Win 8.x • Win 7 • Vista - 'Multi-OEM' ISO Project

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by searchengine, Jan 30, 2010.

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  1. chickpea1

    chickpea1 MDL Novice

    Nov 24, 2010
    Sorry to be so stupid but how do I download the FILE: $oem$_Win8x_Win7_Vista_ISO_[01-11-13].7z . It just says file has started to download. Not sure where it's downloading to!
    Any help appriciated.
  2. sam263

    sam263 MDL Novice

    Nov 20, 2009
    Go to post #1875
  3. nibbles_uk

    nibbles_uk MDL Novice

    Feb 9, 2013
    I'm getting the same problem as chickpea1 - have checked the images provided in post #1875, were not being noobs, there isn't a secondary link that we are missing.
    Original link has been suspended due to too much traffic, next two links give same issue as reported by chickpea1, tried two different computers to check it's not my pc blocking a download.

    Any other suggestions or a chance of a mirror?
  4. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #1904 Mr.X, Dec 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017

    HALIKUS MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2009
    Excellent work. If when you compile $oem$-Assessment-Tool you have the option to make an x64 version, could you possibly release that? Its a very handy tool for polling info in a WinPE if the system has no OS. With todays PCs, i find myself inside an x64 pe more and more each day.
  6. shadetree

    shadetree MDL Novice

    Feb 12, 2011
    This is just Brilliant!

    Thank You for your passion!

    BTW- wondering if anyone tested this latest version with a Volume ei.cfg?

    Also, is it possible to set a default theme of my own or on a retail system?
  7. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    #1907 The_Guardian, Dec 4, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2013
    There is no real need for a 64 bit version of the tool for it uses wmic to get info about motherboard and uses a reg query to get info of OS. If oem key for win 8.x is found it outputs to txt file in order for cmd script to run and apply the key that is found in bios. It is compliled with autoit to make into one nice lil exe file.

    Whether it is vol or retail the branding is still done reguardless if it is oem activated or not. If you wish to force a theme you wish to install then use the Force_Theme_[readme].txt file.
  8. nibbles_uk

    nibbles_uk MDL Novice

    Feb 9, 2013
    Thank you MisterX ;)
  9. shadetree

    shadetree MDL Novice

    Feb 12, 2011
    #1911 shadetree, Dec 5, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
    Yes I understand the system quarry. Good to know the branding will not interfere with volume. Still, the latest files have no mention of Force Theme like the previous versions, the file hash is a match. I had un-archived and saved the files with Linux changing the file permissions somehow. Windows didn't see/copy all of the files from the server.
  10. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    #1912 The_Guardian, Dec 5, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2013
    The instructions has always been in the Force_Theme_[readme].txt file since I can remember. Its even mentioned in the IMPORTANT - Read Me.txt file.

    "6. optionally, use 'Force_Theme_[readme].txt' to apply specific theme."

    Think that is why it says readme. lol
  11. hamood10

    hamood10 MDL Novice

    Dec 12, 2013
    "new OEMsync.exe size 296KB" the "old OEMsync.exe size 3.13MB" !!!
    how come ?
  12. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    #1915 The_Guardian, Dec 13, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2013
    Its not using RWeverything anymore thus smaller.

    @ searchengine
    On a HP I just worked on for a friend wanted to install asus theme instead of HP with the tool... I just used the force theme txt file for I didnt want to take a chance on install of asus theme but thought I would let you know.
  13. searchengine

    searchengine Guest


    Would need to see report from $oem$ Assessment tool, for the HP machine in question.
  14. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    I will get it tomorrow....I have his personal pics and such I still have to put on just got late so I went home. I will run it and post the log...guess I should have done that before posting here, duh. lol
  15. ViditM14

    ViditM14 MDL Junior Member

    Oct 28, 2012
  16. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    If not using RWeverything anymore how does it actually work? I guess the new OEMsync.exe file has a more reliable way to detect the key and OEM activation gets accomplished, isn't it?
  17. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    #1920 The_Guardian, Dec 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    I seen him mention to another member on here in another thread about seeing other methods out there so I assume he went that route. It checks for bios key for win 8 and 8.1 and also slic version then applies key if found. If you want specifics you would have to ask him.

