The script is what started this thread. People already know how to do it manually. What script is missing?
He was right as the thread goes too far in back which makes it difficult for a new user to check if this script is also there on MDL. i hope i am correct in this
If you are talking about this script the code is right there. I did not include a BAT file
The script works when creating a USB stick, but fails if the USB device is a hard disk. The failing instructions are : Clear-Disk $usb -RemoveData -RemoveOEM -Confirm:$false set-disk $usb -partitionstyle mbr A workaround is to replace the PowerShell cmdlets by the "old" diskpart : @" Select disk $USB clean convert MBR rescan exit "@ | diskpart I tested this with an USB connected hard drive on a PC with legacy BIOS; too lazy to test on UEFI pc.
No. This complicates the script for marginal use. If the iso is expanded on disk, boot a WinPE system and execute setup.exe.
as far as i know you just have to format your USB copy all files from the iso and use bootsect to make it bootable. i dont understand why making 2 partition for this ?
Because to be able to do both MBR & UEFI boot, first pertition needs to be FAT32 & second NTFS (where you can have >4Gb .wim file)
These days most UEFI also include an NTFS driver. You can boot directly from NTFS, no fat32 partition required. Sure if you're still working on old systems you'd still need to do this...
One never knows what kind of system it might be, why get caught when it is so easy not to assume anything?
If someone comes here seeking to use this threads universal USB answer to package their pre-expanded, Windows media folder, then I have consolidated the suggested solutions. If your WIM is smaller than 4GB, than the recommendation is to use the ideas presented by @freddie-o in the just mentioned link: If your WIM is larger than 4GB and you're working with a device fronted by a modern UEFI, than the recommendation is to format your USB disk as NTFS and copy the contents of your expanded Windows media folder to the disk. If you want to use the contents of your expanded Windows media folder to accomplish the goals stated in the title of this thread, then you're welcome to use my less-than-ideal-solution: A wrapper script that runs the following pipeline: Expanded Windows media folder to> ISO to> USB with option to keep or delete the created ISO. Download this threads "Win10 Setup Disk X.X.bat" and rename it "Win10 Setup Disk.bat" Park "Win10 Setup Disk.bat" next to "Wrapper.bat" which uses ISO making code provided by @BAU see Run "Wrapper.bat" and follow the instructions. Wrapper.bat: Code: @ECHO OFF CD /D "%~dp0" CHCP 437 >NUL COLOR 9F SETLOCAL EnableExtensions SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion ::==================================================================== CLS SET /P DIR= ^> Enter the directory location for your Windows media files: ECHO: ECHO Wait for your new ISO to get created . . . :: Create-ISO via @BAU :DIR2ISO lean and mean snippet CALL :DIR2ISO -dir "%DIR%" "4USB.iso" ECHO: ECHO When the time comes to select your ISO, choose the file "4USB.iso" that just appeared next to this script. ECHO: PAUSE CLS CALL "%~dp0Win10 Setup Disk.bat" COLOR 9F ECHO: ECHO: CHOICE /C:NY /N /M "Do you want to keep your new ISO? ['Y'es/'N'o] : " IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 2 ( CLS ECHO Rename "4USB.iso" with a proper descriptive name. ECHO: PAUSE GOTO :QUIT ) ECHO Deleting "4USB.iso" DEL "%~dp04USB.iso" ECHO: PAUSE :QUIT CLS COLOR 1C ECHO: ECHO Exiting... powershell Sleep -s 1 ::==================================================================== ENDLOCAL EnableExtensions ENDLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion COLOR 00 EXIT :: Source: @BAU $:DIR2ISO: #,# [PARAMS] directory file.iso set ^ #="$f0=[io.file]::ReadAllText($env:0);$0=($f0-split'\$%0:.*')[1];$1=$env:1-replace'([`@$])','`$1';iex(\"$0 `r`n %0 $1\")" set ^ #=& set "0=%~f0"& set 1=%*& powershell -nop -c %#%& exit/b %errorcode% function :DIR2ISO ($dir, $iso) { if (!