esd-decrypter v63 # Updated ISO label for latest ESDs # Imported some uup-converter features: - Options can now be configured via DecryptConfig.ini - Implemented complete Debug mode - Added AutoStart option to automate the process (accept 4 values per Main Menu options) Spoiler Code: 1 - create ISO with install.wim 2 - create ISO with install.esd 3 - create install.wim 4 - create install.esd for the Multi-Architecture ISO menu, only value 1 and 2 will have effect hopefully didn't break something else
I tried to make and iso out of the latest esd for 21h1. I get the message that some errors occured. I' m at work right now so I don't know if there's something wrong with the pc that I' m using.
On what host OS are you running the conversion? This is on 19044.1348: Code: ============================================================ Running ESD -> ISO v63 ============================================================ ============================================================ Checking ESD Info . . . ============================================================ ============================================================ Creating Setup Media Layout . . . ============================================================ ============================================================ Creating boot.wim . . . ============================================================ Using LZX compression with 16 threads Archiving file data: 884 MiB of 884 MiB (100%) done Using LZX compression with 16 threads Archiving file data: 126 MiB of 126 MiB (100%) done ============================================================ Creating install.esd . . . ============================================================ Using LZMS compression with 1 thread Archiving file data: 8566 MiB of 8566 MiB (100%) done ============================================================ Creating ISO . . . ============================================================ OSCDIMG 2.56 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2012. All rights reserved. Licensed only for producing Microsoft authorized content. Scanning source tree (500 files in 41 directories) Scanning source tree complete (906 files in 86 directories) Computing directory information complete Image file is 4199120896 bytes (before optimization) Writing 906 files in 86 directories to 19044.1288.211006-0501.21H2_RELEASE_SVC_REFRESH_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO 100% complete Storage optimization saved 25 files, 14182400 bytes (1% of image) After optimization, image file is 4187009024 bytes Space saved because of embedding, sparseness or optimization = 14182400 Done. Press 0 to exit.
Maybe it can help when you run it in debug mode, open the decrypt.cmd in notepad and edit this option: Code: :: change to 1 to enable debug mode set _Debug=0 to Code: set _Debug=1 save and re-run the script and publish the debug log here in code tags or as txt attachment.
Code: >title ESD -> ISO v63 >pushd "!_work!" >set _file=(7z.dll,7z.exe,bcdedit.exe,bfi.exe,rawcopy.exe,cdimage.exe,esddecrypt.exe,imagex.exe,libwim-15.dll,offlinereg.exe,offreg.dll,wimlib-imagex.exe,wim-update.txt) >for %# in (7z.dll 7z.exe bcdedit.exe bfi.exe rawcopy.exe cdimage.exe esddecrypt.exe imagex.exe libwim-15.dll offlinereg.exe offreg.dll wimlib-imagex.exe wim-update.txt) do (if not exist ".