WIN11 24H2/ Windows 12 Windows 11 24H2 and Windows 12 in addition to the classic requirements (TPM 2.0, Secure boot) will require the CPUs to have the POPCNT instruction can it be bypassed?
If it can't be bypassed I'd be surprised. Hasn't everything around here been bypassed? I can certainly see there being no MS-sanctioned bypass though.
If they compiled some binaries relying on a specific CPU feature, there is nothing to bypass, you have to recompile No. Artificial limits (like the TPM requirement) can be removed, some hard block can be patched (like the ones in Win8), but if s specific feature is mandated as a compile option there is nothing practical that can be done. BTW I can't tell anything first hand to the OP specific problem. My newer (but unsupported officially) HW works perfectly as 26052, my older one is blocked since the arrival of 259xx.
I had read about it new coming up 24H2.. Not again.. You can setup to not to update 24H2 by go to Group Policy and Set to 23H2 this will stay there until 24H2 resolve to bypass it TPM 2.0, CPU and etc..OR wait comes out Windows 11 LTSC. ATGPUD2003
let's say you use an external HDD/SSD and use `wimlim-imagex` and apply the wim file windows will able to load or not? this is how I install my system. usually.
No need to use a external hdd when vhdx are so handy. You don't even need to boot it in the physical machine, HyperV would be more than enough to test, given the cpu isn't emulated, if a feature is missing, is missing for the Vm as well.
People usually ask for a problem they have. Anyway, AMD introduced sse4.2 in K10 Barcelona (Phenom) in May 2007, so K8 Athlon 64 and perhaps my Turion X2 (Tyler), released in May 2007 as well, still doesn't have them. Turion II (Caspian) from Sep 2009 are the first mobile AMD that have the instruction Intel introduced them in Nov 2008, first generation Core i7 (Nehaelm and Westemere) and Mobile Core I3/I5I/I7 (Arrandale) in 2010 On the other hand Atoms and some Celerons/Pentiums didn't get them until 2013 (Silvermont architecture) In short 2010 means nothing, there is a SIX years time-frame from 2007 to 2013 where a random CPU may work or not.
"celerons / pentiums are bad cpu for windows 11 totaly useless" Simple to understand sentence but hey why not make it confusing? "Another meaningless sentence. There are Pentiums and Celerons based on practical any architecture across decades"