Windows 10 AIO Problem IN Enterprise

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by TeamOS, Aug 4, 2015.

  1. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    #21 murphy78, Aug 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Enterprise is missing _default\license.rtf
    You need to copy the one from Volume.
    This is what they keep trying to explain.

    Here was my GA script. You can try to decipher this:
    @echo off
    pushd %~dp0
    set tempfile=c:\temp\install.wim
    set wimdir1=c:\win10dual\x86\sources\
    set wimdir2=c:\win10dual\x64\sources\
    set baseline=Win10-GA-AIO
    set win10folder=C:\win10dual
    if not exist c:\mount mkdir c:\mount
    if not exist c:\temp mkdir c:\temp
    :wimdir1 aka x86
    for /l %%x in (1, 1, 11) do (
    dism /mount-wim /wimfile:"%wimdir1%install.wim" /index:%%x /mountdir:c:\mount
    dism /image:c:\mount /add-package /packagepath:E:\Win10slipstream\KBFiles\x86 /preventpending
    dism /image:c:\mount /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup /resetbase
    if not exist c:\mount\windows\setup\Info mkdir c:\mount\windows\setup\Info
    xcopy E:\Win10slipstream\Info\* c:\mount\windows\setup\Info /csy
    xcopy /hcy "E:\Windows-ISOs\Baseline Torrents\win10ga-wims\x86\winre.wim" c:\mount\windows\system32\recovery\
    takeown /f c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /r /d y & icacls c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /grant Administrators:F /t
    xcopy /cey e:\win10slipstream\Licenses\* c:\mount\windows\system32\
    takeown /f c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /r /d y & icacls c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /grant Administrators:F /t
    xcopy /cey e:\win10slipstream\Licenses\* c:\mount\windows\system32\
    takeown /f c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /r /d y & icacls c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /grant Administrators:F /t
    xcopy /cey e:\win10slipstream\Licenses\* c:\mount\windows\system32\
    takeown /f c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /r /d y & icacls c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /grant Administrators:F /t
    xcopy /cey e:\win10slipstream\Licenses\* c:\mount\windows\system32\
    takeown /f c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /r /d y & icacls c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /grant Administrators:F /t
    xcopy /cey e:\win10slipstream\Licenses\* c:\mount\windows\system32\
    dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:c:\mount /commit
    dism /export-image /sourceimagefile:"%wimdir1%install.wim" /sourceindex:%%x /destinationimagefile:%tempfile% /compress:none
    del /q "%wimdir1%install.wim"
    for /l %%x in (1, 1, 11) do (
    dism /export-image /sourceimagefile:%tempfile% /sourceindex:%%x /destinationimagefile:"%wimdir1%install.wim" /compress:max
    del %tempfile%
    :wimdir2 aka x64
    for /l %%x in (1, 1, 11) do (
    dism /mount-wim /wimfile:"%wimdir2%install.wim" /index:%%x /mountdir:c:\mount
    dism /image:c:\mount /add-package /packagepath:E:\Win10slipstream\KBFiles\x64 /preventpending
    dism /image:c:\mount /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup /resetbase
    if not exist c:\mount\windows\setup\Info mkdir c:\mount\windows\setup\Info
    xcopy E:\Win10slipstream\Info\* c:\mount\windows\setup\Info /csy
    xcopy /hcy "E:\Windows-ISOs\Baseline Torrents\win10ga-wims\x64\winre.wim" c:\mount\windows\system32\recovery\
    takeown /f c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /r /d y & icacls c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /grant Administrators:F /t
    xcopy /cey e:\win10slipstream\Licenses\* c:\mount\windows\system32\
    takeown /f c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /r /d y & icacls c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /grant Administrators:F /t
    xcopy /cey e:\win10slipstream\Licenses\* c:\mount\windows\system32\
    takeown /f c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /r /d y & icacls c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /grant Administrators:F /t
    xcopy /cey e:\win10slipstream\Licenses\* c:\mount\windows\system32\
    takeown /f c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /r /d y & icacls c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /grant Administrators:F /t
    xcopy /cey e:\win10slipstream\Licenses\* c:\mount\windows\system32\
    takeown /f c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /r /d y & icacls c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /grant Administrators:F /t
    xcopy /cey e:\win10slipstream\Licenses\* c:\mount\windows\system32\
    dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:c:\mount /commit
    dism /export-image /sourceimagefile:"%wimdir2%install.wim" /sourceindex:%%x /destinationimagefile:%tempfile% /compress:max
    del /q "%wimdir2%install.wim"
    for /l %%x in (1, 1, 11) do (
    dism /export-image /sourceimagefile:%tempfile% /sourceindex:%%x /destinationimagefile:"%wimdir2%install.wim" /compress:max
    del %tempfile%
    E:\waik6\amd64\oscdimg.exe -o -u2 -udfver102 -bootdata:2#p0,e,bc:\win10dual\boot\,e,bc:\win10dual\efi\microsoft\boot\efisys.bin -l%baseline% %win10folder%\ "E:\Windows-ISOs\Baseline Torrents\%baseline%-DualBoot-en-US-GA.iso"
    It should be noted that I already previously integrated boot.wim and winre.wim
    This script just integrates the GA rollup, copies over a few files, resetbase and re-form the data stream by exporting to none and back to max
  2. TeamOS