\bin\%#" (set _bin=%# & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\7z.dll" (set _bin=7z.dll & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\7z.exe" (set _bin=7z.exe & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\bcdedit.exe" (set _bin=bcdedit.exe & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\bfi.exe" (set _bin=bfi.exe & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\rawcopy.exe" (set _bin=rawcopy.exe & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\cdimage.exe" (set _bin=cdimage.exe & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\esddecrypt.exe" (set _bin=esddecrypt.exe & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\imagex.exe" (set _bin=imagex.exe & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\libwim-15.dll" (set _bin=libwim-15.dll & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\offlinereg.exe" (set _bin=offlinereg.exe & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\offreg.dll" (set _bin=offreg.dll & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\wimlib-imagex.exe" (set _bin=wimlib-imagex.exe & goto :E_Bin ) ) >(if not exist ".\bin\wim-update.txt" (set _bin=wim-update.txt & goto :E_Bin ) ) >set Backup=OFF >set ERRORTEMP= >set ENCRYPTED=0 >set MULTI=0 >set PREPARED=0 >set VOL=0 >set UnifyWinre=0 >set SINGLE=0 >set newkeys=0 >set "_ram={7619dcc8-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f}" >set "line=============================================================" >set "lin2=============================================================================" >set _initial=0 >set _configured=0 >if not exist "DecryptConfig.ini" goto :proceed >findstr /i \[decrypt-ESD\] DecryptConfig.ini || goto :proceed [decrypt-ESD] >for %# in (AutoStart ISOnameESD SkipISO MultiChoice CheckWinre) do (call :ReadINI %# ) >(call :ReadINI AutoStart ) >findstr /b /i AutoStart DecryptConfig.ini && for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %# in ('findstr /b /i AutoStart DecryptConfig.ini') do set "AutoStart=%#" AutoStart =0 >set "AutoStart=0" >goto :eof >(call :ReadINI ISOnameESD ) >findstr /b /i ISOnameESD DecryptConfig.ini && for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %# in ('findstr /b /i ISOnameESD DecryptConfig.ini') do set "ISOnameESD=%#" ISOnameESD =0 >set "ISOnameESD=0" >goto :eof >(call :ReadINI SkipISO ) >findstr /b /i SkipISO DecryptConfig.ini && for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %# in ('findstr /b /i SkipISO DecryptConfig.ini') do set "SkipISO=%#" SkipISO =0 >set "SkipISO=0" >goto :eof >(call :ReadINI MultiChoice ) >findstr /b /i MultiChoice DecryptConfig.ini && for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %# in ('findstr /b /i MultiChoice DecryptConfig.ini') do set "MultiChoice=%#" MultiChoice =1 >set "MultiChoice=1" >goto :eof >(call :ReadINI CheckWinre ) >findstr /b /i CheckWinre DecryptConfig.ini && for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %# in ('findstr /b /i CheckWinre DecryptConfig.ini') do set "CheckWinre=%#" CheckWinre =1 >set "CheckWinre=1" >goto :eof >goto :proceed >if 1 NEQ 0 if 0 EQU 0 set AutoStart=2 >if defined ENCRYPTEDESD goto :check >set _esd=0 >if exist "*.esd" (for /F "delims=" %# in ('dir /b /a:-d "*.esd"') do (call set /a _esd+=1 ) ) >(call set /a _esd+=1 ) >if 1 EQU 0 goto :prompt1 >if exist "*x64*.esd" if exist "*x86*.esd" if 1 EQU 2 goto :dCheck >if 1 GTR 1 goto :prompt2 >for /F "delims=" %# in ('dir /b /a:-d "*.esd"') do (set "ENCRYPTEDESD=%#" & set "ENCRYPTEDESDN=%#" & goto :check ) >(set "ENCRYPTEDESD=19044.1288.211006-0501.21h2_release_svc_refresh_CLIENTBUSINESS_VOL_x64FRE_en-us.esd" & set "ENCRYPTEDESDN=19044.1288.211006-0501.21h2_release_svc_refresh_CLIENTBUSINESS_VOL_x64FRE_en-us.esd" & goto :check ) >color 1F >set ENCRYPTED=0 >if /I "19044.1288.211006-0501.21h2_release_svc_refresh_CLIENTBUSINESS_VOL_x64FRE_en-us.esd" == "install.esd" (ren "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 19044.1288.211006-0501.21h2_release_svc_refresh_CLIENTBUSINESS_VOL_x64FRE_en-us.esd.orig & set "ENCRYPTEDESD=!ENCRYPTEDESD!.orig" ) >wimlib-imagex.exe info "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 