Well I believe they mean the content of the ISO not just the hashes I believe yes, unless M$ release some new set of ESD files which seams unlikely.
I downloaded the spring update installed it and t works but when I put it on a usb and have it boot up on pc reboot to do a clean install all I get is a repair window, there isn’t any option to install it, hows that possible?
According to @abbodi1406 the conversion UUP>ISO needs to be done on a Win 10 system, if done on Win 7/8 the RE WIM will be used instead of the boot.wim, the latter seems to have happened for you. CORRECTION: Only applies for UUP>ISO .
That's only apply to UUP>ISO ESD>ISO don't have that restriction (because boot.wim already bundled as-is with ESD)
is there any different with abbodi post esd AIO 1803 and from Products_RS4_03_30_2018.xml ? in xml file it split one version not aio.. I mean differed in feedback "greyed out" or something. any spesific diffent between both source after installed?
Could be a corrupt .esd, maybe try downloading it again. I didn't have any problems creating my ISO's with the .esd and abbodi1406's v37 script. Exactly what it says. If you want two consecutive versions, type in their numbers eg; Pro and Pro N you would type in 6-7 (though I haven't used this option before)
So i just tried myself wit a freshly downloaded version from the Media creation tool of win 10 using abbodi1406's v37 script to convert to iso and the windows closes after stating creating .ISO I choose just a single version iso with install.wim Tried a multi version iso with install wim as well as a standard install.wim all close window after 2 secs of Creating ISO or file.
how do we extract or convert .cab file... example: x86fre_Client_en-us_lp.esd or amd64fre_Client_en-us_lp.esd with ORJİNAL FİLE NAME passs... Dism /Image:F:\WIM\Mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:F:\WIM\Lang\10v1803\64_bit\x86fre_Client_en-us_lp.esd
Not sure how to convert but you can find LP .cab files here: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...3-1-pc-rs4_release.76728/page-43#post-1423743
I thought 1803 isn't on the Release channel yet? Does this mean that this thread includes Insider Preview builds?
Nope, the products.cab (containing products.xml) gets always leaked before official release. Insider Previews aren't released as ESD for quite a while now, only in UUP format.
I see. So does does that mean that this 1803 ESD release is also the the one that will be released officially in the future with no changes at all? As for the ESD to ISO conversion, what's the difference between creating an ISO with a standard install.wim compared to a compressed one?
1. Normally it should be the same, but who knows, the info on the "blocking bug" is not officially/publicly published by MSFT, so all is speculation. 2. Only 30% less diskspace taken by the iso with install.esd
The difference is whether the ISO will fit on a DVD or not. This refers to 64 bit as 64bit ISO is between 4.3 GB & 4.4 GB