uup-converter-wimlib-36,18362.1 pro_zh_cn uup,Create install.wim,error: Code: ============================================================ 0 - Exit 1 - Create ISO with install.wim 2 - Create install.wim 3 - UUP Edition info 4 - Create ISO with install.esd 5 - Create install.esd 6 - Configuration Options ============================================================ > Enter your option and press "Enter": 2 此时不应有 17763。 D:\ESD> uup-converter-wimlib-35f work fine
uup-converter-wimlib v37 - Fixed single install.wim/install.esd creation (thanks @diy371 for reporting) - Improved CAB->ESD process to avoid temporary folder confliction issue (thanks @Carlos Detweiller for notifying)
Hey. How can I fix it so that after integration the cumulative update is not offered again by windows update?
I'm not installing anything. Clean image with integrated updates. After you connect to the network, you are prompted to install the cumulative update.
just install the latest CU offered by WU (even if it's already integrated onto the install media using UUP converter) - no harm no foul committed
Adding this to arm64 image prior integration fix the issue Code: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE_WIM\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide] "AllowImproperDeploymentProcessorArchitecture"=dword:00000001 and the key is not locked (like \Configuration) that value exist since Windows 7, maybe it serve other purposes too (or to handle IA-64)
Updating from build 18975 to Build 18980 uup files created by windows update has issues with your converters. 1. uup-converter-wimlib-21 to uup-converter-wimlib-32 get blob errors. [ERROR] "\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-wordpad_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.18980.1_none_0b67165ed915c46b\wordpad.exe": blob not found SHA-1 message digest of missing blob: e18d9711c508486134965212d26f9bd72c115c22 ERROR: If this is a delta WIM, use the --ref argument to specify the WIM(s) on which it is based. ERROR: Exiting with error code 55: A file resource needed to complete the operation was missing from the WIM. 2. uup-converter-wimlib-33 & uup-converter-wimlib-34 - work correctly & creates an ISO. 3. uup-converter-wimlib-35 to uup-converter-wimlib-37 just exits without error. 4. UUP converter works well from UUP Dump uupdump.ml for Build 18980.
@boblan could you run v37 in debug mode and post the log? Spoiler - set the desired options in ConvertConfig.ini (you must set AutoStart to 1 or 2) - edit convert-UUP.cmd, line 49, change to set "_Debug=1" and save - open cmd as admin and change to the script location, then execute: Code: convert-UUP.cmd uup_path >Debug.log 2>& replace uup_path with path to uup directories folder -wait until the cmd cursor returns (cmd window won't be closed)
extremely unlikely to happen pp03 so no I think it's also like that with the refreshed 1809 ESDs/ISOs that MS make, abbodi. so yea, nothing can be done about that
Spoiler Code: ================================================================== ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value. ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value. [ERROR] No matches for path pattern "sources\ei.cfg" Note: You can use the '--nullglob' option to ignore missing files. Note: You can use `wimlib-imagex.exe dir' to see what files and directories are in the WIM image. ERROR: Exiting with error code 49: The path does not exist in the WIM image. [ERROR] "\Windows\WinSxS\Manifests\amd64_microsoft-updatetargeting-clientos_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.18980.1_none_09f3e794d9959458.manifest": blob not found SHA-1 message digest of missing blob: 26e4cca75bc4d7f397e10057cee75b996b1bef22 ERROR: If this is a delta WIM, use the --ref argument to specify the WIM(s) on which it is based. ERROR: Exiting with error code 55: A file resource needed to complete the operation was missing from the WIM. File Not Found File Not Found The syntax of the command is incorrect. ================================================================== >setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion >set UUP= >set _args=f:\18980x64pro\data >if defined _args (if "f:\18980x64pro\data" == "" set _args= ) >set _PSarg="""F:\Ztest\uup-converter-wimlib-37\convert-UUP.cmd""" >if exist "F:\Ztest\uup-converter-wimlib-37\UUPs\*.esd" set "UUP=F:\Ztest\uup-converter-wimlib-37\UUPs" >if defined _args ( set _PSarg="""F:\Ztest\uup-converter-wimlib-37\convert-UUP.cmd""" f:\18980x64pro\data if exist "f:\18980x64pro\data\*.esd" set "UUP=f:\18980x64pro\data" ) >set _PSarg="""F:\Ztest\uup-converter-wimlib-37\convert-UUP.cmd""" f:\18980x64pro\data >set "_workdir=F:\Ztest\uup-converter-wimlib-37\" >set "_workdir=F:\Ztest\uup-converter-wimlib-37" >set "_cabdir=F:\W10UItemp" >if "F:" == "\\" set "_cabdir=F:\Ztest\uup-converter-wimlib-37\temp\W10UItemp" >set "SysPath=C:\Windows\System32" >if exist "C:\Windows\Sysnative\reg.exe" (set "SysPath=C:\Windows\Sysnative" ) >set "Path=C:\Windows\System32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\" >set "xOS=amd64" >set "_ComSpec=C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" >set "_wimlib=F:\Ztest\uup-converter-wimlib-37\bin\bin64\wimlib-imagex.exe" >set "_imagex=F:\Ztest\uup-converter-wimlib-37\bin\imagex.exe" >if /I AMD64 == x86 (if defined PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 (set "_ComSpec=C:\Windows\Sysnative\cmd.exe" ) else ( set "xOS=x86" set "_wimlib=F:\Ztest\uup-converter-wimlib-37\bin\wimlib-imagex.exe" ) ) >reg query HKU\S-1-5-19 1>nul 2>nul && goto :Begin >title UUP -> ISO >set regKeyPathFound=1 >set wowRegKeyPathFound=1 >reg.exe query "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows Kits\Installed Roots" /v KitsRoot10 || set wowRegKeyPathFound=0 >reg.exe query "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Kits\Installed Roots" /v KitsRoot10 || set regKeyPathFound=0 >if 0 EQU 0 (if 0 EQU 0 ( set ADK=0 set _dism=dism.exe /English goto :precheck ) else (set regKeyPath=HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Kits\Installed Roots ) ) else (set regKeyPath=HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows Kits\Installed Roots ) >for /F "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %# in ('ver') do set winbuild=%# >set winbuild=18362 >set W10UI=0 >if 18362 GEQ 10240 (set W10UI=1 ) else (if 0 EQU 1 set W10UI=1 ) >pushd "F:\Ztest\uup-converter-wimlib-37\" >if not exist "ConvertConfig.ini" goto :proceed >findstr /i \[convert-UUP\] ConvertConfig.ini || goto :proceed [convert-UUP] >for %# in (AutoStart AddUpdates Cleanup ResetBase NetFx3 StartVirtual SkipISO SkipWinRE wim2esd ForceDism RefESD) do (call :ReadINI %# ) >(call :ReadINI AutoStart ) >findstr /b /i AutoStart ConvertConfig.ini && for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %# in ('findstr /b /i AutoStart ConvertConfig.ini') do set "AutoStart=%#" AutoStart =1 >set "AutoStart=1" >goto :eof >(call :ReadINI AddUpdates ) >findstr /b /i AddUpdates ConvertConfig.ini && for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %# in ('findstr /b /i AddUpdates ConvertConfig.ini') do set "AddUpdates=%#" AddUpdates =1 >set "AddUpdates=1" >goto :eof >(call :ReadINI Cleanup ) >findstr /b /i Cleanup ConvertConfig.ini && for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %# in ('findstr /b /i Cleanup ConvertConfig.ini') do set "Cleanup=%#" Cleanup =0 >set "Cleanup=0" >goto :eof >(call :ReadINI ResetBase ) >findstr /b /i ResetBase ConvertConfig.ini && for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %# in ('findstr /b /i ResetBase ConvertConfig.ini') do set "ResetBase=%#" ResetBase =0 >set "ResetBase=0" >goto :eof >(call :ReadINI NetFx3 ) >findstr /b /i NetFx3 ConvertConfig.ini && for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %# in ('findstr /b /i NetFx3 ConvertConfig.ini') do set "NetFx3=%#" NetFx3 =0 >set "NetFx3=0" >goto :eof >(call :ReadINI StartVirtual ) >findstr /b /i StartVirtual ConvertConfig.ini && for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %# in ('findstr /b /i StartVirtual ConvertConfig.ini') do set "StartVirtual=%#" StartVirtual =0 >set "StartVirtual=0" >goto :eof >(call :ReadINI SkipISO ) >findstr /b /i SkipISO ConvertConfig.ini && for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %# in ('findstr /b /i SkipISO ConvertConfig.ini') do set "SkipISO=%#" SkipISO =0 >set "SkipISO=0" >goto :eof >(call :ReadINI SkipWinRE ) >findstr /b /i SkipWinRE ConvertConfig.ini && for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %# in ('findstr /b /i SkipWinRE ConvertConfig.ini') do set "SkipWinRE=%#" SkipWinRE =0 >set "SkipWinRE=0" >goto :eof >(call :ReadINI wim2esd ) >findstr /b /i wim2esd ConvertConfig.ini && for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %# in ('findstr /b /i wim2esd ConvertConfig.ini') do set "wim2esd=%#" wim2esd =0 >set "wim2esd=0" >goto :eof >(call :ReadINI ForceDism ) >findstr /b /i ForceDism ConvertConfig.ini && for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %# in ('findstr /b /i ForceDism ConvertConfig.ini') do set "ForceDism=%#" ForceDism =1 >set "ForceDism=1" >goto :eof >(call :ReadINI RefESD ) >findstr /b /i RefESD ConvertConfig.ini && for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %# in ('findstr /b /i RefESD ConvertConfig.ini') do set "RefESD=%#" RefESD =0 >set "RefESD=0" >goto :eof >goto :proceed >set ERRORTEMP= >set PREPARED=0 >set VOL=0 >set EXPRESS=0 >set AIO=0 >set FixDisplay=0 >set uups_esd_num=0 >set _count=0 >set _Enable=0 >set _drv=F: >set "mountdir=F:\MountUUP" >set "_ntf=NTFS" >if /I not "F:" == "C:" for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %# in ('"wmic volume where DriveLetter='F:' get FileSystem /value"') do set "_ntf=%#" >set "_ntf=NTFS " >if /I not "NTFS" == "NTFS" (set "mountdir=C:\MountUUP" ) >set "line=============================================================" >set "_err===== ERROR ====" >set _file=(7z.dll,7z.exe,bcdedit.exe,bfi.exe,bootmui.txt,bootwim.txt,cdimage.exe,imagex.exe,libwim-15.dll,offlinereg.exe,offreg.dll,wimlib-imagex.exe) >for %# in (7z.dll 7z.exe bcdedit.exe bfi.exe bootmui.txt bootwim.txt cdimage.exe imagex.exe libwim-15.dll offlinereg.exe offreg.dll wimlib-imagex.exe) do (if not exist ".\bin\%#" (set _bin=%# & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\7z.dll" (set _bin=7z.dll & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\7z.exe" (set _bin=7z.exe & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\bcdedit.exe" (set _bin=bcdedit.exe & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\bfi.exe" (set _bin=bfi.exe & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\bootmui.txt" (set _bin=bootmui.txt & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\bootwim.txt" (set _bin=bootwim.txt & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\cdimage.exe" (set _bin=cdimage.exe & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\imagex.exe" (set _bin=imagex.exe & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\libwim-15.dll" (set _bin=libwim-15.dll & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\offlinereg.exe" (set _bin=offlinereg.exe & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\offreg.dll" (set _bin=offreg.dll & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\wimlib-imagex.exe" (set _bin=wimlib-imagex.exe & goto :E_Bin ) ) >if defined UUP goto :check >color 1F >setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion >set _configured=0 >if exist bin\temp\ rmdir /s /q bin\temp\ >if exist temp\ rmdir /s /q temp\ >mkdir bin\temp >mkdir temp >dir /b /ad "!UUP!\*Package*" && set EXPRESS=1 amd64_Microsoft-OneCore-ApplicationModel-Sync-Desktop-FOD-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-OneCore-DirectX-Database-FOD-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Client-Desktop-Required-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Client-Desktop-Required-WOW64-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Client-Features-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Client-Features-WOW64-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-EditionPack-Professional-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-EditionPack-Professional-WOW64-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-EditionSpecific-Professional-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-EditionSpecific-Professional-WOW64-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Hello-Face-Migration-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Hello-Face-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-Optional-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Basic-en-au-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Basic-en-gb-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Basic-en-us-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Handwriting-en-gb-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Handwriting-en-us-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-OCR-en-gb-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-OCR-en-us-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Speech-en-au-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Speech-en-gb-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Speech-en-us-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-TextToSpeech-en-au-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-TextToSpeech-en-gb-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-TextToSpeech-en-us-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-MediaPlayer-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-OnDemand-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Not-Supported-On-LTSB-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Not-Supported-On-LTSB-WOW64-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-QuickAssist-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-RegulatedPackages-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-RegulatedPackages-WOW64-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-TabletPCMath-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_Microsoft-Windows-UserExperience-Desktop-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 amd64_OpenSSH-Client-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 