4 Information for Image 4 ----------------------- Index: 4 Name: Windows 10 Education Description: Windows 10 Education Display Name: Windows 10 Education Display Description: Windows 10 Education Directory Count: 26760 File Count: 99388 Total Bytes: 15074717775 Hard Link Bytes: 5892596300 Creation Time: Wed Oct 06 14:14:44 2021 UTC Last Modification Time: Wed Oct 06 20:26:12 2021 UTC Architecture: x86_64 Product Name: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Edition ID: Education Installation Type: Client Product Type: WinNT Product Suite: Terminal Server Languages: en-US Default Language: en-US System Root: WINDOWS Major Version: 10 Minor Version: 0 Build: 19041 Service Pack Build: 1288 Service Pack Level: 0 Flags: Education WIMBoot compatible: no >set ERRORTEMP=0 >if 0 EQU 18 goto :E_ESD >if 0 EQU 74 set ENCRYPTED=1 & goto :PRE_INFO >if 0 NEQ 0 goto :E_File >set _nnn=DISPLAYNAME >set _SrvESD=0 >imagex /info "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 1>bin\infoall.txt 2>&1 >find /i "Professional</EDITIONID>" bin\infoall.txt && (set aedtn=1 ) || (set aedtn=0 ) ---------- BIN\INFOALL.TXT <EDITIONID>Professional</EDITIONID> >find /i "ProfessionalN</EDITIONID>" bin\infoall.txt && (set nedtn=1 ) || (set nedtn=0 ) ---------- BIN\INFOALL.TXT <EDITIONID>ProfessionalN</EDITIONID> >find /i "CoreSingleLanguage</EDITIONID>" bin\infoall.txt && (set sedtn=1 ) || (set sedtn=0 ) ---------- BIN\INFOALL.TXT >find /i "CoreCountrySpecific</EDITIONID>" bin\infoall.txt && (set cedtn=1 ) || (set cedtn=0 ) ---------- BIN\INFOALL.TXT >findstr /i "<EDITIONID>Server" bin\infoall.txt | findstr /i /v ServerRdsh && (set _SrvESD=1 ) >imagex /info "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 4 1>bin\info.txt 2>&1 >for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<MAJOR>" bin\info.txt') do set ver1=%# >set ver1=10 >for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<MINOR>" bin\info.txt') do set ver2=%# >set ver2=0 >for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<BUILD>" bin\info.txt') do set _build=%# >set _build=19041 >for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<DEFAULT>" bin\info.txt') do set langid=%# >set langid=en-US >for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<EDITIONID>" bin\info.txt') do set editionid=%# >set editionid=Education >for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<ARCH>" bin\info.txt') do (if %# EQU 0 (set arch=x86 ) else if %# EQU 9 (set arch=x64 ) else (set arch=arm64 ) ) >(if 9 EQU 0 (set arch=x86 ) else if 9 EQU 9 (set arch=x64 ) else (set arch=arm64 ) ) >for /F "tokens=3 delims=: " %# in ('findstr /i /b /c:"Image Count" bin\infoall.txt') do (if %# GEQ 5 set MULTI=%# ) >(if 9 GEQ 5 set MULTI=9 ) >if 19041 LEQ 9600 goto :E_W81 >for %# in (ru-ru zh-cn zh-tw zh-hk) do if /I en-US == %# set _nnn=NAME >if /I en-US == ru-ru set _nnn=NAME >if /I en-US == zh-cn set _nnn=NAME >if /I en-US == zh-tw set _nnn=NAME >if /I en-US == zh-hk set _nnn=NAME >find /i "<DISPLAYNAME>" bin\info.txt && (for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<DISPLAYNAME>" bin\info.txt') do set "_os=%#" ) || (for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<NAME>" bin\info.txt') do set "_os=%#" ) ---------- BIN\INFO.TXT <DISPLAYNAME>Windows 10 Education</DISPLAYNAME> >set "_os=Windows 10 Education" >if 9 NEQ 0 for /L %A in (4 1 9) do (imagex /info "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" %A 1>bin\info%A.txt 2>&1 ) >(imagex /info "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 4 1>bin\info4.txt 2>&1 ) >(imagex /info "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 5 1>bin\info5.txt 2>&1 ) >(imagex /info "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 6 1>bin\info6.txt 