It appears really quick before "Please mount USB stick. Waiting..." What do you think about
replace $newsize.height = 3000 by $newsize.height = [Math]::Min^(50, $pshost.ui.rawui.MaxWindowSize.height^) and $newsize.height = 50 by $newsize.width = [Math]::Min^(150, $pshost.ui.rawui.MaxWindowSize.Width^) (lines 17-18) The problem with occurs when you have many usb sticks with the same characteristics mounted. How do you choose the correct one?
Normally when creating a boot disk it's less confusing and less likely to make a mistake to just have one usb stick plugged in. Anyway not a big deal.
Added a parameter $DetailUSB, $False by default to comply with Download here.
Actually this is misleading The purpose of the pic was to just show the window size. I didn't mean we needed to remove the characteristics of the USB. Maybe use smaller fonts and pads?, so we can resize to a smaller size window.
Executionpolicy bypass cmd didn't work correctly. (Win 10 1809 x86) This worked. Code: powershell -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -WindowStyle Normal -file "%temp%\script.ps1"
Here is a dumb question. I downloaded the script. I run as admin..It flashes and goes away?? How do you work this then? I ran it from C drive..I ran it from the USB drive???? I tried putting script in same folder as the extracted .iso of Win 10...I put it in the .iso folder....I give up??
Hi, used rpo's 'Create USB Boot Device' script to create a UEFI/MBR USB windows 10 installer. Tested with an old MBR and all went good. When I use it to boot on the machine with UEFI, it shows 3 options to boot: 1) USB GENERIC DRIVE (MBR. The only that shows on the old machine with BIOS) 2) UEFI: FAT 3) UEFI: NTFS Which one (2 or 3) should I pick? Thanks.
How do you create the boot drive from that file? I click it and it just does a quick flash and disappears? RPO's does the same thing....window flashes and goes away...Thats all it does?????
Hi. Run with administrator privileges. Right-click on Create USB Boot Device.cmd and click 'run as administrator'
I did....Already said that...nothing happens....A black window opens up and then disappears instantly. Yes I disabled antivirus and antimalware programs?????
Can you explain how your doing it? Do you put this script in same folder as extracted .iso of Windows? Or do you put it in same folder as the .iso? What are the steps? Does the files have to be on C drive or can it be run from anywhere?
Had similar issues here. I ran the script (renamed to WBD.cmd) from an elevated command prompt so the window would stay open for me to read the error. Mine was due to PowerShell execution policies on this computer: Code: C:\Utils>WBD.cmd C:\temp\script.ps1 : File C:\temp\script.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at https:/ At line:1 char:1 + C:\temp\script.ps1 -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle Normal + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : SecurityError: (:) [], PSSecurityException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess Following the link (from above), I used the PS command "Get-ExecutionPolicy -List" and found the "CurrentUser" was restricted. Remedied with the PS command: "Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser" All good now.