(test-path -Path $dir -pathtype Container)) {"[ERR] $dir\ :DIR2ISO";exit 1}; $dir2iso=@" using System; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.Interop`Services; using System.Runtime.Interop`Services.ComTypes; public class dir2iso {public int AveYo=2021; [Dll`Import("shlwapi",CharSet=CharSet.Unicode,PreserveSig=false)] internal static extern void SHCreateStreamOnFileEx(string f,uint m,uint d,bool b,IStream r,out IStream s); public static void Create(string file, ref object obj, int bs, int tb) { IStream dir=(IStream)obj, iso; try {SHCreateStreamOnFileEx(file,0x1001,0x80,true,null,out iso);} catch(Exception e) {Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return;} int d=tb>1024 ? 1024 : 1, pad=tb%d, block=bs*d, total=(tb-pad)/d, c=total>100 ? total/100 : total, i=1, MB=(bs/1024)*tb/1024; Console.Write("{0,3}% {1}MB {2} :DIR2ISO",0,MB,file); if (pad > 0) dir.CopyTo(iso, pad * block, Int`Ptr.Zero, Int`Ptr.Zero); while (total-- > 0) {dir.CopyTo(iso, block, Int`Ptr.Zero, Int`Ptr.Zero); if (total % c == 0) {Console.Write("\r{0,3}%",i++);}} iso.Commit(0); Console.WriteLine("\r{0,3}% {1}MB {2} :DIR2ISO", 100, MB, file); } } "@; & { $cs=new-object CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters; $cs.GenerateInMemory=1 #,# no`warnings $compile=(new-object Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider).CompileAssemblyFromSource($cs, $dir2iso) $BOOT=@(); $bootable=0; $mbr_efi=@(0,0xEF); $images=@('boot\','efi\microsoft\boot\efisys.bin') #,# efisys_noprompt 0,1|% { $bootimage=join-path $dir -child $images[$_]; if (test-path -Path $bootimage -pathtype Leaf) { $bin=new-object -ComObject ADODB.Stream; $bin.Open(); $bin.Type=1; $bin.LoadFromFile($bootimage) $opt=new-object -ComObject IMAPI2FS.BootOptions; $opt.AssignBootImage($bin.psobject.BaseObject); $opt.Manufacturer='Microsoft' $opt.PlatformId=$mbr_efi[$_]; $opt.Emulation=0; $bootable=1; $BOOT += $opt.psobject.BaseObject } } $fsi=new-object -ComObject IMAPI2FS.MsftFileSystemImage; $fsi.FileSystemsToCreate=4; $fsi.FreeMediaBlocks=0 if ($bootable) {$fsi.BootImageOptionsArray=$BOOT}; $CONTENT=$fsi.Root; $CONTENT.AddTree($dir,$false); $fsi.VolumeName='DVD_ROM' $obj=$fsi.CreateResultImage(); [dir2iso]::Create($iso,[ref]$obj.ImageStream,$obj.BlockSize,$obj.TotalBlocks) };[GC]::Collect() } $:DIR2ISO: #,# export directory as (bootable) udf iso - lean and mean snippet by AveYo, 2021
I'm just curious why one would rather keep a copy of a mounted Windows ISO rather than the ISO itself.
I think you're directing the question to me? If not, please ignore my reply . . . I don't keep the mounted Windows ISO. I only keep the extracted WIM which I optimize offline and then, very occasionally, reinsert back into the extracted official ISO files in order to make an optimized ISO or USB. I predominantly work only with the Windows WIM as part of: Optimize-Offline The Optimize-Offline processed WIM feeds: Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) I install Windows using TinyPXE that allows devices to LAN boot and call a virtual machine running ADK/MDT Occasionally, I need a Windows ISO or USB My need for a "proper" Windows USB is even more rare now that Ventoy (USB) uses a plugin to boot any sized WIM file (Legacy BIOS + UEFI). Third-party projects (Ventoy) come and go, so I want a reserve ISO/USB making pipeline that is pure Windows (what you've developed here). I wrote/shared the script I posted above more as a personal demo test of @BAU 's pure-windows ISO making code. The fact that your pure-windows USB script gets its required ISO is simply a bonus outcome! (AND yes, I know, that oscdimg.exe comes with ADK and is a great tool to make ISOs, but I wanted to see if I could get "DIR2ISO lean and mean snippet" to do the job)
Could one bypass this limitation by just putting the 1507/1511/1607 install.wim inside a more recent version iso? I would imagine it is, since the part that supports particular type of booting is gonna just be dumped on the FAT partition and the install.wim is just a container to be unpacked.
This limitation applies to the version of Windows 10 you are currently using to create the Setup disk -- not the install.wim used for the script. Updated the OP so it's clearer.
^ Ye I may have not expressed myself all that clearly either. I reading the limitation back then i thought it applies to the WinPE part of 1507-1607 images. Turns out I was thinking about the wrong thing.
I just updated to the 2.4 script and while attempting to make the boot disk it no longer makes the 2 separate drives...E & F in my case. Is this because of Windows 11?