2>&1 ) >(imagex /info "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 7 1>bin\info7.txt 2>&1 ) >(imagex /info "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 8 1>bin\info8.txt 2>&1 ) >(imagex /info "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 9 1>bin\info9.txt 2>&1 ) >if 9 NEQ 0 for /L %A in (4 1 9) do (find /i "<DISPLAYNAME>" bin\info%A.txt && (for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<DISPLAYNAME>" bin\info%A.txt') do set "_os%A=%#" ) || (for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<NAME>" bin\info%A.txt') do set "_os%A=%#" ) ) >(find /i "<DISPLAYNAME>" bin\info4.txt && (for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<DISPLAYNAME>" bin\info4.txt') do set "_os4=%#" ) || (for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<NAME>" bin\info4.txt') do set "_os4=%#" ) ) ---------- BIN\INFO4.TXT <DISPLAYNAME>Windows 10 Education</DISPLAYNAME> >set "_os4=Windows 10 Education" >(find /i "<DISPLAYNAME>" bin\info5.txt && (for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<DISPLAYNAME>" bin\info5.txt') do set "_os5=%#" ) || (for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<NAME>" bin\info5.txt') do set "_os5=%#" ) ) ---------- BIN\INFO5.TXT <DISPLAYNAME>Windows 10 Education N</DISPLAYNAME> >set "_os5=Windows 10 Education N" >(find /i "<DISPLAYNAME>" bin\info6.txt && (for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<DISPLAYNAME>" bin\info6.txt') do set "_os6=%#" ) || (for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<NAME>" bin\info6.txt') do set "_os6=%#" ) ) ---------- BIN\INFO6.TXT <DISPLAYNAME>Windows 10 Enterprise</DISPLAYNAME> >set "_os6=Windows 10 Enterprise" >(find /i "<DISPLAYNAME>" bin\info7.txt && (for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<DISPLAYNAME>" bin\info7.txt') do set "_os7=%#" ) || (for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<NAME>" bin\info7.txt') do set "_os7=%#" ) ) ---------- BIN\INFO7.TXT <DISPLAYNAME>Windows 10 Enterprise N</DISPLAYNAME> >set "_os7=Windows 10 Enterprise N" >(find /i "<DISPLAYNAME>" bin\info8.txt && (for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<DISPLAYNAME>" bin\info8.txt') do set "_os8=%#" ) || (for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<NAME>" bin\info8.txt') do set "_os8=%#" ) ) ---------- BIN\INFO8.TXT <DISPLAYNAME>Windows 10 Pro</DISPLAYNAME> >set "_os8=Windows 10 Pro" >(find /i "<DISPLAYNAME>" bin\info9.txt && (for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<DISPLAYNAME>" bin\info9.txt') do set "_os9=%#" ) || (for /F "tokens=3 delims=<>" %# in ('find /i "<NAME>" bin\info9.txt') do set "_os9=%#" ) ) ---------- BIN\INFO9.TXT <DISPLAYNAME>Windows 10 Pro N</DISPLAYNAME> >set "_os9=Windows 10 Pro N" >del /f /q bin\info*.txt >set images=4 >if 9 NEQ 0 (set /a images=9-3 ) else (goto :MAINMENU ) >if 1 NEQ 1 goto :MAINMENU >if 2 NEQ 0 goto :MAINMENU >if 2 EQU 1 (set WIMFILE=install.wim & goto :ESDISO ) >if 2 EQU 2 (set WIMFILE=install.esd & goto :ESDISO ) >echo. >echo ============================================================ ============================================================ >echo Running ESD -> ISO v63 Running ESD -> ISO v63 >echo ============================================================ ============================================================ >echo. >set _initial=1 >for %# in (AutoStart ISOnameESD SkipISO) do (if !%#! NEQ 0 set _configured=1 ) >(if !AutoStart! NEQ 0 set _configured=1 ) >(if !ISOnameESD! NEQ 0 set _configured=1 ) >(if !SkipISO! NEQ 0 set _configured=1 ) >for %# in (MultiChoice CheckWinre) do (if !%#! NEQ 1 set _configured=1 ) >(if !MultiChoice! NEQ 1 set _configured=1 ) >(if !CheckWinre! NEQ 1 set _configured=1 ) >if 1 EQU 1 ( echo. echo ============================================================ echo Non-default Options . . . echo ============================================================ echo. if 2 NEQ 0 echo AutoStart 2 if 0 NEQ 0 echo ISOnameESD 1 if 0 NEQ 0 echo SkipISO 1 if 1 NEQ 1 echo MultiChoice 0 if 1 NEQ 1 echo CheckWinre 0 ) ============================================================ Non-default Options . . . ============================================================ AutoStart 2 >if 0 EQU 1 call :DECRYPT >if 0 EQU 0 call :PREPARE >if 1 EQU 0 >echo. >echo ============================================================ ============================================================ >echo Checking ESD Info . . . Checking ESD Info . . . >echo ============================================================ ============================================================ >set PREPARED=1 >if 1 EQU 1 for /F "tokens=2 delims== " %# in ('wimlib-imagex.exe dir "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 4 --path Windows\System32\Recovery\winre.wim --detailed | findstr /b Hash') do call set "WinreHash=%#" [ERROR] Invalid chunk size in compressed resource! ERROR: Exiting with error code 2: The WIM contains invalid compressed data. >if 9 NEQ 0 for /L %A in (5 1 9) do (if 1 EQU 1 for /F "tokens=2 delims== " %# in ('wimlib-imagex.exe dir "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" %A --path Windows\System32\Recovery\winre.wim --detailed | findstr /b Hash') do if /I not "%#" == "!WinreHash!" (call set UnifyWinre=1 ) ) >(if 1 EQU 1 for /F "tokens=2 delims== " %# in ('wimlib-imagex.exe dir "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 5 --path Windows\System32\Recovery\winre.wim --detailed | findstr /b Hash') do if /I not "%#" == "!WinreHash!" (call set UnifyWinre=1 ) ) >if /I not "0xb5aa7a138bdf00093be3443dbf2918895bcb6fd5" == "!WinreHash!" (call set UnifyWinre=1 ) >(if 1 EQU 1 for /F "tokens=2 delims== " %# in ('wimlib-imagex.exe dir "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 6 --path Windows\System32\Recovery\winre.wim --detailed | findstr /b Hash') do if /I not "%#" == "!WinreHash!" (call set UnifyWinre=1 ) ) >if /I not "0xb5aa7a138bdf00093be3443dbf2918895bcb6fd5" == "!WinreHash!" (call set UnifyWinre=1 ) >(if 1 EQU 1 for /F "tokens=2 delims== " %# in ('wimlib-imagex.exe dir "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 7 --path Windows\System32\Recovery\winre.wim --detailed | findstr /b Hash') do if /I not "%#" == "!WinreHash!" (call set UnifyWinre=1 ) ) >if /I not "0xb5aa7a138bdf00093be3443dbf2918895bcb6fd5" == "!WinreHash!" (call set UnifyWinre=1 ) >(if 1 EQU 1 for /F "tokens=2 delims== " %# in ('wimlib-imagex.exe dir "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 8 --path Windows\System32\Recovery\winre.wim --detailed | findstr /b Hash') do if /I not "%#" == "!WinreHash!" (call set UnifyWinre=1 ) ) >if /I not "0xb5aa7a138bdf00093be3443dbf2918895bcb6fd5" == "!WinreHash!" (call set UnifyWinre=1 ) >(if 1 EQU 1 for /F "tokens=2 delims== " %# in ('wimlib-imagex.exe dir "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 9 --path Windows\System32\Recovery\winre.wim --detailed | findstr /b Hash') do if /I not "%#" == "!WinreHash!" (call set UnifyWinre=1 ) ) >if /I not "0xb5aa7a138bdf00093be3443dbf2918895bcb6fd5" == "!WinreHash!" (call set UnifyWinre=1 ) >wimlib-imagex.exe extract "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 1 sources\ei.cfg --dest-dir=.\bin\temp --no-acls --no-attributes [ERROR] Invalid chunk size in compressed resource! ERROR: Exiting with error code 2: The WIM contains invalid compressed data. >if exist "bin\temp\ei.cfg" type .