SO... I don't understand. Did you re-activate your old OS, or 10? DId they have to authorize a manual confirmation ID?
I had an screen shot from latest Phone Activation for Windows 8.1 Pro and have now the same for Windows 10 Once you need to use Phone Activation you'll get the needed HWID on screen. Capture that and you're done!
I done a clean install after I used to updater the BIOS to an new one, which I modified onm my own! While W10 wasn't activated automatically, I was need to phone Microsoft Activation Center. They asked for the Old Product Key and, if I had, the old HWID, which I still had. There wasn't an Mainboard change, just the BIOS change. I was getting an new Activation Key and had to key in directly and the OS were directly activated again. And just to tell, the original License of Windows 8.1 was bought by myself online from MS 2 years ago and reactivated serveral times already, the last 2 time by phone!
Okay, thanks. Hm... I wonder if they're only going to do this while the free upgrade offer is in place.
According to what the Guy from MS SG told, no time limits if the original were an MS License but OEM! If OEM, the user may have to contact the Hardware Manufacturer from his computer or Hardware which had the bundled license!!
Correct and since you are getting personal I will await more members backing up your claims. I am in no position to tell it's right or wrong you have been proven wrong before but will never admit to it what more can I say everyone on this forum was wrong before with your windows 8 fiasco . bla bla bla I run a real company would not use a modified dvd turned out you had
Could you post the format of the HWID? I'm curious to compare it to the many bits and pieces that Win-10 has left behind. Here's some of them. Are any of them in a HWID format you are familiar with. These seem to show up a lot. Spoiler <xml xmlns:s="uuid:BDC6E3F0-6DA3-11d1-A2A3-00AA00C14882" xmlnst="uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882" <ActionId>fd3097aa-467b-4baa-a326-2e14559f8aba</ActionId> <ActionId>42b93982-4611-4e21-b32f-cc6689afd901</ActionId> <ActionId>984681b9-38ff-4bcc-beac-a3328f6e9346</ActionId> <ActionId>e33eb9f3-8e4a-4fb1-97b8-eccd96b62e8d</ActionId> <ActionId>f452d729-51eb-4edb-a176-0732c94d5918</ActionId> <TransportId>3d5edec5-37a4-4a4f-b5be-9a0a396c2f85</TransportId> Loading ID: [3d3ad714-f8d8-4c84-ad5f-10938c2f3339 Loading ID: [c7b6e4de-b741-42d8-ac05-16738c9e0bc5