By option 3 you mean a combined x64/x86 install.wim? Is it usable for x86 uefi and x64 uefi booting/installing? Will it work the same as the original x64/x86 iso with 2 seperate install.wim/esd/swm?
Yes, all booting stuff is handled separately just like option 1 install.wim is actually 2 duplicates in both x86 & x64 sources, so iso store it once (optimization) could you post the contents of autorun.inf in x32-x64.ISO that mct creates? (the main one in iso root) i just want to verify something
Code: [Autorun] open=setup.exe icon=setup.exe,0 And will it autochoose which version to upgrade to when used as upgrade iso? I'll be the first one to test it
Are you sure it's not like this? Code: [Autorun.Amd64] open=x64\setup.exe icon=x64\setup.exe,0 [Autorun] open=x86\setup.exe icon=x86\setup.exe,0 i frankly don't know, i never upgraded
Are they complately same wim? It has disadvantage that forexample when you install x64 OS you will see x86 selections on setup. This is a unwanted behaviour for me. I could not find a way to solve this problem. As you know there is an xml file inside the wim that lists different editions (to list how many and which buids). When you delete an edition imagex only deletes related xml row. So when a big x64 and x86 wim created and when x86 ones removed from x64 wim and x64 ones removed from x86 wim both wims will have all editions but only xml files of them will be different not to show all. I have created x86 and x64 wims only a few kilobytes different but could not find a way optimize and put that 2 wims to an iso file. Investigated cdimage options also -oc option but it did not work. Cdimage compares 2 files and if 64kb head of the files are same it behaves like both files same and does not check remaining. In install.wim xml file should be at the end but did not worked. Also i tried to create and optimize wimlib. Problem is can we create and iso file that has forexamle 3gb 2 wims inside of it. But that 2 wims are only a few kilobytes diffrent from each others. Not same. And can optimization put both of them inside a 4.7gb iso? Can anybody code and open source mkisofs alternative to make such a optimization.
Yes, same file i'm aware that it's not entirely proper way, but it's just a 3rd option options are ordered by resiliency
- I don't know, but why would you do that if 32-bit boot option is available for that? - Yes, as long as it's same file, cdimage -o will optimize and compress it once
Really? When you choose x64 in bootmanager you are offered x86 AND x64 in Windows Setup? Curious! Regards, Nemo_G
and if you choose x86 you will be offered both as well of course this applies to 3rd option only 1st and 2nd options gives separate images
It's not for me, i create big all in one iso's and i cannot risk that they use it wrong But my combined N and non N x64/x86 aio install.esd file is to big for uefi/fat32 I will see if i split it in N and non N.
@Enthousiast: Addressing your problem with WIMs >4 GB: Try description from under "win-lite(dot)de(slash)forum(slash)windows-8(slash)how-to-uefi-usb-bootstick-mit-wims-4gb" with splitting them to SWMs. Another article can be found in German c't Magazin. I can't find it this moment. But if you're interested: Drop me a line. If you prefer a hardware solution try a ZALMAN ZM-VE300 with a 2.5" HDD or SSD. Regards, Nemo_G PS: Sorry for the inconvenience. I'm not yet allowed to post links.
I know all about swm, esd and wim but the multiple swm files will be bigger in total than the 1 esd, i always use esd as long as it's under 4GB for FAT32. And singleplatform esd (x64 or x86) is under 4 GB so i'll use that format. Split wim: Code: Dism /Split-Image /ImageFile:x:\install.wim /SWMFile:y:\install.swm /FileSize:3500 Sizes: My normal release (standard MCT x86/x64 ISO structure): ISO with x64 and x86 in 2 seperate install.esd: 6,66 GB (7.158.890.496 bytes). Both install.esd are < 4GB. Test with this new ISO structure: ISO with x64 and x86 in one single install.esd for both structures: 6,69 GB (7.189.725.184 bytes) Both install.esd are > 4GB SWM test with new ISO structure: ISO with x64 and x86 in install.swm for both structures: 6,64 GB (7.134.969.856 bytes) Both swm files are < 4GB So the splitwim version is smallest This is not consistant with my earlier tests Normally esd is much smaller than swm. MAJOR EDIT: I've redone the esd with both structures in 1 install.esd file: ISO size = 5,54 GB (5.954.142.208 bytes) install.esd > 4GB
Today I got a PM from @oldee. He asked me: "Hi! I am a novice and I heard you has been download TH2(1511) both(x86+x64) AIO ISO download via MCT. I been trying with many way but I can get what I want ISO. If you don't mind Would you share info how to get them for me or could you download some ISO for me. Actually what I want to get Both AIO ISO are [one distribution ISO has 2 folders (x86 and x64) in it]: 1. ko-KR Korea Pro/Home AIO (x86+x64) ISO and Ent AIO(x86+x64) 2. en-US English Pro/Home AIO (x86+x64) ISO and Ent AIO(x86+x64) If I got them and I will create combined Home(core), Pro, Ent in one ISO that can do upgradable and clean install ans also MBR/UEFI boot. I have been created AIO ISO clean install type and 2 separated AIO ISO (x86and x64 respectively) for MBR/UEFI boot with upgradable. Now if you help me to get above item 1 and 2 which one ISO contained 2 boot folders x 86 and x64, I will try to create and learn how it work. If you are help me, it is more than happy. Please. Thank you and have a nice day." The only advice I can give you: Download the MCT from "https(colon)(double slash)www(dot)microsoft(dot)com(slash)en-us(slash)software-download(slash)windows10" and run it in order to get the files wanted. As you get ISOs with .\Install.ESDs you wil have to convert them to .\Install.WIMs with Abbodi1406's esd-decrypter-wimlib-12_0.7z before you can build the wanted AiOs. But you'll probably run into same problems as described by Enthousiast because of the size of the WIMs. Regards Nemo_G
@Abbodi1406, Enthousiast: I'm testing ESD-Decryptor 12.0 with the AiO downloaded with MCT. I placed Decrypt.cmd with folder bin in the root of the directory with the contents of the ISO (C:\W10_1511). But when I call "Decrypt.cmd d:\W10_1511\Decrypt.cmd d:\W10_1511\x64\sources\install.esd" or with the x86.ESD I get the message "ERROR: ESD file does not have original structure (4 or 5 images)." What's wrong? Thanks for your advice in advance. Regards Nemo_G