uup-converter-wimlib v33 - Fixed creating reference ESDs from Express UUP source in latest Insider Preview builds (thanks to @Enthousiast and @Dakota_X for reporting and testing) - create_virtual_editions.cmd now inherit ISO label and time from convert-UUP.cmd (noted by @Carlos Detweiller) That's intended to process smaller packs first because the bigger packs usually comes first alphabetically Spoiler Code: DIR->ESD: amd64_Microsoft-Windows-EditionPack-Professional-WOW64-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18963.1000 DIR->ESD: amd64_Microsoft-Windows-EditionPack-Professional-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18963.1000 DIR->ESD: amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Client-Features-WOW64-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18963.1000 DIR->ESD: amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Client-Features-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18963.1000 DIR->ESD: amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Client-Desktop-Required-WOW64-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18963.1000 DIR->ESD: amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Client-Desktop-Required-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18963.1000 DIR->ESD: amd64_Microsoft.ModernApps.ClientN.All~~amd64~~10.0.18963.1000 DIR->ESD: amd64_Microsoft.ModernApps.Client.professional~~amd64~~10.0.18963.1000 DIR->ESD: amd64_Microsoft.ModernApps.Client.All~~amd64~~10.0.18963.1000
I guess it's also because if there are errors with packages, you will notice it on smaller ones first and can stop the process without wasting too much bandwidth.
uup-converter-wimlib v34 - Reference CAB files will now be expanded to a temporary folder at the drive root (same drive from where the script is executed, example "F:\_tmp") this to avoid issues if the files contains components with long paths or long files names additionally, robocopy.exe will be used to remove the temp folder if such components exist thanks to @whatever127 for reporting, and testing the workaround
uup-converter-wimlib v35f W10UI v7.0 - Proper extraction of multilingual dynamic updates to update only existing language directories - Support for the new 1909 Enablement Package to set the proper version tag (which internally is unreal version)
I have updated the repository, but the website does selfupdate from it every 30 minutes, so the update will be reflected in about 5 minutes.
Shouldn't it say 19H2 ? 18363.327.190821-2155.19H1_RELEASE_SVC_PROD3_CLIENTPRO_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO
They didn't bother to change the branch in registry, i cannot specify one statically like i said, unreal version
Does uup-converter-wimlib v35 on not work with arm64-uup-platform? Crash after 1-2 secs of convertation
You mean on arm64 OS or with arm64 UUP files? it should work with uup files, but last time i checked was v28
@DiamondMon try this convert-UUP.cmd line 739, change to Code: if /i %arch%==x86 (set _ss=x86&set "tok=6,7"&set "toe=5,6,7") else if /i %arch%==x64 (set _ss=amd64&set "tok=6,7"&set "toe=5,6,7") else (set _ss=arm64&set "tok=6,7"&set "toe=5,6,7")
@DiamondMon thanks for reporting and verifying uup-converter-wimlib-35f is up @whatever127 sorry for the too many versions lately