Thanks sps for the update. Maybe a little off-topic, but can anyone confirm (or deny) if the last 40 characters in the file names for these .ESD files are supposed to be a SHA-1 hash, because mine aren't matching if they are.
Where can I find an ESD repository updated with all the builds of Windows 10 Enterprise/Educational in all the languages? Thanks Bye
how to pull up link from already downloaded 10240.16384.150709-1700.th1_CLIENTPRO_RET_x64fre_hr-hr.esd file whare is log file?
Adding pid.txt might prevent upgrades and the whole purpose of ESD > ISO process is to get as-much-as-original setup media No not because the sizes, it's because how the solid LZMS compression is done it's like obscuring the data, resulting unique ESD even if the decompressed data is the same
I downloaded the ESD file of Windows 10 build 10240 from your repository and I downloaded the esd-decrypter-wimlib-6.7z script. Then, I put the ESD file in the same directory of the script and I started it. When, however, I attempt any operation, the "Error: Cannot open input ESD image" message is displayed. why? Thanks Bye
Both good points. I'll put that idea aside for now. It was a bit daunting anyway, once I started thinking about ALL of the required permutations. But please keep up the great work! What you have accomplished is truly invaluable to many of us.