Windows 10 ESD Repository

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Tito, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. david_xross_2

    david_xross_2 MDL Senior Member

    Aug 31, 2012
    I see. I used install.wim in the past, but now use install.esd based ISOs because of smaller sized ISOs.

    @abbodi1406 Can you kindly comment on this esd decrypter v 40 issue, please?

    Thank you.
  2. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    You are not installing but upgrading, it seems.

    Just to be sure, you ran the setup on a x64 windows and not on a x86 windows install?
  3. david_xross_2

    david_xross_2 MDL Senior Member

    Aug 31, 2012
    Yes, upgrading.

    Yes, ran it on an x64 machine.

    My bad, this esd is for ARM64 and not x64.

    Just rechecked now :oops:

    This is the x64 one, 17763.107.101029-1455.rs5_release_svc_refresh_CLIENTCONSUMER_RET_x64FRE_en-us.esd
  4. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Why not download the esd's from the download lists at the second post of this thread?
    @abbodi1406 keeps all available ESD files listed there:)
  5. david_xross_2

    david_xross_2 MDL Senior Member

    Aug 31, 2012
    Thanks, Will do so in the future :)

    Navigating through products.xml without the right keywords can be disastrous :(
  6. SAM-R

    SAM-R MDL Guru

    Mar 21, 2015
    In the process of converting .ESD to .ISO, you have the choice to make AIO or just Home or Pro or Edu. etc. which also effects the size of ISO & install.wim.
  7. david_xross_2

    david_xross_2 MDL Senior Member

    Aug 31, 2012
    I generally make an AIO as I have to deploy it to my home and work systems seperately. Home systems are pro and education, while work system is enterprise. All are x64.

    I had deployed 1809 to all these systems on Oct 2, And just to upgrade my backup media (from 1809 to 1809 refresh), downloaded the refresh esd and that was when I hit that snag. But glad that it got sorted out. :)
  8. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    All sku's except Home (and most likely CSL too) can be upgraded by Pro.
  9. david_xross_2

    david_xross_2 MDL Senior Member

    Aug 31, 2012
    That's mighty helpful, means I only need to include Pro SKU in the ISO, Even for Education and Enterprise SKUs.
  10. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Iirc, it was @s1ave77 posting it when he found it, with the UUP development.

    Home and CSL can't be upgraded by the Pro index, afaik.

    Pro and the other sku's are all just a license switch from eachother :D
  11. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    After @abbodi1406 implying it should technically work, i could indeed confirm this :D.
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  12. Nazzy

    Nazzy MDL Junior Member

    Nov 19, 2016
    Yes, I am just now starting to get familiar with ESD Decrypter but using an outdated version I got from here sometime ago. Now using the latest version (v40) shows all editions expected in the esd file (Pro, Ent, Edu), and same editions show during installation. Thank you abbodi1406 and Enthousiast for clarifying!

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  13. whatever127

    whatever127 MDL PHP Wizard

    Nov 9, 2012

    ImageX creates the same WIM's if used on single core PC, because it does everything in it's original sequence. If used on multi core PC it creates randomly everything, because multiple files from source WIM are processed simultaneously and added in sequence of being done. If someone comes up with method to make ImageX think that it was run on single core PC or has idea how to tell ImageX to create only single thread, then it will be possible to create ISOs that have very small patches to MVS ISOs.

    DISM also has this problem, but I have not tested the single core PC workaround.
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  14. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    The test, i did yesterday, was on a quad core and ESD>ISO used 8 threads for the creation.
  15. whatever127

    whatever127 MDL PHP Wizard

    Nov 9, 2012
    I'm talking about Microsoft's ImageX which is retarded. wimlib-imagex creates perfecly identical WIMs on any system.
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  16. 正义羊

    正义羊 MDL Senior Member

    Feb 21, 2016
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  17. david_xross_2

    david_xross_2 MDL Senior Member

    Aug 31, 2012
    1. Go through the ReadMe:

    # Info #

    An automated script to process Microsoft's full ESD file (encrypted or decrypted),
    to convert it into a usable state (ISO / WIM / decrypted ESD).

    # Attention #

    - Administrator privileges are required to run the script

    - The script is set to not backup encrypted ESD before decrypting it, which will change the file hash
    if you want to maintain the original file state, turn the backup ON by pressing 9 before proceeding to other operations.

    - If ESD decryption fails, run update_esd_cryptokey_data.cmd to get the latest key database
    specially if a new build is released with new ESD Decryption Key

    # How To Use #

    - Temporary disable AV or protection program so it doesn't interfere with the process.

    - Make sure the ESD file is not read-only or blocked.

    - Extract this pack to a folder with simple path to avoid troubles (example: C:\ESD).

