thnx for this application. @moderate For detailed information on Windows 8 : Code: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] "VerboseStatus"=dword:00000001
VerboseStatus is known for long time and is just a policy. - I haven't added it for this reason in my original script. And it may also confuses regular people. There is actually one more reg entry I could provide but is kind of useless. Disabling Animation. but this doesn't work all the time. It hides the spinning circle while sign in, but if I remeber right it only works if you signed-in already so would work only for the next long-ons and log-offs
nice, HB, what about to add "Boot screen color" (before user does login) too? (KNARZ found it at some German server.) BTW: It is NOT the value for individual clients (after user does login), what can be choosed in Immersive Control panel... ...this one can't be set anywhere in User Interface. Code: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Accent] "DefaultColorSet"=dword:00000002 Here are some values: 2 = gray 6 = purple 8 = blue 12 = lighter blue 14 = lighter green 16 = pink 18 = lighter gray EDIT: I see you have already done app for that. BTW: Your "SignInBackgroundColor" doesn't support resolution scaling: \Right-Click-On-Desktop\Customise\Display\Middle-125%. Bar with colors is unusable after that. Could you please fix that? Also could you please make two independant color lines for both of settings?
hmm, if I would be there, I'll probably choose to emigrate as revolution against commies there isn't very realistic ://
Yes,all you have to do is to enable transparency using this tool and then to try to move the open windows or t have many opened in the same time and you will know what I speacking about...
This is NOT aero8Tuner bug. This is DWM bug. Aero8tuner just allow you to "force" the colorization mode. The tool does nothing with window frames. How bug in DWM is related to my tool?