How you managed to resolve this problem or you couldn't? does anyone know from WZor twitter the build MICROSOFT.WINDOWS.10.PROFESSIONAL.RTM.10240.X64.VOL.ENGLISH.DVD-WZT it's 10240.16384.150709-1700.th1_ or 10240.16393.150909-1450.th1_ ? is it updated?
That is official link. I think it is what gabeaul mentioned: WE ARE PREPARING SOME NEW BUILD FOR THE SLOW RING.
0 problems for now. EDIT: The program is now building the ISO. 0 problems here with the esd EDIT 2: The ISO is finished. It works correctly
Now i'm confused, these two updates they're not integrated in .iso? or 10240.16393.150909-1450.th1_ only allow you to install them?
The updates are integrated in install.wim i.e. after installing the system you can find them in \Programs and Features\Installed Updates
I don't have any Win8.1 N version right now i have Win7 N, but its WU is very slow and buggy i'll try to get svf patch for N or we might wait till they release new Products.xml for MediaCreationTool i miss the Win8.1 store upgrade, we could get all languages with one language upgrade try but this WU upgrade require each lang alone
Activated, up-to-date Windows 8.1 have Windows10 upgrade offer through WU just start the upgrade process to get link, then cancel it