    - You may start the process using any of these ways:
    # Copy/Move ESD file to the same folder besides the script, then run decrypt.cmd

    # Drag & drop ESD file on decrypt.cmd

    # Directly run decrypt.cmd and you will be prompted to enter the ESD file path

    # Open Admin Command Prompt in the current directory, and Execute: decrypt ESDFileNameAndPath
    decrypt 15063.0.170317-1834.rs2_release_cliententerprise_vol_x86fre_en-us_dc818e39982d8bd922dca73fd51e330aa99bc3f1.esd
    decrypt C:\RecoveryImage\install.esd
    decrypt H:\ESD\ir4_cpra_x64frer_en-us.esd

    # Multi Editions ESD Options #

    If the choosen ESD contains multiple editions, you will get these options:
    1 - Continue including all editions
    2 - Include one edition
    3 - Include consecutive range of editions
    4 - Include randomly selected editions

    To disable this menu and go to main menu directly,
    edit decrypt.cmd and change "SET MultiChoice=1" to "SET MultiChoice=0"

    # Main Menu Options #

    1 - Create ISO with Standard install.wim
    2 - Create ISO with Compressed install.esd
    convert ESD to a regular ISO distribution that contains install.wim or install.esd file

    3 - Create Standard install.wim
    4 - Create Compressed install.esd
    create install.wim/install.esd file only, which can be used with other ISO with the same version
    or for manual apply using dism/wimlib

    5 - Decrypt ESD file only
    if the file is encrypted

    5 - ESD file info
    if the file is not encrypted

    # Multi-Architecture ISO (x86/x64) #

    How to:

    - Get 2 ESDs with different architectures, same language, same version (i.e. both en-us build 16299)
    - Put the ESD files next to decrypt.cmd
    - Run decrypt.cmd directly, and choose an option that suits you


    1 - ISO with 2 separate install.esd
    create the same ISO structure as Media Creation Tool
    with 2 separate solid install.esd for each architecture

    2 - ISO with 2 separate install.wim
    create the same ISO structure as Media Creation Tool
    with 2 separate standard install.wim for each architecture

    3 - ISO with 1 combined install.wim
    create a custom ISO structure
    with 1 install.wim for all x64/x86 images, and slighlty modified bootx64.wim/bootx86.wim to allow coexistence


    - This feature in decrypt.cmd will include all editions in the 2 ESD files
    if you want to create an ISO for some selected editions, see "Edition-Specific Multi-Architecture ISO" below

    - ISO created with options 1 or 2 support these boot modes:
    BIOS: x64 (64bit) & x86 (32bit)
    UEFI: x64 (64bit) only

    - ISO created with option 3 support these boot modes:
    BIOS: x64 (64bit) & x86 (32bit)
    UEFI: x64 (64bit) & x86 (32bit)

    - For ISO created with option 3 (Custom AIO),
    on installation, select an edition architecture that matches the selected architecture in boot screen
    Windows 10 Setup (64-bit) -> Windows 10 Pro x64
    Windows 10 Setup (32-bit) -> Windows 10 Home N x86

    - For ISO created with option 3 (Custom AIO),
    if you want to start the recovery environment (Repair your computer),
    at language selection window, press Shift + F10 keys to launch command prompt, then type:

    - Limitation: ISO created with option 3 (Custom AIO),
    will be valid only for clean installation from boot, no in-place upgrades

    # Edition-Specific Multi-Architecture ISO (x86/x64) #

    How to:

    - Optional: if you do not intend to keep single architecture ISOs,
    edit decrypt.cmd and SET SkipISO=1

    - Use decrypt.cmd to create two ISO distributions, one for x64 and another for x86
    and select the desired editions to include in each one

    - Run multi_arch_iso.cmd and choose the option that suits you


    1 - Create ISO with 1 combined install.wim/.esd
    create a custom ISO structure
    with 1 install.wim/install.esd for all x64/x86 images, and slighlty modified bootx64.wim/bootx86.wim to allow coexistence

    2 - Create ISO with 2 separate install.wim/.esd (Win 10)
    create the same ISO structure as Media Creation Tool
    with 2 separate install.wim/install.esd for each architecture


    - To preserve source single-architecture distributions folders
    edit multi_arch_iso.cmd and SET Preserve=1

    - If the installation file is install.esd
    be aware that option 1 will require high amount of CPU/RAM to unify install.esd

    - multi_arch_iso.cmd can be used also to create multi-architecture ISO
    from any similar Windows x64/x86 ISO distributions, starting Windows 7 SP1
    however, option 2 require Windows 10 setup files

    # Credits #

    esddecrypt.exe program

    new key support for esddecrypt.exe

    Eric Biggers

    busybox.exe method to create identical single ISO from the same ESD

    erwan.l @

    cdob @
    MakeWinPE3264.cmd and method to create aio efisys.bin

    RSA cryptokeys key.cmd host server / update script

    RSA cryptokeys
    MrMagic, Chris123NT, mohitbajaj143, Superwzt, timster

    original script

    nosferati87, NiFu, s1ave77, ztsoft, and any other MDL forums members contributed in the ESD project


    2. Also verify SHA-1 hash of both the esd and esd decrypter v 40 files to ensure either of them are not corrupted

    3. Ensure that you are decrypting / converting correct esd for a specific system (x86, x64 or ARM64)

    Hopefully, you'll get your problem resolved :D
  18. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    I just noticed that 17763 refreshed ESDs are wrongfully named :)

    101029 = 2010/10/29
    should be 181029
    someone is too attached to October :busted: