Ah, I missed that one, was looking for "Windows 10 version 1909 and later" or similar, and already had "Windows Technical Preview" turned on. Wonder why they didn't just use that one.
Now 18362.356.190909-1636.19h1_release_svc_refresh is official, yesterday MCT downloaded the old version cab 1903 (18362.239.190709-0052.19h1_release_svc_refresh) + I posted official links, but not attachments like You... Why are these claims needed, bro?
It's not about the best, i first thought you meant 18363.356 19H2 ESD, because of the "now it's official" remark, but it still is 18362 19H1 and that one was already known (18363.356 you first published yourself, from the WSUS pre-release section).
You may know this, but just for reference i run these in powershell after each patch tuesday sync to see new products Code: [reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration") | out-null $wsus = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::GetUpdateServer() $wsus.GetUpdateClassifications("$((Get-Date).AddDays(-31))","$(Get-Date)") | select Title, Description, Releasenotes, arrivaldate | fl $wsus.GetUpdateCategories("$((Get-Date).AddDays(-31))","$(Get-Date)") | select Title, Description, Releasenotes, arrivaldate | fl
This is very confusing. I downloaded 18363.356.190918-2052.19h2_release_svc_refresh_clientconsumer_ret_x64fre_en-gb_5054729ef21caced34f58e0e1d0fc9a1eef29dd7.esd Ran the decrypt-multi-release_v180925 tool to create the iso Got this: 18362.356.190918-2313.WINBUILD_CLIENTPRO_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-GB.ISO ???
That tool is not MDL related, it's adguard's tool, not supported on MDL, use ESD>ISO v52 by @abbodi1406 .
He probably meant that 19H2 is final, because adguard lists it as final on his UUP site. Before 387 became available for 18363.xxx specific, he listed 385 as final, iirc.
Thanks. They both create the same file, down to the last byte, just the label is different. Seems adguard might have missed something. Anyway, now using abbodi's ESD>ISO
I envy you, abbodi's tool is too complicated for me and adguard's tool does not work, it always gets stuck. I guess I will have to wait for RTM.ISO or maybe some good soul will PM me a homebrew ISO.