uup-converter-wimlib v38 - Fixed converting Express UUP source for build 18980 (thanks to @boblan for reporting and testing) - Simplified enabling Debug Mode, if needed (see ReadMe.html)
Epic. Simply epic. I can finally update my work laptop now! (our software center is terrible) I don't know why they make Enterprise so difficult to find, even for legal users. Thanks @abbodi1406!!!!!
... 1909 ESD are ready! ...from my WSUS... /d/upgr/2019/09/18363.356.190918-2052.19h2_release_svc_refresh_clientconsumer_ret_x64fre_en-us_b135807de5aa238d9889ae769fd17d5357d16a6a.esd
@abbodi1406 You may have to update esd-decrypter-wimlib-50 The ESD Name doesn't match the ISO name. ISO name is still 19H1. Should be 19H2. Compile date is also off. 18363.356.190918-2052.19h2_release_svc_refresh_clientconsumer_ret_x64fre_en-us_b135807de5aa238d9889ae769fd17d5357d16a6a,esd 18362.356.190908-1200.19H1_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_CLIENTPRO_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO
Yes, but not matching the ESD filename data Code: 18363.356.190918-2052.19h2_release_svc_refresh_clientconsumer_ret_x64fre_en-us_b135807de5aa238d9889ae769fd17d5357d16a6a.esd vs Code: 18363.356.190908-1800.19H1_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_CLIENTCONSUMER_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO I know why it is, just clarifying
Not as Intended Look at Date on .ESD 18363.356.190918-2052.19h2_release_svc_refresh_clientconsumer_ret_x64fre_en-us_b135807de5aa238d9889ae769fd17d5357d16a6a,esd