    @ searchengine,
    I will post that log file you requested this evening.

    Here is the log searchengine...
    Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center 
    Bios_Type - 5.13 Phoenix 
    Bios_Date - 10/29/2007 
    #1 CSPRODUCT NAME       - GX614AA-ABA a6330f 
    #4 CSPRODUCT VENDOR     - HP-Pavilion 
    #5 COMPUTERSYSTEM MFR   - HP-Pavilion 
    #6 BASEBOARD MFR        - ASUSTek Computer INC. 
    #7 BIOS ID              - HPQOEM 
    #8 SLIC OA              - v2.0 
    #9 MSDM TABLE [OEM:DM]  - Un-Listed 
    USER DISPLAY [*-incl.]  - 1024x768 
    THEME                   - ASUS [id:-`#6'] 
    ACTIVATION              - HP [id:-`#7'] 
    VALID [OS]              - Vista 
    Software Licensing Description Table: 0x00000000B7EF9800
    53 4C 49 43 76 01 00 00 01 E7 48 50 51 4F 45 4D SLICv.....HPQOEM
    53 4C 49 43 2D 43 50 43 31 2E 30 42 41 57 52 44 SLIC-CPC1.0BAWRD
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9C 00 00 00 06 02 00 00 ................
    00 24 00 00 52 53 41 31 00 04 00 00 01 00 01 00 .$..RSA1........
    5B AB 60 56 BC 58 1E E8 C1 D2 A1 5C E5 4F BB FD [.`V.X.....\.O..
    1D A9 8C 94 B4 AE 08 11 DC 13 59 D3 7F F6 3E 87 ..........Y...>.
    31 B9 95 74 10 DA 3B A4 5B B5 19 82 7C 39 D7 0D 1..t..;.[...|9..
    7C 22 AC 1C 2A 84 E9 0A 88 6D FA B1 E2 D8 E8 21 |"..*....m.....!
    96 E1 2E 68 9A BF 44 45 3E 3C 8E 99 90 DE 37 38 ...h..DE><....78
    57 0B 92 15 BC DE FF F2 07 7E B5 40 8C 51 3A C3 [email protected]:.
    02 48 F6 13 12 72 FB 42 78 E6 47 88 54 C7 B0 F0 .H...r.Bx.G.T...
    93 9E FB 04 B7 B8 B8 90 DE DB ED 32 E1 FB 54 A6 ...........2..T.
    01 00 00 00 B6 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 48 50 51 4F ............HPQO
    45 4D 53 4C 49 43 2D 43 50 43 57 49 4E 44 4F 57 EMSLIC-CPCWINDOW
    53 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 S ..............
    00 00 00 00 00 00 2F F4 14 59 C4 F8 24 34 4A 36 ....../..Y..$4J6
    45 A2 09 43 FB 0F C9 13 8B 59 D1 AE CE E6 23 19 E..C.....Y....#.
    3D A5 B7 7A CF B0 9D 37 74 C8 A4 60 62 92 EC 35 =..z...7t..`b..5
    01 C3 DC 64 15 3C 94 A9 F7 67 A9 9A B8 53 67 79 ...d.<...g...Sgy
    AD 43 38 0E D7 B6 1E 1C CF 7E 8C 71 5F 85 E6 97 .C8......~.q_...
    5F 5A 1F C9 78 EA 6D 05 17 84 10 D7 38 E5 55 02 _Z..x.m.....8.U.
    69 7B 41 77 D6 DD D1 95 5A 9A 7B 1F E6 9B 01 6B i{Aw....Z.{....k
    FC 4E BF 2D F1 7B 79 A5 66 06 CE 7E 92 AE C9 89 .N.-.{y.f..~....
