Anyone having major problems with Windows 10 Enterprise 1809? For me 1803 worked perfectly, but hardly anything works under 1809. My RTX 2070 GPU drivers don't work properly with various errors. My X-FI Fatality Soundcard drivers no longer work and refuse to install properly. Even the rapid mode on my Samsung SSD no longer works. I wish I hadn't bothered installing the latest version, because it's an absolute train wreck.
uup-converter-wimlib v22 - Implemented new faster method for creating boot.wim, without the need for DISM.exe tool thanks to @mkuba50 for the tip and the workaround this method will be the default, whether you have Windows 10 Host OS/ADK or not (thus the warning for Windows 7/8.1 is removed) obviously, you will still need Windows 10 Host OS/ADK if you want to Add Updates to the distribution boot.wim created with this method is totally servicable, and you can update it normally - Added manual option ForceDism if you still insist to use dism.exe for creating boot.wim
What does this "release_svc_refresh" mean? Which esd should i download? 17763.107.101029-1455.rs5_release_svc_refresh/ Include KB4464455 or 17763.1.180914-1434.rs5_release?
It means that media was refreshed which means that contains included update which means that it does not have the deletion bug which is in 17763.1. If you are going to use created ISO to upgrade it's safer to use updated image, if not then there is no difference, because included update is outdated anyway and you need to download updates after installing.
esd-decrypter-wimlib v41 Minor release: fix for "(ren was unexpected at this time." error when running decrypt.cmd directly without admin privileges thanks to @正义羊 for previously reporting, and @Windows_Addict for helping detecting the cause
That issue was fixed.It's a coding error,when I change coding is ANSI,the run issue is disappear. When I wasn't change coding in script,I make localization it,run this script,I see a lot of Chaos code,the script wasn't I change the coding to ANSI,the issue is disappear,the localization text is normal.
The fixed issue I found it in directly running decrypt.cmd with admin privileges.Not without admin privileges run it.
For me it happens on double-click (no admin) or from normal cmd the auto-elevation vbs script was the cause either way, what matters that it hopefuly fixed
@abbodi1406 I have a feature request for your UUP converter: Could you make the UUP converter and create_virtual_editions to have option to read configuration (AutoStart, AddUpdates, StartVirtual, AutoEditions etc.) from file external file?
Yes. I have requested this, because I wanted to implement a usage of create_virtual_editions in UUP dump downloader. Unfortunately later I have found that this cannot be implemented using current version of UUP converter, because it opens the create_virtual_editions in new window and allowing user to exit main script, which was signaling the application that work was done and it should delete working directory. So I would need 2 things to be implemented in converter: 1. Reading configuration from file, so I can pass configuration options to the conversion script without modifying it. 2. Option to run additional scripts such as create_virtual_editions in the same CMD instance, so user cannot break the process accidentally.