOs is an updated one, one that simply ignores the LabConfig Registry keys. AFAIK, UUP doesn't result in an updated boot.wim, and so the regkeys are accepted. In other words, if it doesn't work using Consumer ISO, try the UUP one. The Consumer ISO boot.wim seems to ignore the LabConfig keys and does not allow the original Setup to proceed. murphy78 script still works fine. My €0.02.