Win 11 Boot And Upgrade FiX KiT (v5.1f Released!!!)

Discussion in 'Windows 11' started by Enthousiast, Jun 28, 2021.

  1. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #621 Enthousiast, Oct 27, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2021
  2. Mellipes

    Mellipes MDL Senior Member

    Jun 17, 2021
  3. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Thanks for noticing and notifying, now it is:D
  4. ajak31

    ajak31 MDL Novice

    Dec 29, 2008
    Hello Guys, question. Is there no way to bypass automatic upgrades in dev channel when you do not have TPM?

    The solution will always be to clean install again?
  5. rustynails

    rustynails MDL Junior Member

    Mar 18, 2015

    Thats what this thread is about
  6. snofte

    snofte MDL Member

    Jan 10, 2013
    Struggling with the Win 11 Boot And Upgrade FiX KiT v2.1.
    Placed a win10 iso in the w10 folder.
    Placed a win11 iso in the w11 folder (this iso downloaded from MS official site)
    Started the v.2.1.cmd
    Some files (ttf, gif, man, etc) "can not open the file as archive"
    After a looong session, a lot of errors with, and then abort with the work-folder as shown.
    Am I having trouble with permissions ?
    Should the w10 and w11 folders only contain the iso, or also the extracted files from the iso ?
    Something I have missed ?
    Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  7. rpo

    rpo MDL Expert

    Jan 3, 2010
    I just tested with option 1 and no issue. Yes, the W10 and Win11 folders sould only contain the iso and not the extracted files; only one iso should be contained by the respective folders. The script is executed with admin privileges.
  8. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Win 11 Boot & Upgrade FiX KiT v2.1...
    Select the desired FiX...
    [ 1 ] - Puts the Win 11 install.wim/esd in a Win 10 ISO (Provide a Win 10 ISO in the "Source_ISO\W10\" Folder)
    This method is usefull for clean installs from boot, using the standard W10 setup. A generic EI.CFG file will
    be copied to the sources folder.
    [ 2 ] - Integrate Diskpart & Apply Image script (v1.3.1), modify boot.wim to skip the SB, RAM, DiskSize and TPM 2.0 check
    and replace "appraiserres.dll" with one from a 1703 ISO. A generic EI.CFG file will be copied to the sources folder.
    Newly added to be able to upgrade without having to disable the (w)lan for upgrading scenarios is "UFWS" cmd in root of ISO.
    This method enables you to:
    - Use the standard Win 11 setup for clean installs on devices without Secure Boot and TPM 2.0 and low amount of DiskSize & RAM.
    - Use the alternative Diskpart & Apply Image installation script for clean installs.
    - Circumvent "TPM 2.0 is required" error when (inplace) upgrading.
    - Enables to install on LegacyBIOS/MBR only systems.
    - Circumvents the 64GB (52GB) minimum disk size check.
    UFWS is a cmd that can be run (as admin) for ISO upgrades. It copies the setup files excluding appraiserres.dll, setuphost.exe and
    install.wim/esd. So now you can keep your install connected during upgrade setup.
    * Type your option and press Enter: 1
    Extracting Source ISO...
    7-Zip 19.00 (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2018 Igor Pavlov : 2019-02-21
    Scanning the drive for archives:
    1 folder, 1 file, 5883697152 bytes (5612 MiB)
    Extracting archive: Source_ISO\W10\Windows10_InsiderPreview_Client_x64_en-us_19044.1288.iso
    Path = Source_ISO\W10\Windows10_InsiderPreview_Client_x64_en-us_19044.1288.iso
    Type = Udf
    Physical Size = 5883697152
    Comment = CCCOMA_X64FRE_EN-US_DV9
    Cluster Size = 2048
    Created = 2021-10-07 02:00:00
    Everything is Ok
    Folders: 85
    Files: 903
    Size:       918393834
    Compressed: 5883697152
    Extracting Win 11 install.wim/esd to work dir...
    Copying generic ei.cfg to the work dir...
            1 file(s) copied.
    Creating x64 ISO...
    OSCDIMG 2.56 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility
    Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2012. All rights reserved.
    Licensed only for producing Microsoft authorized content.
    Scanning source tree (500 files in 41 directories)
    Scanning source tree complete (905 files in 86 directories)
    Computing directory information complete
    Image file is 5714280448 bytes (before optimization)
    Writing 905 files in 86 directories to Win10_With_22000.258_x64_en-US_install.wim_2021-10-28.iso
    100% complete
    Storage optimization saved 25 files, 14182400 bytes (1% of image)
    After optimization, image file is 5702156288 bytes
    Space saved because of embedding, sparseness or optimization = 14182400
    Press any key to continue . . .
  9. Muggaen

