Oh I meant to ask you about the modes : Wimboot , compact express8k or the 16k or LZX. Which is best to select?
uup-converter-wimlib v24 - Code improvements and fixes, and better UAC elevation (thanks to @hearywarlot and @presto1234) - Added new configuration option NetFx3, to enable .NET 3.5 feature when adding updates Spoiler while UUP system currently do not deliver .NET cumulative and Adobe flash updates, but you can manually add them (cab files only) to UUP source folder, and the script will add them correctly - Added new configuration option wim2esd, to convert install.wim to install.esd after adding updates and/or creating virtual editions Spoiler because choosing install.esd directly will not process AddUpdates and/or StartVirtual create_virtual_editions have the same option, separately or inherited from convert-UUP - Both scripts will show enabled configured options (if any) at the process beginning Spoiler example: Code: ============================================================ Checking UUP Info . . . ============================================================ ============================================================ Configured Options . . . ============================================================ AutoStart AddUpdates StartVirtual SkipWinRE Code: ============================================================ Checking distribution Info . . . ============================================================ ============================================================ Configured Virtual Options . . . ============================================================ AutoStart DeleteSource SkipISO AutoEditions: Enterprise - Summary of configuration options effectiveness, dependency chain and inheritance: Spoiler [convert-UUP] Code: - AutoStart: always create ISO with install.wim (or AIO ISO with install.wim for muliple editions) - AddUpdates: require Windows 10 Host OS or ADK, only work with "1 - Create ISO with install.wim" or "2 - Create install.wim" - ResetBase: only have effect with AddUpdates, work with "1 - Create ISO with install.wim" or "2 - Create install.wim" - NetFx3: only have effect with AddUpdates, work with "1 - Create ISO with install.wim" only - StartVirtual: require Windows 10 Host OS or ADK, only work with "1 - Create ISO with install.wim" - wim2esd: intended to be used with AddUpdates and/or StartVirtual - ForceDism: require Windows 10 Host OS or ADK [create_virtual_editions] Code: - AutoStart: inherited from convert-UUP's AutoStart=1 if create_virtual_editions.cmd is started from convert-UUP.cmd if AutoEditions is empty or have wrong editions, it's reverted to OFF - AutoEditions: require AutoStart=1 (separately or inherited) - Preserve: if source distribution is .ISO file, it has no affect if create_virtual_editions.cmd is started from convert-UUP.cmd, it's always OFF - wim2esd: inherited from convert-UUP's wim2esd if create_virtual_editions.cmd is started from convert-UUP.cmd, regardless the state of vwim2esd
Well, So this only works when addig updates? Not just when converting UUPs? Or I have to set both AddUpdates and NetFx3 to 1 in ConvertConfig.ini? Thanks.
This is with ESD>ISO v42: Code: Name: 17763.379.190312-0539.rs5_release_svc_refresh_CLIENTBUSINESS_VOL_x64FRE_en-us.esd Size: 3518458720 bytes (3355 MiB) CRC32: 3A4B3860 CRC64: 2D79D0BAB78681BB SHA256: 580D47FD85906A8763F04383B53FD85A8DA07FCC2881A7BF3080CD27CEDB30F7 SHA1: 1D44A3A5056A3118A9CA652E098742306FC08791 BLAKE2sp: F01FD10BCBF7F617601E0FFCD2635F7D41EAADB7FCE0EAED74190EA716358A5E Code: ============================================================ ESD Contents Info ============================================================ Arch: x64 Language: EN-US Version: 10.0.17763.379 Branch: RS5_RELEASE OS 1: Windows 10 Education OS 2: Windows 10 Education N OS 3: Windows 10 Enterprise OS 4: Windows 10 Enterprise N OS 5: Windows 10 Pro OS 6: Windows 10 Pro N Press any key to continue... Code: ============================================================ Creating Setup Media Layout... ============================================================ ============================================================ Creating boot.wim... ============================================================ Using LZX compression with 8 threads Archiving file data: 804 MiB of 804 MiB (100%) done Using LZX compression with 8 threads Archiving file data: 112 MiB of 112 MiB (100%) done ============================================================ Creating install.wim... ============================================================ Using LZX compression with 8 threads Archiving file data: 8094 MiB of 8094 MiB (100%) done Using LZX compression with 8 threads Archiving file data: 249 MiB of 249 MiB (100%) done Using LZX compression with 8 threads Archiving file data: 124 MiB of 124 MiB (100%) done Using LZX compression with 8 threads Archiving file data: 120 MiB of 120 MiB (100%) done Using LZX compression with 8 threads Archiving file data: 137 MiB of 137 MiB (100%) done Using LZX compression with 8 threads Archiving file data: 133 MiB of 133 MiB (100%) done ============================================================ Creating ISO... ============================================================ OSCDIMG 2.56 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2012. All rights reserved. Licensed only for producing Microsoft authorized content. Scanning source tree (500 files in 36 directories) Scanning source tree complete (943 files in 83 directories) Computing directory information complete Image file is 4924178432 bytes (before optimization) Writing 943 files in 83 directories to 17763.1.180914-1434.RS5_RELEASE_CLIENTBUSINESS_VOL_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO 100% complete Storage optimization saved 5 files, 190464 bytes (0% of image) After optimization, image file is 4926087168 bytes Space saved because of embedding, sparseness or optimization = 190464 Done. Press any key to exit. ISO Filename (probably the need for the new update of ESD>ISO): Code: 17763.1.180914-1434.RS5_RELEASE_CLIENTBUSINESS_VOL_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO
This is with ESD>ISO v43: Code: Name: 17763.379.190312-0539.rs5_release_svc_refresh_CLIENTBUSINESS_VOL_x64FRE_en-us.esd Size: 3518458720 bytes (3355 MiB) CRC32: 3A4B3860 CRC64: 2D79D0BAB78681BB SHA256: 580D47FD85906A8763F04383B53FD85A8DA07FCC2881A7BF3080CD27CEDB30F7 SHA1: 1D44A3A5056A3118A9CA652E098742306FC08791 BLAKE2sp: F01FD10BCBF7F617601E0FFCD2635F7D41EAADB7FCE0EAED74190EA716358A5E Code: ============================================================ ESD Contents Info ============================================================ Arch: x64 Language: EN-US Version: 10.0.17763.379 Branch: RS5_RELEASE_SVC_REFRESH OS 1: Windows 10 Education OS 2: Windows 10 Education N OS 3: Windows 10 Enterprise OS 4: Windows 10 Enterprise N OS 5: Windows 10 Pro OS 6: Windows 10 Pro N Press any key to continue... Code: ============================================================ Creating Setup Media Layout . . . ============================================================ ============================================================ Creating boot.wim . . . ============================================================ Using LZX compression with 8 threads Archiving file data: 804 MiB of 804 MiB (100%) done Using LZX compression with 8 threads Archiving file data: 112 MiB of 112 MiB (100%) done ============================================================ Creating install.wim . . . ============================================================ Using LZX compression with 8 threads Archiving file data: 8094 MiB of 8094 MiB (100%) done Using LZX compression with 8 threads Archiving file data: 249 MiB of 249 MiB (100%) done Using LZX compression with 8 threads Archiving file data: 124 MiB of 124 MiB (100%) done Using LZX compression with 8 threads Archiving file data: 120 MiB of 120 MiB (100%) done Using LZX compression with 8 threads Archiving file data: 137 MiB of 137 MiB (100%) done Using LZX compression with 8 threads Archiving file data: 133 MiB of 133 MiB (100%) done ============================================================ Creating ISO . . . ============================================================ OSCDIMG 2.56 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2012. All rights reserved. Licensed only for producing Microsoft authorized content. Scanning source tree (500 files in 36 directories) Scanning source tree complete (943 files in 83 directories) Computing directory information complete Image file is 4924178432 bytes (before optimization) Writing 943 files in 83 directories to 17763.379.190312-0539.RS5_RELEASE_SVC_REFRESH_CLIENTBUSINESS_VOL_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO 100% complete Storage optimization saved 5 files, 190464 bytes (0% of image) After optimization, image file is 4926087168 bytes Space saved because of embedding, sparseness or optimization = 190464 Done. Press any key to exit. 17763.379.190312-0539.RS5_RELEASE_SVC_REFRESH_CLIENTBUSINESS_VOL_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO
esd-decrypter-wimlib v44 Fixed issue with detecting older encrypted ESDs (thanks to @3zero3 for notifying)
I can't choose "random" editions, using the latest 379 ESD, both with v43 and v44 decrypter. What I do: - Option #4 - Choose 1 5 (Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro) (1 and 5 separated with space as always) - Press ENTER, got error "5 not expected" Tried with "5 1" got error "1 not expected"
Ah, i failed to follow the rule 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it' fixed, thank you esd-decrypter-wimlib v45 is up
The new version 45 of esd-decrypter doesn't detect correctly 2 (two) similar ESD (x64/x86) multi-architecture files: Code: ============================================================================ Detected 2 similar ESD files: (x64/x86) / Build: 17763 / Lang: pt-BR create a multi-architecture ISO for both? ============================================================================ 0 - No, continue for prompt to process one file only 1 - ISO with 2 separate install.esd (same as MediaCreationTool) 2 - ISO with 2 separate install.wim (similar to 1, bigger size) 3 - ISO with 1 combined install.wim (Custom AIO) ============================================================================ Choose a menu option: Files: Code: 17763.379.190312-0539.rs5_release_svc_refresh_CLIENTCONSUMER_RET_x64FRE_pt-br.esd 17763.379.190312-0539.rs5_release_svc_refresh_CLIENTCONSUMER_RET_x86FRE_pt-br.esd v45 Code: :dCheck echo. echo %line% echo Please wait . . . echo %line% set combine=0 set custom=0 set count=0 for /L %%# in (1,1,2) do ( set ESDmulti%%#=0 set ESDenc%%#=0 set ESDvol%%#=0 set ESDarch%%#=0 set ESDver%%#=0 set ESDlang%%#=0 ) for /f "delims=" %%# in ('dir /b /a:-d *.esd') do call :dCount %%# call :dInfo 1 call :dInfo 2 if /i %ESDarch1% equ %ESDarch2% goto :prompt2 if /i %ESDlang1% neq %ESDlang2% goto :prompt2 if /i %ESDver1% neq %ESDver2% goto :prompt2 bin\wimlib-imagex.exe info "%ESDfile1%" 4 %_Nul_1_2% if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 74 set ENCRYPTED=1 bin\wimlib-imagex.exe info "%ESDfile2%" 4 %_Nul_1_2% if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 74 set ENCRYPTED=1 v42 Code: :dCheck echo. echo ============================================================ echo Please wait... echo ============================================================ SET combine=0 SET custom=0 SET count=0 FOR /L %%j IN (1,1,2) DO ( SET ESDmulti%%j=0 SET ESDenc%%j=0 SET ESDvol%%j=0 SET ESDarch%%j=0 SET ESDver%%j=0 SET ESDlang%%j=0 ) for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /a:-d *.esd') do call :dCount %%i CALL :dInfo 1 CALL :dInfo 2 if /i %ESDarch1% equ %ESDarch2% goto :prompt2 if /i %ESDlang1% neq %ESDlang2% goto :prompt2 if /i %ESDver1% neq %ESDver2% goto :prompt2 bin\wimlib-imagex.exe info "%ESDfile1%" 4 >nul 2>&1 IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 74 SET ENCRYPTED=1 bin\wimlib-imagex.exe info "%ESDfile2%" 4 >nul 2>&1 IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 74 SET ENCRYPTED=1 I had downgrade to version 42 to fix temporarily this issue. Best Regards,
Strangely, this new version can't show the screen mentioned above to merge dual architecture ESD files (x64/x86), as shown in v42.