Hi. I downloaded Build 10041. I tried to use ESD Decrypter v4b and ESD Decrypter 4c, but non of them worked to create an full ISO with install.wim option. The Decrypter worked for previous version but not for this latest release. Is there another way?
Thank you for this will test and report back - having problems on my Asus laptop getting the update through WU.
abbodi1406. Can this decrypter run without Administrator rights? Because I have a machine but I´m not the Administrator.
Never tried it without admin you can try it edit decrypt.cmd and remove this section: Spoiler Code: %windir%\system32\reg.exe query "HKU\S-1-5-19" 1>nul 2>nul || ( echo ------- echo *** WARNING *** echo ------- echo. echo. echo ADMINISTRATOR PRIVILEGES NOT DETECTED echo ____________________________________________________________ echo. echo. echo Press any key to exit... pause >nul goto :eof )
Does anyone here get download these builds: 10041.0.150313-1821.fbl_impressive_CLIENTSINGLELANGUAGE_RET_ 10041.0.150313-1821.fbl_impressive_CLIENTCORE_RET_
OK, then Russian build with me, went to catch links. Checked for the Russian's nothing new either in SL or in Core.
Windows 10 Technical Preview (Core) x86 [RU-RU]: HTTP: // b1.download.windowsupdate.com/c/updt/2015/03/10041.0.150313-1821.fbl_impressive_CLIENTCORE_RET_x86fre_ru-ru_dcdd80b29da273f87182e2cd16e82528ac03979d.esd