To the people having issues converting ESD to ISO. I was first having problems because I was using the decrypt program from Win 8 but have since downloaded the one linked in this thread along with downloaded the ESD from MS and now I have a functional ISO. Can't believe how small the x64 version is too, 2.68 GB
The script generates wrong disklabels. neither the JM1 part of the Label nor the DV9 one is correct for Windows 10 disks later than 99xx, 9926 e.g. is defenatly J-CPRA_x64FREF_EN-US-DV5, I got my iso from MSDN, yet the script generated something like JM1-CPRA_x64FRE_EN-US-DV9 for 9926 ESDs.
no, it comes with the language you have installed before. Here it updated my 9926 to 10041 German version
I know, and I've built a website based on the ms-vnext api that generates windows update download links but unfortunately all esds other than en-us return a 404 for me.
The german pro x64 ESD should look like this, then: 10041.0.150313-1821.fbl_impressive_clientpro_ret_x64fre_de-de_ad59eb529b7b5de4e69871ee13f323f53f7ad510.esd Now we need to find the correct server ^^