hey boys, girls and hermaphrodite, please do not post KEYS and illegal activations / instructions in this thread this is a pure Download thread it would be kind if all member / admins delete such postings (Question & Answer) here (use a extra thread for this illegal stuff) TIA
No seeds in PD's X-Files for hk_windows_10_education_version_1511_x86_dvd_7223805.iso and hk_windows_10_education_version_1511_x64_dvd_7223800.iso after downloaded about 87%, anyone can upload these two files? Thanks!
Can someone share this edition please: el_windows_10_education_version_1511_x86_dvd_7223972.iso all mega links is dead...thanks
where can I grab the official isos from microsoft with install.wim instead of esd on it? I need it to be official pt-BR isos for Windows 10 TH2 RTM. The mega link on this topic is offline. File removed. Please guys.. Someone can upload it on mega?
How about Smartversion from en_multi to pt_edu & pt_ent? (Deleted because nobody need it and protect my MEGA account.)
Yeah, use MEGA - faster down then UP it seems that all ppl that wish upload to MEGA = leech i copy from your mega account to mine - doesn't care if Mega fast kick down (coz DMCA) - i have my files and don't share = my files never go down I think to myself my part -> i would never share my files with MAGA people some stupid will come out
Ok. Downloading right now. Does anyone knows if its possible to use winaio maker pro to integrate windows 7 and windows 10 wims into one install.wim and will it work? I want to have an ISO with Windows 7 SP1 Pro x86, Windows 7 SP1 Pro x64, Windows 10 TH2 Pro x86 and Windows 10 TH2 Pro x64 at first. Is that possible? EDIT.: The index from techbench iso shows "Windows 10 Technical Preview". So am I right assuming its not the RTM TH2? EDIT2.: Please, somebody upload "Windows 10 TH2 RTM x64 Home/pro pt-BR official ISO" on mega or something else that I can download with maximum speed? (Cant download from torrent at work). EDIT3.: The checksum from the iso downloaded on TechBench doesnt mach this posted on this topic "aef7b566187dbc129ba717da0acca68c428c54f3 *pt_windows_10_multiple_editions_version_1511_x64_dvd_7223774.iso". So the ISO is indeed the Technical Preview and not the RTM. What a waste of time..