\bin\temp\ei.cfg | find /i "Volume" && set VOL=1 >if 9 EQU 0 (set _stm=4 ) else (set _stm=9 ) >call :setdate >for /F "tokens=5-10 delims=: " %G in ('wimlib-imagex.exe info "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 9 | find /i "Last Modification Time"') do (set mmm=%G & set "isotime=%H/%L,%I:%J:%K" & set _year=%L & set _month=%G & set _day=%H & set _hour=%I & set _mint=%J ) >(set mmm=Oct & set "isotime=06/2021,20:33:14" & set _year=2021 & set _month=Oct & set _day=06 & set _hour=20 & set _mint=33 ) >for %# in (Jan:01 Feb:02 Mar:03 Apr:04 May:05 Jun:06 Jul:07 Aug:08 Sep:09 Oct:10 Nov:11 Dec:12) do for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %A in ("%#") do (if /I Oct == %A (set "isotime=%B/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=%B" ) ) >for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %A in ("Jan:01") do (if /I Oct == %A (set "isotime=%B/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=%B" ) ) >(if /I Oct == Jan (set "isotime=01/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=01" ) ) >for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %A in ("Feb:02") do (if /I Oct == %A (set "isotime=%B/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=%B" ) ) >(if /I Oct == Feb (set "isotime=02/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=02" ) ) >for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %A in ("Mar:03") do (if /I Oct == %A (set "isotime=%B/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=%B" ) ) >(if /I Oct == Mar (set "isotime=03/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=03" ) ) >for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %A in ("Apr:04") do (if /I Oct == %A (set "isotime=%B/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=%B" ) ) >(if /I Oct == Apr (set "isotime=04/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=04" ) ) >for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %A in ("May:05") do (if /I Oct == %A (set "isotime=%B/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=%B" ) ) >(if /I Oct == May (set "isotime=05/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=05" ) ) >for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %A in ("Jun:06") do (if /I Oct == %A (set "isotime=%B/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=%B" ) ) >(if /I Oct == Jun (set "isotime=06/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=06" ) ) >for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %A in ("Jul:07") do (if /I Oct == %A (set "isotime=%B/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=%B" ) ) >(if /I Oct == Jul (set "isotime=07/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=07" ) ) >for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %A in ("Aug:08") do (if /I Oct == %A (set "isotime=%B/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=%B" ) ) >(if /I Oct == Aug (set "isotime=08/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=08" ) ) >for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %A in ("Sep:09") do (if /I Oct == %A (set "isotime=%B/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=%B" ) ) >(if /I Oct == Sep (set "isotime=09/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=09" ) ) >for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %A in ("Oct:10") do (if /I Oct == %A (set "isotime=%B/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=%B" ) ) >(if /I Oct == Oct (set "isotime=10/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=10" ) ) >for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %A in ("Nov:11") do (if /I Oct == %A (set "isotime=%B/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=%B" ) ) >(if /I Oct == Nov (set "isotime=11/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=11" ) ) >for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %A in ("Dec:12") do (if /I Oct == %A (set "isotime=%B/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=%B" ) ) >(if /I Oct == Dec (set "isotime=12/06/2021,20:33:14" & set "_month=12" ) ) >set "_time=21 10 06 - 20 33" >set "_time=211006-2033 >exit /b >if 19041 GEQ 16299 ( wimlib-imagex.exe extract "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 1 sources\setuphost.exe --dest-dir=.