Tested Windows 10 Build 10047 Enterprise with esd-decrypter-wimlib-4, and MrMagic is correct, they can't be decrypted.
Note there two compiles of this - this one done especially for new encryption testing...? Code: 10047.0.150323-1700.fbl_impressive_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_x64fre_en-us.esd24/03/2015 07:012,347.03 MBB6BC20E7179790980D99537F76A5640FF8B5717C 10047.0.150323-1700.fbl_impressive_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_x64fre_en-us.esd25/03/2015 21:002,347.03 MB672A89843BDF8CA0BEF2D446163D305E4159B421
No Download: Code: 10047.0.150323-1700.fbl_impressive_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_x64fre_en-us_B6BC20E7179790980D99537F76A5640FF8B5717C.esd Can't be decrypted: Code: 10047.0.150323-1700.fbl_impressive_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_x64fre_en-us_672A89843BDF8CA0BEF2D446163D305E4159B421.esd
ESD Decrypter osbetaarchive.net/ github.com/gus33000/ESD-Decrypter github.com/gus33000/ESD-Decrypter/releases/tag/ Hint - Copy and Paste links into Address Bar.
Don't use /releases/tag/ but /releases/latest instead. had some bugs which are fixed in
fyi, there is a tiny bug Code: echo [Info] Integrating Generic WMC Tokens Echo. if %MODE%==WIM %wimlib% update ISOFOLDER\sources\install.wim 1 <bin\wim-update.txt 1>nul 2>nul if %MODE%==ESD %wimlib% update ISOFOLDER\sources\install.wim 1 <bin\wim-update.txt 1>nul 2>nul the second should be install.esd
Thanks for the report. I fixed it, it should come as an automatic update later this day. I have quite a few bug reports atm for localized versions of Windows, so I can't push that update right now. PS: I'm gus33000
PsyChoses / GusWindows7, Does build 10074 require a new code to convert to ISO? Can it be decrypted using ESD Decrypter v1.0.1.5? EDIT: Never mind, I can confirm ESD Decrypter v1.0.1.5 can successfully convert build 10074 ESD files to ISO. Great!!! Thanks a lot Abbodi / GusWindows7
Same here. Those are direct links from M$... So if they don't work for you, either your ISP is be blocking M$ or M$ blocking your ISP...