when you update pc that lag is fixed.. i had the same and found the problem. it was because pc is not up to date. this problem fixed with a update so thats why ltsc 2019 has no lag problems.
Yes looking into it more I see there is no easy way to globally disable fullscreen optimizations. I guess MS decided nobody needs a setting for that. They must think it works perfect in 1809. In previous versions you could set "GameDVR_FSEBehavior"=dword:00000002, but that doesn't seem to work anymore. In any case optimization is not giving me any problem at this point so I'm just going to live with it. I did find a way to keep GameBarPresenceWriter.exe from starting up. After disabling all game related stuff like GameBar and GameDVR that one was still starting up with games. The following below turned it off. Need to set privs to change it, but I just did it from an nSudo console. Code: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsRuntime\ActivatableClassId\Windows.Gaming.GameBar.PresenceServer.Internal.PresenceWriter] "ActivationType"=dword:00000000
What answer would you prefer ? Check Pros and Cons for 1809 (aside from the licensing LTSC is just Enterprise) over 1607 and decide if you need and it's worth the upgrade.
Atm it behaves nicely here (only some visual glitches for me due to theme patch and AeroGlass, nothing annoying). Played Metro Exodus and latest Far Cry without problems. Didn't install the latest CU which can be problematic in certain configurations, but that's not a Win 10 problem per se .
Ltsc runs nicely on my rig(I7 8700k/1080ti) for gaming. Played 35 hours of Sekiro: shadows die twice in 4k running ltsc without a single issue. Also i use a xbone controller via Bluetooth. I would definitely recommend ltsc 2019.
LTSC has been running very well for me on my recent model laptop, pretty happy with it. I avoided that latest cumulative update that's somewhat problematic. Been doing a lot with it as my main machine. No issues at all with games, runs them as good as win7 ever did. Doing a lot of video encoding right now ripping movies off optical disk, have to say the hexa-core i7 cpu my machine has is really paying off for that. LTSC is doing a good job with the software I'm using (MakeMKV and HandBrake).
for coffee lake iGPU support on LTSB 2016 you can use drivers up to version any newer drivers require windows 10 1709 or later. -andy-
How about Adobe Flash? I'm still on 2016 LTSB and I'm perplexed why on earth does it get updates for Adobe Flash??
Because half of the internet still uses Flash and Microsoft cares about supporting legacy solutions? If you want cutting edge software and don't care about backwards compatibility of any kind then you should switch to GNU/Linux and experiment with new kernel versions. I personally care the most about stability and backwards compatibility even with 1990s legacy stuff.
Im using ltsc on intel coffee lake because the igpu driver doesnt support 1607, 17xx onwards only. Air gapped, tweaked a bit its fine. Got tired of trying to get old os's running on newer hardware.