Microsoft-Windows-MSPaint-FoD-Package~~amd64~en-US~10.0.18980.1 Microsoft-Windows-MSPaint-FoD-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 Microsoft-Windows-MSPaint-FoD-Package~~wow64~en-US~10.0.18980.1 Microsoft-Windows-MSPaint-FoD-Package~~wow64~~10.0.18980.1 Microsoft-Windows-StepsRecorder-Package~~amd64~en-US~10.0.18980.1 Microsoft-Windows-StepsRecorder-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 Microsoft-Windows-StepsRecorder-Package~~wow64~en-US~10.0.18980.1 Microsoft-Windows-StepsRecorder-Package~~wow64~~10.0.18980.1 Microsoft-Windows-WordPad-FoD-Package~~amd64~en-US~10.0.18980.1 Microsoft-Windows-WordPad-FoD-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18980.1 Microsoft-Windows-WordPad-FoD-Package~~wow64~en-US~10.0.18980.1 Microsoft-Windows-WordPad-FoD-Package~~wow64~~10.0.18980.1 >for %# in (Core CoreSingleLanguage CoreCountrySpecific Professional ProfessionalEducation ProfessionalWorkstation Education Enterprise EnterpriseG Cloud CloudE CoreN ProfessionalN ProfessionalEducationN ProfessionalWorkstationN EducationN EnterpriseN EnterpriseGN CloudN CloudEN Starter StarterN ProfessionalCountrySpecific ProfessionalSingleLanguage ServerRdsh IoTEnterprise PPIPro) do (if exist "!UUP!\*%#_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*%#_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*Core_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*Core_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*CoreSingleLanguage_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*CoreSingleLanguage_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*CoreCountrySpecific_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*CoreCountrySpecific_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*Professional_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*Professional_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*ProfessionalEducation_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*ProfessionalEducation_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*ProfessionalWorkstation_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*ProfessionalWorkstation_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*Education_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*Education_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*Enterprise_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*Enterprise_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*EnterpriseG_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*EnterpriseG_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*Cloud_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*Cloud_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*CloudE_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*CloudE_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*CoreN_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*CoreN_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*ProfessionalN_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*ProfessionalN_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*ProfessionalEducationN_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*ProfessionalEducationN_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*ProfessionalWorkstationN_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*ProfessionalWorkstationN_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*EducationN_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*EducationN_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*EnterpriseN_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*EnterpriseN_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*EnterpriseGN_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*EnterpriseGN_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*CloudN_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*CloudN_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*CloudEN_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*CloudEN_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*Starter_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*Starter_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*StarterN_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*StarterN_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*ProfessionalCountrySpecific_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*ProfessionalCountrySpecific_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*ProfessionalSingleLanguage_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*ProfessionalSingleLanguage_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*ServerRdsh_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*ServerRdsh_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*IoTEnterprise_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*IoTEnterprise_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >(if exist "!UUP!