    TeamOS MDL Guru

    May 27, 2013
    #22 TeamOS, Aug 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    thanks that is intresting but i have already start integrate the GA in boot.wim / install.wim / winre using one by one commands :/ can you give only the files for read the enterprise ???? thanks bro

    if not exist c:\mount\windows\setup\Info mkdir c:\mount\windows\setup\Info
    xcopy E:\Win10slipstream\Info\* c:\mount\windows\setup\Info /csy

    takeown /f c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /r /d y & icacls c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /grant Administrators:F /t
    xcopy /cey e:\win10slipstream\Licenses\* c:\mount\windows\system32\
    takeown /f c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /r /d y & icacls c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /grant Administrators:F /t
    xcopy /cey e:\win10slipstream\Licenses\* c:\mount\windows\system32\
    takeown /f c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /r /d y & icacls c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /grant Administrators:F /t
    xcopy /cey e:\win10slipstream\Licenses\* c:\mount\windows\system32\
    takeown /f c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /r /d y & icacls c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /grant Administrators:F /t
    xcopy /cey e:\win10slipstream\Licenses\* c:\mount\windows\system32\
    takeown /f c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /r /d y & icacls c:\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /grant Administrators:F /t
    xcopy /cey e:\win10slipstream\Licenses\* c:\mount\windows\system32\

  3. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    previous to integration, I went around copying the license.rtf files from mounted indexes into a folder on my e drive.
    during integration I went around giving ownership to admin and copying license info back into each index.

    This serves 2 purposes:
    1- fixes the enterprise retail key default eula error
    2- fixes the problem with missing license info in split-wim format on large AIOs for when you want the chunk size 4095mb to fit on fat32.
  4. TeamOS

    TeamOS MDL Guru

    May 27, 2013
    so i need go deep in enterprise and make mount for find this license.rtf or what?
  5. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    LOL... It's not that hard. You just copy the files from the mounted index so that you can create the appropriate folder structure and copy it back during integration.
    It just needs to have c:\windows\system32\xx-xx\licenses\_default\Enterprise\license.rtf when you run setup.
    When that file is not present, it gives error.
    So what you do is copy the license.rtf from Volume\Enterprise directory and put it in _default\Enterprise directory.

    Don't get hung up on the technicalities or you will get overwhelmed.
  6. TeamOS

    TeamOS MDL Guru

    May 27, 2013
    #26 TeamOS, Aug 5, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2015
    wow thanks bro :D and sorry for idiots questions hehe :D i just first time needed make such things in one mount i never done before.
  7. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    I'm not trying to insult.
    I'm saying keep focus on what you're trying to accomplish and don't worry about the details.
    If you focus on the difficult task, you might give up.

    There's often many ways to accomplish each thing you're trying to do.
  8. yoda89

    yoda89 MDL Novice

    Jul 29, 2009
    Information for everyone :

    Enterprise version : the folder inside "_Default" is "Enterprise" and EULAID is "T1C_1R_1_ED_E_X_fr-fr"
    Enterprise N version : the folder inside "_Default" is "EnterpriseN" and EULAID is "T1C_1R_1_ED_PEN_X_fr-fr"
    Enterprise LTSB version : the folder inside "_Default" is "EnterpriseS" and EULAID is "T1C_1R_1_ED_ES_X_fr-fr"
    Enterprise N LTSB version : the folder inside "_Default" is "EnterpriseSN" and EULAID is "T1C_1R_1_ED_ESN_X_fr-fr"

    X is :
    - O for "OEM"
    - R for "Retail"
    - V for "Volume")

    Of course, you have to replace "fr-fr" with your language.

    Good luck :D
  9. TeamOS

    TeamOS MDL Guru

    May 27, 2013
    like all langs iso's :D but this good for sharing.