    Muggaen MDL Addicted

    Dec 30, 2011
    Are we going to have both iso in the prober folder, I only put win 11 iso in win 11 iso folder and run cmd as admin choose 2 and enter this should could be used as an upgrade or clean install, am I right before I go further :)
  10. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    That will be ok for option 2:)
  11. rustynails

    rustynails MDL Junior Member

    Mar 18, 2015
    version 2.1 with option 2 working for me on build 22489.1000 after using Restore WMIC ~ Tool.. lol four ate nine lol
  12. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
  13. rustynails

    rustynails MDL Junior Member

    Mar 18, 2015

    i Seee nice i seee what was done here

    if %winbuild% lss 22483 for /f "tokens=2 delims==." %%# in ('wmic os get localdatetime /value') do set "_date=%%#"
    if %winbuild% geq 22483 for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%# in ('powershell -nop -c "([WMI]'Win32_OperatingSystem=@').LocalDateTime"') do set "_date=%%#"

    first line less and the next one is greater or equal ... nice :)
  14. W_fantasma

    W_fantasma MDL Senior Member

    Apr 10, 2012
    @Enthousiast : I would like to suggest some esthetic changes...
    maybe all single files (appraiserress.dll, ei.cfg, ufws and maybe Murphy´s script) could be moved to a single folder called "files" (or something like that) instead of having various individual foders containing a single file
    anyways, thanks for the hard work to all of you involved in develop this usefull tools!!!
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  15. snofte

    snofte MDL Member

    Jan 10, 2013
    Thanks to rpo who replied:
    "I just tested with option 1 and no issue. Yes, the W10 and Win11 folders sould only contain the iso and not the extracted files; only one iso should be contained by the respective folders. The script is executed with admin privileges."
    SOLVED (partly):
    1. Deleted the unfinished work.folder.
    2. Deleted all extracted files in w10 and w11 folders, kept only the iso.
    3. Ran the fix-script as admin (clumsy mistake on my part in the first instance,did not execute as admin
    where the script ran for 20 min with a lot of errors before aborting.
    4. Both option1 and 2 executed now very fast and without problems. Great !
    Unfortunately one problem remains, the booted DVD with the fixed iso asks for driver for the ocz revodrive.
    Searching for driver from HDD where the ocz-driverfiles were used for previous win 10 install.
    Finds and accepts driver (have ticked the option for display of only accepted driver).
    "Next", and driver NOT accepted. First accepted, then not accepted !
    Roughly translated from norwegian, it says: "Cannot find new drivers. Check if media contains rigth driverers and click ok-"
    Cannot proceed further with the install, no way to skip drivers for the revodrive. Only way I can find is to take out the revo,
    install on hdd, then re-install the revo with drivers, and clone the whole thing back to the revo. A bit clumsy.
    Sorry for not being able to attatch a good screen dump, a security mess popped up,. file too large.
    But some parts of the screen seen below.
    Sorry also for being a bit rusty at present, many things are rusty at my age (85 nest week).
    Hoping for some good advice.

    upload_2021-10-28_21-43-57.png upload_2021-10-28_21-37-31.png upload_2021-10-28_21-43-57.png upload_2021-10-28_21-37-31.png upload_2021-10-28_21-43-57.png

  16. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    There are no files extracted to the "Source_ISO\Win11 or Win10" folders.
    It auto-elevates to admin rights, and should just run for a minute tops.
    Drivers is not the function of the fix script.
  17. rpo

    rpo MDL Expert

    Jan 3, 2010
    I experienced the same issue i could not boot from a DVD; just create a USB disk and boot from it.
  18. W_fantasma

    W_fantasma MDL Senior Member

    Apr 10, 2012
    Well, done it by myself. it´s working fine with options 1 & 2. if @Enthousiast give me permission, i could upload the .zip in the "new format"
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  19. snofte

    snofte MDL Member

    Jan 10, 2013
    #639 snofte, Oct 29, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2021
    Thanks to rpo again. Seems case is now SOLVED:
    1. The FIX-script2.1 option 1 produced iso file: Win10_With_22000.258_x64_nb-NO_install.esd_2021-10-28.iso
    2. Created bootable flash drive with this file via rufus.
    3. Booted flash drive, and I was presented with choice of windows version, then clean install or upgrade,
    accept lterms, etc etc. Selected win11 pro, clean install, and install went just fine !
    Driver selection went fine (driver for the revodrive), accepted and installed
    4. Checked for updates, found some, and they were installed fine !
    5. Final reboot, then Checked windows version =: windows 11 21H2 2000.258
    6. Checked activation = ok digital licence.
    7. Tried again to burn a DVD with same file as did with rufus for the flash drive.(using imgburn)
    8. Booted the DVd, it starts ok with language selection. Next, "starting instalIation"
    Next, it goes directly to search for driver. NOT choice of windows version as when booting from flash drive !!!!!!
    And driver selction fails as mentioned before.
    Conclusion: All is well using flash drive boot, but NOT well using DVD boot !!!!
    Difference in behaviour not due to the FIX-script or what ?
    Could the difference be caused by some MS-bug/problem or what ?
    Should the FIX-script have a warning = do not use DVD burning ?
    What do the MDL-experts think of this peculiar behaviour ?
  20. W_fantasma

    W_fantasma MDL Senior Member

    Apr 10, 2012
    i think, currently burning a dvd to do a windows install is an obsolete method, but i remember a very very long time ago, i was adviced to burn the dvd media at slowest speed available to avoid data burning errors. maybe it is your issue
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