All windows editions allow to install without an online account, only Home and HomeSinglelanguage try to fool you it can't be done, but from Pro up all simply offer the offline account to be used. Fix for Home + HomeSL: And best is to use a clean 18362.1 or 19041.1 base wim (only available thru UUP dump). Select one of the latest 18362/3 or 19041/2 builds and set "addupdates =0" in the convertconfig.ini and no updates will be integrated and you'll endup with a clean .1 ISO as base for manually creating uptodate ISOs by using W10UI, it does a little bit better job as the version used by UUP>ISO.
yes i was also facing that with some win10 versions but i found a trick which allows to bypass that and create a normal account (without MS account) but now with recent build, it seems that you can create normal account as it was the case before without a problem. I tested it on VM and if i remember correctly i was able to create a normal account easily. If you face this problem with some win10 edition , let me know and i will send you the trick to bypass the online MS account.
Don't bother: ps:
Only just seen your reply. Thanks very much for the tips. I thought I had that problem on PRO as well, definitely HOME. I was probably wrong on PRO, but seem to remember seeing some comments somewhere (cannot remember where) that an account was mandatory. Anyway got round it using an old version and updating. In future I will refer to your postings and create an offline account.
Yeah we have all seen those unfounded comments, mostly from people who have no clue about the subject.
Thanks to all those who helped me get the correct ESDs. I have installed Win 10 Enterprise 64 bit on a new SSD drive, and replaced the old SSD drive running Win 10 Pro 64 bit. All went very well and the install seemed very quick. After I had put everything back together I discovered that my second monitor (VGA) was not being recognized and the error message check video cable was displayed. Obviously I checked carefully and was pretty sure the cables were in properly. No luck with Enterprise edition, and I was wondering if I had damaged something swapping out the SSD drive. Fortunately I have a Windows to Go bootable Win 10 Home 32 bit which I use for a database that needs 32 bit. To my surprise and relief the second monitor worked perfectly.In the meantime I had not touched any of the cables etc. I had already updated the Enterprise without success before trying the 32 bit Home. Is it possible that my machine cannot support a second monitor running Enterprise 64. The SSD I had swapped was running Pro 64 perfectly on both monitors. Any ideas ? Many thanks
This thread is solely meant for ESD (downloads/usage) related stuff. Please post this in the appropriate thread, the thread of the build you've used.
That's why I did not bother updating MediaCreationTool.bat manually with .630 or .631, figured Microsoft is gonna update it this Tuesday, else January. So the previews did not pay out, Microsoft abandoned them and committed to 631 until January - kinda lame since it does not fix the two major issues.. MCT exe is still 572
Trying to convert install.esd found inside windows.iso file downloaded by MS tool to create Installation media. Batch file crashes one install.esd is renamed as install.esd.orig. What's happening here? Is the file corrupted?
You can download it using MS Tool to Create Installation Media. https[://]www[dot] Choose iso option. Look for install.esd inside sources folder
why are you trying to create an installation media with a file from an installation media? doesn’t make any sense, does it? you already have the final installation media. Check the second post of this thread, these are the ESD files for which the tool is meant or just use the installation media you already have to install Windows.