Iso's created from esd files are never exactly the same as MSDN/VLSC iso's because they are created on your computer. These iso's are not comparible with official released ones.
Nope, that was before win10 officially released now even those are temporary-authorized what was the latest slow ring build? excepting 10586 which is not entirely an insider build
Missing ESDs 10586.0.151029-1700.th2_release_clienteducationN_ret_x64fre_nl-nl 10586.0.151029-1700.th2_release_clienteducationN_ret_x86fre_nl-nl Pro x64 pro x86 ProN x64 ProN x86 Core x64 Core x86 CoreN x64 CoreN x86
For some reason, it dosn't exist in MCT's Products.xml multi represent pro/core pro/n found with VL collection -- happy new year @oldee
It doesn't have permalinks for download, only temporary authorized insider links as for ESDs info (name/hash), it's hard to collect it manually for all languages/editions
Pastebin is just a delivery site, all links are gathered by members 10586 is official build 11082, insider preview builds do not have static download links to gather