is there anyway to bypass the login screen. before all I had to do netplwiz and it be gone but this new windows 10 I can't. is the a fix or a script to get this done
I haven't had any problem with auto login with 1909. Try disabling the lock screen because that's one of the first things I do.
You can also use this to disable Windows Hello forced login: Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ; enabled (default) = dword:00000002 ; disabled = dword:00000000 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\PasswordLess\Device] "DevicePasswordLessBuildVersion"=dword:00000000 After that netplwiz will work as before and you can keep your PIN.
Completely mysterious, I have always used it on my personal computers, including v1909 and had no problem never. I use it also now. I've never had to use any "Special Chemistry".