\bin\temp --no-acls --no-attributes 1>nul 2>nul 7z.exe l .\bin\temp\setuphost.exe 1>.\bin\temp\version.txt 2>&1 ) else ( wimlib-imagex.exe extract "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 3 Windows\System32\ntoskrnl.exe --dest-dir=.\bin\temp --no-acls --no-attributes 1>nul 2>nul 7z.exe l .\bin\temp\ntoskrnl.exe 1>.\bin\temp\version.txt 2>&1 ) The system cannot find the path specified. >if 19041 GEQ 22478 ( wimlib-imagex.exe extract "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 3 Windows\System32\UpdateAgent.dll --dest-dir=.\bin\temp --no-acls --no-attributes if exist "bin\temp\UpdateAgent.dll" 7z.exe l .\bin\temp\UpdateAgent.dll 1>.\bin\temp\version.txt 2>&1 ) >for /F "tokens=4-7 delims=.() " %i in ('"findstr /i /b "FileVersion" .\bin\temp\version.txt" ') do (set uupver=%i.%j & set uupmaj=%i & set uupmin=%j & set branch=%k & set uupdate=%l ) FINDSTR: Cannot open .\bin\temp\version.txt >set revver= & set revmaj= & set revmin= >set "tok=6,7" & set "toe=5,6,7" >if /I x64 == x86 (set _ss=x86 ) else if /I x64 == x64 (set _ss=amd64 ) else (set _ss=arm64 ) >wimlib-imagex.exe extract "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 4 Windows\WinSxS\Manifests\amd64_microsoft-windows-coreos-revision*.manifest --dest-dir=.\bin\temp --no-acls --no-attributes [ERROR] Invalid chunk size in compressed resource! ERROR: Exiting with error code 2: The WIM contains invalid compressed data. >if exist "bin\temp\*_microsoft-windows-coreos-revision*.manifest" for /F "tokens=6,7 delims=_." %A in ('dir /b /a:-d /od .\bin\temp\*_microsoft-windows-coreos-revision*.manifest') do set revver=%A.%B & set revmaj=%A & set revmin=%B >if 19041 GEQ 15063 ( wimlib-imagex.exe extract "!ENCRYPTEDESD!" 4 Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE --dest-dir=.\bin\temp --no-acls --no-attributes 1>nul 2>nul set "isokey=Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Update\TargetingInfo\Installed" for /F %i in ('"offlinereg.exe .\bin\temp\SOFTWARE "!isokey!" enumkeys ^| findstr /i /r ".*\.OS""') do if not errorlevel 1 ( for /F "tokens=3 delims==:" %A in ('"offlinereg.exe .\bin\temp\SOFTWARE "!isokey!\%i" getvalue Branch "') do set "revbranch=%~A" for /F "tokens=5,6 delims==:." %A in ('"offlinereg.exe .\bin\temp\SOFTWARE "!isokey!\%i" getvalue Version "') do if %A GTR !revmaj! ( set "revver=%~A.%B set revmaj=%~A set "revmin=%B ) ) ) >if defined revbranch set branch= ( was unexpected at this time. >if ==18363 (
@eroder Code: [ERROR] Invalid chunk size in compressed resource! ERROR: Exiting with error code 2: The WIM contains invalid compressed data. did you check the downloaded file sha1? Code: 51ed98ca2d880da15b1a578e03db589c4a193006 *19044.1288.211006-0501.21h2_release_svc_refresh_CLIENTBUSINESS_VOL_x64FRE_en-us.esd
Mmm I get SHA1 hash of 19044.1288.211006-0501.21h2_release_svc_refresh_CLIENTBUSINESS_VOL_x64FRE_en-us.esd: f45419c6337ef8eca1e4f16fa818044185047569 Will download again and test.
Hi, I'm trying to get a genuine iso but I can't figure it out where should I "turn the backup ON by pressing 9 before proceeding to other operations" I run "decrypt.cmd" (WimLib63) with administrator privilege but I don't see anywhere where I should press/choose 9 Can someone explain how / where this setting applies? Thanks!
Is it possible to get the direct ESD links (both x86 and x64) for Windows 10 Version 1709 OS Build 16299.1087?