Recheck the given pictures . ProWork is part of both ISOs, Enterprise /Core is the only difference usually.
All info about 1903 can be found at the 1903 thread: * * * [ Media Content ] 18362.30 MVS ISO's
In new build ISOs just choose 'I have no product key' when asked and it will offer the edition choice screen, opt for Professional for Workstations and install.
i've normal pro version digital key . you mean i've to perform a clean install and i can't do an upgrade
Pro for Workstation is its own edition hence will need a new license (the one from Pro won't work). Several options: fresh direct install, Pro install can be license switched to ProWork and existing ProWork can be upgraded to new build.
I have download : en_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1903_x64_dvd_b980e68c How to convert it with SVF to french version. Thanks in advanced.