    5C DC 99 E1 F7 E7                               \.....          
    Signature "SLIC"
    Length 0x00000176 (374)
    Revision 0x01 (1)
    Checksum 0xE7 (231)
    OEM Table ID "SLIC-CPC"
    OEM Revision 0x42302E31 (1110453809)
    Creator ID "AWRD"
    Creator Revision 0x00000000 (0)
    OEM Public Key Structure
      Type 0x00000000 (0)
      Length 0x0000009C (156)
      Key Type 0x06 (6)
      Version 0x02 (2)
      Reserved 0x0000 (0)
      Algorithm 0x00002400 (9216)
      Magic "RSA1"
      Bit Length 0x00000400 (1024)
      Exponent 0x00010001 (65537)
      Modulus 0x5B 0xAB 0x60 0x56 0xBC 0x58 0x1E 0xE8 0xC1 0xD2 0xA1 0x5C 0xE5 0x4F 0xBB 0xFD 
              0x1D 0xA9 0x8C 0x94 0xB4 0xAE 0x08 0x11 0xDC 0x13 0x59 0xD3 0x7F 0xF6 0x3E 0x87 
              0x31 0xB9 0x95 0x74 0x10 0xDA 0x3B 0xA4 0x5B 0xB5 0x19 0x82 0x7C 0x39 0xD7 0x0D 
              0x7C 0x22 0xAC 0x1C 0x2A 0x84 0xE9 0x0A 0x88 0x6D 0xFA 0xB1 0xE2 0xD8 0xE8 0x21 
              0x96 0xE1 0x2E 0x68 0x9A 0xBF 0x44 0x45 0x3E 0x3C 0x8E 0x99 0x90 0xDE 0x37 0x38 
              0x57 0x0B 0x92 0x15 0xBC 0xDE 0xFF 0xF2 0x07 0x7E 0xB5 0x40 0x8C 0x51 0x3A 0xC3 
              0x02 0x48 0xF6 0x13 0x12 0x72 0xFB 0x42 0x78 0xE6 0x47 0x88 0x54 0xC7 0xB0 0xF0 
              0x93 0x9E 0xFB 0x04 0xB7 0xB8 0xB8 0x90 0xDE 0xDB 0xED 0x32 0xE1 0xFB 0x54 0xA6 
    SLIC Marker Structure
      Type 0x00000001 (1)
      Length 0x000000B6 (182)
      Version 0x00020000 (131072)
      OEM Table ID "SLIC-CPC"
      Windows Flag "WINDOWS "
      SLIC Ver 0x00000000 (v2.0)
      Reserved 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 
      Signature 0x2F 0xF4 0x14 0x59 0xC4 0xF8 0x24 0x34 0x4A 0x36 0x45 0xA2 0x09 0x43 0xFB 0x0F 
                0xC9 0x13 0x8B 0x59 0xD1 0xAE 0xCE 0xE6 0x23 0x19 0x3D 0xA5 0xB7 0x7A 0xCF 0xB0 
                0x9D 0x37 0x74 0xC8 0xA4 0x60 0x62 0x92 0xEC 0x35 0x01 0xC3 0xDC 0x64 0x15 0x3C 
                0x94 0xA9 0xF7 0x67 0xA9 0x9A 0xB8 0x53 0x67 0x79 0xAD 0x43 0x38 0x0E 0xD7 0xB6 
                0x1E 0x1C 0xCF 0x7E 0x8C 0x71 0x5F 0x85 0xE6 0x97 0x5F 0x5A 0x1F 0xC9 0x78 0xEA 
                0x6D 0x05 0x17 0x84 0x10 0xD7 0x38 0xE5 0x55 0x02 0x69 0x7B 0x41 0x77 0xD6 0xDD 
                0xD1 0x95 0x5A 0x9A 0x7B 0x1F 0xE6 0x9B 0x01 0x6B 0xFC 0x4E 0xBF 0x2D 0xF1 0x7B 
                0x79 0xA5 0x66 0x06 0xCE 0x7E 0x92 0xAE 0xC9 0x89 0x5C 0xDC 0x99 0xE1 0xF7 0xE7 
    RW Exit
    Table not found.
    RW Exit