Finally I’m beginning to see the cause of the confusion…or ghost-blindness. What I meant in my original post was that the part I posted was (only) the bottom right corner of my Desktop, not the entire Desktop which, as I clearly said, is full of folders and shortcuts etc. And no, it wouldn’t be better to refer to the ghost as snow - that would be denying its existence. P.S. It was also obvious that the thread was haunted by a ghost, as it was exorcised from the Windows 10 section.
I have a few landscape scenes that might be an update for you Katz. I do not know if any are haunted or not so you'll have to check. http:// You'll need to ignore this one, I ate 400 Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seeds when I found it
˄˄ Would you believe that for 12 years I used exclusively the XP theme Desktop? And now I continue the tradition by using the HP theme for Windows 10 (with the XP ghost incorporated). If I were to use anything else, it would of course have to be a cute cat(s) photo. But as my Desktop is largely covered by folders and shortcuts, that would spoil the cat pic. Which in turn would deter me from putting any icons on my Desktop, thus leaving it unutilized. Hence the choice of unimaginative Windows themes. There is a reason they lack visual appeal, which apparently is not widely known, judging by the spectacular wallpapers most people use.
I agree, icons block the nice desktop pics we like, It's the reason I hide my desktop Icons and use the option to have my desktop folder in my toolbar
@Joe C same here dude, since times of Windows 3.11 I don't use any icon on desktop I think that desktop is for show beatiful images and not a ton of ugly icons; still in another hand already is enough the horrible and ugly Windows Hero
Don’t underestimate the effect of desktops. They gradually grow on you and you come to identify them with your computing life at a point in time. To bring an example, I have recently dug up a screenshot of the Desktop of my old Windows XP of 11 years ago. Looking at those icons of programs and activities I have radically changed long ago, takes me back to my early computing days. It’s now a precious retro souvenir, it even puts me in a nostalgic mood,
My eyes hurt when I look at light background images, so my desktop wallpaper is almost always dark. I also try to get images without a lot of clutter on the left side of the desktop, so that my icons are not obscured.
I'd certainly go along with that, and I think the inherent MS wallpaper takes this aspect (as well as others, like ease on the eyes) into account. It's not an accidental, but well studied design...err...hopefully.
I have my desktop change every 24hrs to a different scene, and I do not want a bunch of icons blocking it up, this happens to be today's scene but tomorrow it'll be something else My icons are in the desktop folder in the toolbar on the right side
I thought it was one sided only posting desktops used and to balance it out, here’s one I suggest for avoidance. Spoiler
And my old XP Desktop used to look something like this. Which explains why I didn’t want to use any cute cat pic as background. Spoiler