\*PPIPro_*.esd" dir /b /a:-d "!UUP!\*PPIPro_*.esd" 1>>temp\uups_esd.txt ) >for /F "tokens=3 delims=: " %# in ('find /v /n /c "" temp\uups_esd.txt') do set uups_esd_num=%# >set uups_esd_num=1 >if 1 EQU 0 goto :E_ESD >for /L %# in (1 1 1) do call :uups_esd %# >call :uups_esd 1 >for /F "usebackq delims=" %# in (`find /n /v "" temp\uups_esd.txt | find "[1]"`) do set uups_esd=%# >set uups_esd=[1]professional_en-us.esd >if 1 GEQ 1 set uups_esd=professional_en-us.esd >if 1 GEQ 10 set uups_esd=rofessional_en-us.esd >set "uups_esd1=professional_en-us.esd" >bin\wimlib-imagex info "!UUP!\professional_en-us.esd" 3 1>bin\info.txt 2>&1 >for /F "tokens=1* delims=: " %A in ('findstr /b "Name" bin\info.txt') do set "name=%B" >set "name=Windows 10 Pro" >for /F "tokens=3 delims=: " %# in ('findstr /b "Edition" bin\info.txt') do set "edition1=%#" >set "edition1=Professional" >for /F "tokens=3 delims=: " %# in ('findstr /i "Default" bin\info.txt') do set "langid1=%#" >set "langid1=en-US" >for /F "tokens=2 delims=: " %# in ('findstr /i "Architecture" bin\info.txt') do set "arch1=%#" >set "arch1=x86_64" >if /I !arch1! == x86_64 set "arch1=x64" >set "name1=!name! (!arch1! / !langid1!)" >del /f /q bin\info.txt >exit /b >if 1 GTR 1 goto :MULTIMENU >set "MetadataESD=!UUP!\professional_en-us.esd" & set "arch=x64" & set "langid=en-US" & set "editionid=Professional" goto :MAINMENU >if 1 EQU 1 (set WIMFILE=install.wim & goto :ISO ) >cls >if not exist "!UUP!\*Windows10*KB*.cab" set AddUpdates=0 >if 0 EQU 0 call :pREPARE >cls >echo ============================================================ ============================================================ >echo Checking UUP Info . . . Checking UUP Info . . . >echo ============================================================ ============================================================ >set PREPARED=1 >if 0 EQU 1 set "MetadataESD=!UUP!\professional_en-us.esd" & set "arch=x64" & set "langid=en-US" >if 0 GTR 1 set "MetadataESD=!UUP!\!uups_esd!" & set "arch=!arch!" & set "langid=!langid!" >bin\wimlib-imagex info "!MetadataESD!" 3 1>bin\info.txt 2>&1 >for /F "tokens=1* delims=: " %A in ('findstr /b "Name" bin\info.txt') do set "_os=%B" >set "_os=Windows 10 Pro" >for /F "tokens=2 delims=: " %# in ('findstr /b "Build" bin\info.txt') do set build=%# >set build=18980 >for /F "tokens=4 delims=: " %# in ('findstr /i /c:"Service Pack Build" bin\info.txt') do set svcbuild=%# >set svcbuild=1 >for /F "tokens=3 delims=: " %# in ('findstr /i "Major" bin\info.txt') do set ver1=%# >set ver1=10 >for /F "tokens=3 delims=: " %# in ('findstr /i "Minor" bin\info.txt') do set ver2=%# >set ver2=0 >del /f /q bin\info.txt >for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('bin\imagex /info "!MetadataESD!" 3 | find /i "<DISPLAYNAME>" ') do if /I "%#" == "/DISPLAYNAME" (set FixDisplay=1 ) >if 0 EQU 1 if 1 GTR 1 for /L %# in (2 1 1) do (for /F "tokens=1* delims=: " %A in ('bin\wimlib-imagex info "!UUP!\!uups_esd%#!" 3 | findstr /b "Name"') do set "_os%#=%B" ) >"!_wimlib!" extract "!MetadataESD!" 1 sources\ei.cfg --dest-dir=.\bin\temp --no-acls --no-attributes >if exist "bin\temp\ei.cfg" type .\bin\temp\ei.cfg | find /i "Volume" && set VOL=1 >"!_wimlib!" extract "!MetadataESD!" 1 sources\setuphost.exe --dest-dir=.\bin\temp --no-acls --no-attributes Extracting file data: 877 KiB of 877 KiB (100%) done Done extracting files. >bin\7z.exe l .\bin\temp\setuphost.exe 1>.\bin\temp\version.txt 2>&1 >for /F "tokens=4-7 delims=.() " %i in ('"findstr /i /b "FileVersion" .\bin\temp\version.txt" ') do (set version=%i.%j & set vermajor=%i & set verminor=%j & set branch=%k & set labeldate=%l ) >(set version=18980.1 & set vermajor=18980 & set verminor=1 & set branch= & set labeldate= ) >(set version=18980.1 & set vermajor=18980 & set verminor=1 & set branch=vb_release & set labeldate=190907-1301 ) >set "tok=6,7" & set "toe=5,6,7" >if /I x64 == x86 (set _ss=x86 ) else if /I x64 == x64 (set _ss=amd64 ) else (set _ss=arm64 ) >"!_wimlib!" extract "!MetadataESD!" 3 Windows\WinSxS\Manifests\amd64_microsoft-windows-coreos-revision*.manifest Windows\WinSxS\Manifests\amd64_microsoft-updatetargeting-clientos*.manifest --dest-dir=.\bin\temp --no-acls --no-attributes --ref="!UUP!\*.esd" >for /F "tokens=6,7 delims=_." %A in ('dir /b /a:-d /od .\bin\temp\*_microsoft-windows-coreos-revision*.manifest') do set revision=%A.%B & set revmajor=%A & set revminor=%B >for /F "tokens=5,6,7 delims=_." %I in ('dir /b /a:-d /on .\bin\temp\*_microsoft-updatetargeting-clientos*.manifest') do if %I GTR !revmajor! set revision=%I.%K & set revmajor=%I & set revminor=%K >if 1 lss (